If you ladies could write reviews ...

HDG, we are a lot alike in many aspects. However, guys names being posted in this thread simply lead to more guys chiming in. I mean, while I appreciate Majic's positive comments about me, it lead to several guys chiming in about a competition. I realize they responded in fun and meant no harm.

The ladies aren't going to mention any names because it might lead to all types of issue between us weak minded men. They won't mention negatives with names as it will lead to us getting our feelings hurt or lead to us focused too much on improving negative stuff in our minds while we are with them. They won't mention names for fear of us not liking whom they are with BCDs. For example, if they mentioned DrinkinDreamin in a reverse type review, they are now off of my To-Do List and i will never see them again because DrinkinDreamin is a Grade A Asshole!! (DrinkinDreamin knows I am playing in this analogy.)

Thus my reason for NO NAMES from the ladies. Let them write Reverse Type Reviews on actual hobbiest that could be actually about one of us or simply fake all together. We can then sit in our own chairs behind our keyboards while imagining who they are talking about. Imagine the fun they could have with us. They could tease us. This could really be a way for them to drum up business without even knowing it.

Of course,if they reference cowboy boots and the Ponderosa, then we all know who that is! Or if they mention a 3" cock that won't stay up, we all know who that is! Ok, now you are all trying to figure out who has the 3" cock. See how much fun this could be!!
destinydevine's Avatar
Honestly, I can definitely say that I enjoy the time I get to spend with y'all.
jordynkriley's Avatar
Now that is fucking hilarious drinkindreamin! You must have hacked my account when I gave a provider reference!!! You are all those good things!!! And you know yourself really really well! Nothing but love for ya and always an amazing time spent with you!!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Now that is fucking hilarious drinkindreamin! You must have hacked my account when I gave a provider reference!!! You are all those good things!!! And you know yourself really really well! Nothing but love for ya and always an amazing time spent with you!! Originally Posted by jordynkriley
Aw Thanks that sweet of ya! Thanks for the reference and keeping me in the game.
Guess it just ain't gonna happen. The ladies are tight lipped and ain't givin up the goods on any of us.
Now, on the other hand. Us hairy legged pervs can't wait to tell the world every time we get a piece of pussy. And talk more about our own exploits than the skills of the ladies.
But the ladies, not so much. They ain't talkin! At least not where horn dogs can see it.
Nice try. And interesting thread. Just ain't panning out as intended.
That's ok though. As long as the keep their doors open. I'll keep taking advantage of their hospitality.
Well, we tried. Although neither thread (SBC or NETX) went as expected, this one sure went better than the NETX one. They were just too serious over there!!

Oh well, thanks to those guys and ladies who participated!!
Yeah, I scoped it out too. Not much interaction over there either. These ladies just ain't talking. And THAT makes me want it more! You know. When you can NOT touch is when you want to the most. And when they won't talk just makes you want to hear it most. Damnedest thing, ain't it.
I would sure like the ladies to chime in but they ain't into it.
They ain't like us, thinking bout it between times actually doin it. Hell, we walk out of one session prepping for the next one.
'That was fun, when can I get around to doin that again?' Outlook.
Women are different. 'Why talk about it till you gotta do it again?' Outlook.
Just kinda disappointing checking in hoping to read something interesting only to find a locker room full of dick swingers. No tits to be found.
Kinda like goin in a bar and no ladies there. How long do ya hang around? Not long. Ain't here for the carmaradarie. Here for the oggling. Show me some titties! I'll stay all night and spend all my money.
silverstate53's Avatar
LOL - they are not about to paint themselves into a corner
  • jwood
  • 07-19-2017, 06:49 AM
All the ladies in chat say Dittychaser is the best at daty.
If it wasn't for my friend Benjamin I would get all NO reviews.
jordynkriley's Avatar
You guys have it all wrong. Some of us girls actually love the experience ...the entire experience ...from the anticipation of our first visit to the satisfaction Once you walk out the door upon completion. I know this sounds crazy but sometimes I have such a good time that I will hold my second o until you would leave and then I would masturbate while replaying the entire session in my mind. There is something that is such a turn-on about the whole experience. Some of the men who met me know that I do this and others may not. It has nothing to do with how he looks or any of that extra stuff it's about how we connected for that moment and the experience that we shared. Now to be honest, there have been one or two that were so disgusting I couldn't wait to scrub myself after the visit but I try to screen well enough as to not let that happen if possible. So if you guys are waiting for us ladies to chime in with something negative, I highly doubt that any of these ladies have anything but positive experiences to tell about.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
If it wasn't for my friend Benjamin I would get all NO reviews. Originally Posted by Headkeeper
Ha ha yeah I know Ben! He's a chatty sumbitch that knows how to get things done.
lindsey269's Avatar
Okay my turn to chime in lol . I want to say that silverslate53 is the best to me so far at daty . It was an awesome time for sure. I think with age you just get better looking also . I would love to write reviews on the guys so the girls could choose to see them or not also . Just my opinion. Have a good day gents and ladies. ����������
silverstate53's Avatar
Ty Lindsey - i find just listening and observing the ladies body language gives me the path to follow..
Tatianamarie's Avatar
All the ladies in chat say Dittychaser is the best at daty. Originally Posted by jwood
he definitely is quite an amazing guy & i always enjoyed my times with him.