SA girls

Im pretty sure the girls on SA haven't had near the volume of a pro. And guys pretty much know when they're talking to a pro. So that argument is invalid. SA is really no different than being active in the bar scene.
Guys hate condoms. Always have, always will. That is the reason I personally only do bbbj with a provider, if I even stoop to seeing one.
  • ron32
  • 05-01-2017, 03:59 PM
Agreed, if I stoop to a provider a BBBJ is good enough. Way too much fun with GFE from a SB.
I don't see why/how any guy, especially any experienced hobby-player, could think he could "guess" or "estimate" how many clients and how many SD's any SA girl has.....

Let me put it another way: the Better-Looking and/or Better BCD an SA girl is then do you think she LACKS for varied client-options on that site....???

I think the hotter that an SA girls pics are then the More Options she has on SA, and ideally her "in-person" looks match the pics. And then ultimately she needs to "back it up" with solid BCD Performance, and ideally Reliability too. If she has all three factors at-play- Looks, Performance, Reliability- then that means she can have As Many Individual SD's As She Wants, at any given time....

Exactly like a UTR provider with basic-historical press on Eccie or TOS. The Hotter they are, the more Options they have. The hotter a provider or SA girl is and (more important) the Better she is BCD then the more Options she has in the overall hobby-market....

Sure, I think there are girls on SA who want to bang for money just one (1) guy. Can an SA girl find that one guy who will pay all her bills, through his regular "allowance"? Sure, those guys exist too....

I have walked out of sessions with SA girls and thought: "She was excellent! I bet she has as many clients as she wants!" Girls and women either "know what they are doing" BCD and with the hobby or they don't. The HYG's (Hot Young Girls) who "know what they are doing" on SA? You think they lack for any options on that site.....????

The second to last girl on SA I did a session with: she is Hot Enough to get as many clients as she wants. She said she wants "just one guy to see." Maybe that is true, maybe not.....

A lot of HYG's (Hot Young Girls) on SA. Some of them perform like porn-stars. Others don't know what they are doing BCD, or they are unreliable and unprofessional. The Pro-Ho's on SA: anyone think they LACK for any options and any clients on that site.....????

If a new, young, hot girl debuts on SA I assume her PM box will be Flooded with PM's from SA SD's. I don't expect them to answer my PM in the first month, because of the number of SD players who are swarming them. If they are still around in two or three months, and still surfing on SA, then I estimate they are easier to contact and do business with. They have "been through the ringer" with scores of guys inquiring with them, maybe seen a guy or two BCD, and they are more "measured" about what they want and how they want to proceed....

Capable and hot SA girls are just like ASPD, Eccie and TOS-oriented UTR providers- they have as many clients as they want. JMHO.....
Simple...there are a ton of choices on SA compared to hobby sites. Second, as told to me by several girls from SA, the amount of guys collecting pix, sexting, window shopping is far higher than the amount of guys following through.

Then factor in GPS...aside from pros there aren't a ton of girls actually getting an arrangement. Most get one or two guys that use them then they leave the site. It's almost 100% p4p and most of these girls don't want to dirty their resume for something that could hurt their job prospects after graduation.

SA is work. I know how I screen and the research I do. I bb every one of them...including a few I got before they became popular here.

I don't think SA is what everyone thinks. I think it's awesome, but I don't think it's like Indys. The hidden gems, the ones I do all that work for are not seeing multiple guys a day or even a week. I think it's over thinking and the moo mafia chiming in just fuels the fire. Of course they have all these safety concerns because SA is their biggest competition...
  • ron32
  • 05-03-2017, 07:04 AM
If you have some game and a few bucks, SA is a gold mine. Easily double your results if you have a place to host at.

The pros on TOS have a reason to be upset and chiming in. Why spend some 100 to 250 donation on a higher volume girl when that same money or less can get you a GFE college cutie? But I really doubt they are hurting that much. There still is a great market for their services for the guys who don't use SA and for anyone looking for a quick lay without doing the work.

I always offer an arrangement to my SA prospects. For the real GFE SB types anyway. The p4p ones and pros on there I hardly mess with anymore. If it works out, thats fine. If they get greedy, then on to the next one. I have two great steady SBs so why muddy the waters. If they happen to get 'popular' then its time to move on. Always more fresh fish in the pond.
Exactly Ron. The true SB that have a steady thing aren't on the site every day. They don't have the time. They have class, studying, papers to write. I don't believe for a minute many girls want to turn it into a profession.
I agree with most of what Ron32 and Spazzer are saying. They are two of the more experienced and "report-back" SA-players who post on Eccie.....

Yes, I think most (most) of the SA girls I have interacted with and/or banged for money want to see as FEW clients as possible. I get a distinct "new to the game" vibe from many SA girls, and whether or not I end up closing the deal with each one. And even the Pro Ho's I have seen BCD gave me the impression they wanted to see as Few clients who would pay all their bills.....

The question is do they FIND that certain number of clients, or Just One Guy, who will pay all their bills? And that is generally hard to determine with each SB- I don't assume they will be honest with that intel. And no- I don't ask....

My interaction with SA girls is the same interaction I had with ASPD and then TOS providers when I was a regular hobbyist on those hobby-scene sites. This is what I strive-for, and in the best of cases I get it, and often there is extraneous "getting to know each other" stuff I have to deal with too:

1.) PM the SB. 2.) Do the intro "getting to know each other" stuff. 3.) Set a day and time to bang. 4.) Show up. 5.) Do business and pay 6.) BOLT.

Ideally the whole "process" on SA should be as EASY as it is on TOS and Eccie. PM them, book a day and time, show up, Do Business, BOLT. Experienced SA players including Ron32 and Spazzer know SA entails more "process" than that. Just a different "scene" with all it's different positives and different negatives.....

I am pretty optimistic about SA lately because my last two sessions with SA girls were "same day" and "short notice" sessions. I was on SA in the morning, brief PM exchange with each one, within 2 hours I was in a motel Doing Business. Both requested pics of me, I refused each request, and both STILL wanted to Do Business THAT Day. I wish they all were that easy.....

There will always be a market for TOS and Eccie for hobbyists who don't want to do any "getting to know you" stuff with SA girls, and they don't want ANY "process" in-order to pay-to-get-laid. PM the provider, book a day and time, show up, Do Business, BOLT. That is the ideal I strive for on SA. Sometime I strike-gold with Pro Ho's, other times I run-in to "not interested in a sexual arrangement" and "online only" and "let's get to know each other" wastes of time....

SA is a TRIP, no doubt about it. The oddest and most fun new hobby scene in PGH since the early-old ASPD and the first couple years of Indys. There are Pro Ho's on SA, Clueless Picky Princess's, useless "non-sexual arrangement only" girls, and also SB's who want one or as few SD's who will pay all their bills. Any guy who wants to do the whole "process" on SA can have a lot of fun there, and hook-up with solid-BCD-Performing girls with varied-different levels of "civilian" to each one.....
I had one girl who was doing it to pay her divorce lawyer. She had a regular job. One college girl that had a rough face. The rest weren't college girls and were nothing but drug addicted conniving whores. It might be my age but I had trouble hooking up with the college girls. I got a lot of smoke blown up my ass by them. At the moment of truth, they would go dark.
Going dark happens to everyone and it is frustrating. Chalk it up to cold feet. They THINK they can do this then realize when it's time they just can't.

SA is so similar to sales. That's how I treat it. As you gain experience you start to instinctively know what tactics to use. Been doing it for 3 years or so and the quality of girl just blows away any pro. And they're attractive, far more attractive than most pros.
When I hit a bad spell, I simply step away for a while...
  • Dlh
  • 05-04-2017, 08:38 AM
What is the chance that i could find a suger momma? I may have been going about this all wrong...
  • qldy
  • 05-04-2017, 05:18 PM
What is the chance that i could find a suger momma? I may have been going about this all wrong... Originally Posted by Dlh
If you like the gray bush go for it.
  • ron32
  • 05-05-2017, 05:54 PM
tolstoy, thanks for the compliment.

My experience with the same day gals is that they are usually pros advertising on the site, or UTR providers. Or the ho who thinks she is worth more because you responded to her on SA. Either way these types do more volume than I am looking for in a SB or an SA contact. Sure, I have done the same day deed with these types between my Sugar babe arrangements, but its really not my style. If I want a ho, I look on CL or BP, its a lot simpler.

On the 'no sex' gals, I've had two separate arrangements with these types that were some of the best sex I've had. Show you are genuine and not a monger with these women. Some may be a bust, but a good bit of these women are just being very selective and are usually very GFE.
On the 'no sex' gals, I've had two separate arrangements with these types that were some of the best sex I've had. Show you are genuine and not a monger with these women. Some may be a bust, but a good bit of these women are just being very selective and are usually very GFE. Originally Posted by ron32
100% with this. Sex is the death word early in your approach. If you are explicit that you expect this right off the bat then you'll never find the most amazing ones. These are the ones that are better than any provider and cost you pennies on the dollar compared to providers.
  • ron32
  • 05-06-2017, 08:07 AM
Dead on. Not all women on SA are p4p or hoes. You can usually tell within the first few messages with them if they are or not. If they are a ho, then approach from that angle if you choose. If not, and you still want to proceed, use some patience, do a meet or two, see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised if you choose to go that route.
I always just skipped over the ads that said strictly platonic. I guess I missed the boat