First time in ABQ!

jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 06-21-2024, 02:07 PM
This ain't rocket science. A preference is a preference. No need to make more of it than that. Personally, I don't see AA or Asian because it's my preference. Now if the ladies decide they won't see ugly old guys, I may be in trouble.
@lobodick I mean at the end of the day regardless if it's a steak restaurant or selling bags of chips any type of discrimination based off skin is grouped into racism. Saying "I just don't click" with black people is kinda odd to say. What's even more odd it's seen as "normal" to even say that. Essentially an entire race of people is grouped as not good enough, not attractive or whatever else reason provided.

@dweezle22 it is a privilege to be able to be seen by essentially anyone. Even if you call a spade a spade and say some black people did something bad to some of these providers, you'd also have to examine the white clients for the same activities. I'd assume it's because the pot of money is bigger so alienating white people would effectively cut off the income. It isn't the same as not wanting to see obese men, or men with overly big dicks. That generally includes everyone of all races and creeds. I'm not trying to be an asshole I'm just calling out the truth behind it.

The whole "preference" thing is just hidden racism without calling it that. If any line of business or in any conversation with a sane minded person you can't just say "I don't like black people" or "I don't like jews" and not be considered racist or a bigot. Using the word "preference" is just attempting politically correct.

A very good question is when is the last time you seen a provider say "no white guys"? Or really any white skinned men being passed over? Being specific to "Asian" doesn't count because the population of Asians in abq is like 4% of the population.
slyweed's Avatar
This thread needs to go away.
Is anyone else with reputable provider references still having a difficult time getting screened?