JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Isn't it rather simple? The banks may have lobbied but it was the democrats who gave them what they wanted right? This whole time I thought it was the GOP who was friends with bankers.

Isn't it rather simple? The banks may have lobbied but it was the democrats who gave them what they wanted right? This whole time I thought it was the GOP who was friends with bankers.

YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO EVA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Shirley, if it was passed by a huge majority in congress then both parties are responsible. Remove head from ass.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No it was a stretch to blame a president for 1 and 2 . Had the U.S. truly been a "neutral" in WWI, it wouldn't have been drawn into that war. FDR's foreign policy, more so than Wilson's with Imperial Germany, played a direct and significant role in bringing the U.S. to the edge of war with Japan. Those are the facts, and I don't really disagree with what either of them did except that the soldiers, sailors and Marines they sent to war were not trained and equipped as well as they might have been.

You always blame the democrats for the meltdown when the banks lobbied from the '60's for repeal of Glass Segal There were millions in lobby money spent for it. All you want to do is blame the dems and to be sure to bash slick willie. However you give the republicans a pass for the same thing. Only because the whole lib-retard, lame stream media has brainwashed lib-retards into believing that dim-retards played no role in the 2007 financial crisis.

BTW, it's the politicians' fault. Bankers are like the scorpion that stings the frog while crossing the river: "It's in their nature." Politicians are elected and paid to be the guardians.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Guest123018-4's Avatar
radical and liberal are two different things as you do not have to be a radical to be a liberal nor a liberal to be a radical.

The failure to understand that people want freedom and liberty rather than oppression and control is foreign to the liberal or progressive mind.

As far as idiots in a large enough group , that is proven out by the re-election of Obama and the first election of Obama.

I do suppose that the idea of individual freedom and liberty is a radical idea to the liberal progressives. The inability to have control over the individual means no power. Scary idea to the commies that run the Democrat party.
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Same old same old blaw blaw blaw. GLB act was passed 9-8 in Senate 362 -57 house both parties were involved,