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Ripmany's Avatar
We all have to obey the same laws. Brake Lights are for safety. For you and me! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Ever drive a car with no brakes to shop. The stick out car door at 4am should be good enough.
He stopped you for a Brake Light right? He was asking to see if you are a responsible enough motorist to be heading to Auto Zone or some other Auto Parts Store to get a bulb. Now did he Ticket you or let you go on a warning? Originally Posted by Levianon17
So the Cops did their job. And looked out for one another while folks are killing Officers for fun.
End result is proof that when you cooperate and give respect to LE. A more harmonious outcome is guaranteed Originally Posted by winn dixie
It's not stupid. He probably checked your driving record it was probably clean, no priors. A Warning Citation is just a notation on the computer that indicates you were stopped for a non moving violation and if you're stopped again for the same thing it will just indicate you had a prior warning. Originally Posted by Levianon17
A malfunctioning Brake light is still a violation. He let you go on a warning. Remember he didn't have to. A brake light Bulb is pretty cheap compared to a Ticket. Originally Posted by Levianon17
We all have to obey the same laws. Brake Lights are for safety. For you and me! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Whole lotta boot licking.

Police Departments should be run like Fire Departments - Firemen don't drive around looking for fires. Cops should wait at the PD for people to call them, not cruising around looking for trouble to cause.
Whole lotta boot licking.

Police Departments should be run like Fire Departments - Firemen don't drive around looking for fires. Cops should wait at the PD for people to call them, not cruising around looking for trouble to cause. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Traffic Violations have to be observed by the Officer in order for them to be enforced. The whole idea of Patrol is to detect crime in progress.
Traffic Violations have to be observed by the Officer in order for them to be enforced. The whole idea of Patrol is to detect crime in progress. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Traffic Violations are a municipal fund generating tool disguised as preventative policing, you can tell so because the punishment for such violations is a fine.

Additionally, when a crime or a violation only has a penalty of a fine, it means that the law only applies to the poor.

Real life isn't the movie Minority Report. We shouldn't be bothering people who haven't done anything wrong or hurt anyone. Laws written with the attempt to protect people from themselves are an overreach of the government, as it's not the government's job to protect you from yourself.
Traffic Violations are a municipal fund generating tool disguised as preventative policing, you can tell so because the punishment for such violations is a fine.

Additionally, when a crime or a violation only has a penalty of a fine, it means that the law only applies to the poor.

Real life isn't the movie Minority Report. We shouldn't be bothering people who haven't done anything wrong or hurt anyone. Laws written with the attempt to protect people from themselves are an overreach of the government, as it's not the government's job to protect you from yourself. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Citations are revenue that's true. But vehicles are manufactured with safety equipment such as a horn, Headlights, blinkers, Brake Lights, Brakes and tires with a substantial amount of tread depth. If that equipment isn't maintained the driver is in violation, technically.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is an interesting topic. While my libertarian side tends to agree with Gaston, but conversely, driving like an idiot or in an unsafe car doesn’t only endanger the driver, but everyone else on the road.
Ripmany's Avatar
Whole lotta boot licking.

Police Departments should be run like Fire Departments - Firemen don't drive around looking for fires. Cops should wait at the PD for people to call them, not cruising around looking for trouble to cause. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Fired department are ass holes too they come and random inspector you business for whole lot fire code violation, sometimes don't like frie in welding chip bend. I take you never ran any business.
This is an interesting topic. While my libertarian side tends to agree with Gaston, but conversely, driving like an idiot or in an unsafe car doesn’t only endanger the driver, but everyone else on the road. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You're right about that. The most dangerous thing we all do on a daily basis is drive a car. Partially due to the fact way too many drivers are distracted, unskilled and drive vehicles with mechanical and safety issues.
GaGambler's Avatar
This is an interesting topic. While my libertarian side tends to agree with Gaston, but conversely, driving like an idiot or in an unsafe car doesn’t only endanger the driver, but everyone else on the road. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I agree, it's like DUI laws, I HATE them when they apply to me, BUT I have a friend who routinely used to drink 30-40 beers and then get on the road to drive who was a fucking menace to himself and everyone around him. In his case I am thankful there are DUI laws which I am sure have prevented him from killing someone.

Yes, I too have serious Libertarian leanings, but I would rather have the cops out on the road PREVENTING people from getting killed by getting them off the road than to have them sitting on their asses eating donuts waiting for a call to come in that yet another drunk driver killed someone when it could have been prevented.
Fired department are ass holes too they come and random inspector you business for whole lot fire code violation, sometimes don't like frie in welding chip bend. I take you never ran any business. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Not a fan of fire/health inspections, I get the utility. But cops using equipment violations as an excuse to inspect a vehicle for contraband or other crimes is a bit over the top, especially when they use intimidation tactics.

I like the classical description of "Peace Officers" over the new description of "Law Enforcement"