Is out of retirment until the babies here

champagnechanel's Avatar
Not sure if the skank above feels her words hurt or some shit lol but me and my girlfriend just sit back and laugh and laugh. Like who really has time to keep going to somebody else's page and post comment after comment?
I love it !!!
A cat fight over proper grammar !!!
I'm glad to see it because every time I get on this site, the spelling errors drive me insane !!!
Good to see someone noticing this kind of thing.
Not sure if the skank above feels her words hurt or some shit lol but me and my girlfriend just sit back and laugh and laugh. Like who really has time to keep going to somebody else's page and post comment after comment? Originally Posted by champagnechanel
You really should be laughing at yourself it's a shame how uneducated you make yourself out to be and how educated you claim to be...

Im still waiting for you to tell me why im lucky you don't know me in real life? Remember when you were attempting to threaten me on the first page...
  • tyred
  • 01-06-2016, 01:42 PM
The (above) messages have to be a put-on by a couple of out of work comedy writers
JRLawrence's Avatar
Bitch is dumb lol babies meaning multiple I know English perfectly well graduated college on the deans list which is a lot to say for a lot of providers. Next time you try to correct me might want to reconsider.. Originally Posted by champagnechanel
Bull Shit!!! We may not see you on this stupid hooker board. Even here people expect more. But you surely did not even get past English 101 with a decent grade, let alone the Dean's list. That little mistake on the apostrophe would have, and should have, been an automatic F (for you fail the class). In many colleges, this mistake would prevent your graduation until you could pass an English usage exam.
Rule 1a. Use the apostrophe to show possession. To show possession with a singular noun, add an apostrophe plus the letter s.

a woman's hat
the boss's wife
Mrs. Chang's house
I bet you don't even know what you were criticized for in your first post.
Look again:
I've resolved my issues and is out of retirement. Where should I go first?
We learn things to improve ourselves. It is not, so we can make more money, we do it to improve ourselves so that we are a better value to both ourselves, and our families.

Go back to school and learn how to write a simple sentence. Your children don't need a a mother who's lack of ability and understanding is obvious.

Good grief,

JRLawrence's Avatar
There ain't hardly nobody on this here site that are able to right good enuff to coreck sumbody elses english here. It is the wurst i seen inyware. Evin if all grammer and speling missteaks was coreckted, most posts don't be able say whut the mean to say and are real hard to know whut they is saying because they don't make cents and the centenses is run on and on and on forever and ever and are repetitively repeatedly redundant. I ain't talkin out typos, too. Someone that uses "there" or "thier" or "they're" stead of "their" just sumtimes that mite be a axidintly typo, but if they do it evry time then thy don't know the diffronts. Both providers and hobbiests is as bad as each other. The wons that writ the rules and stickies is just as bad. One rule says something and the next one says the same thing but it is counterdicktry so it is diffront. Evin the biggest critick don't know subjuncktive mood. Cause he said "if that was the case" instead of "if that were the case".

So far, the posts by TravelingGentleman exemplify the best use of written American English I have seen on ECCIE. Even if you disagree with everything he says, he adequately expresses himself.

Read his thread starter at

btw, he doesn't use many texting abbreviations, so some people who cannot communicate without them may not understand what he is saying. lol

btw again, go ahead and check my other posts. You will understand why I didn't use them as good examples of writing. I'm not very good at proof reading. Originally Posted by PsychedelicDog

That is so funny! Love it!

How long did you work to give us this response.


Gotyour6's Avatar
What a great thread
PsychedelicMut's Avatar

That is so funny! Love it!

How long did you work to give us this response.


JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence

I just started rambling. It took less time because I didn't have to correct any mistakes.
champagnechanel's Avatar
Wow yes you dumb fucks I know where the mistake was but eh auto correct on a cell will do that especially when your talking into it.
Sorry but I don't participate in doubles with whores that have no self respect for themselves or there body... That's a huge risk that I prefer not to participate in.. Also by the description of your activities your looking to play unsafe and thats a big HELL NO in my book.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

You shut that lil' fantasy of his down QUICK! Lol

You shut that lil' fantasy of his down QUICK! Lol Originally Posted by Eva Damita

Of course we don't need any more fuckery attached to my name...
Wow yes you dumb fucks I know where the mistake was but eh auto correct on a cell will do that especially when your talking into it. Originally Posted by champagnechanel
Sure blame it on the spell check did the spell check also miss type that long ass pm you sent to me this morning in my inbox or did you meant to type it? Well you can't blame anyone but yourself because you are going on a long vacation now... Goodbye
I try not to judge people from their writing/grammar when I don't know them. I, for example, not good in writing (I have other qualities :-). And what if English is their second language?
I try not to judge people from their writing/grammar when I don't know them. I, for example, not good in writing (I have other qualities :-). And what if English is their second language? Originally Posted by samantha thom
She just said she was on the Dean's List do you know what that is ? Google it she shouldn't have one grammer mistake or make posts asking about bars when she is prego or threaten to harm providers and etc
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Wow yes you dumb fucks I know where the mistake was but eh auto correct on a cell will do that especially when your talking into it. Originally Posted by champagnechanel
She just said she was on the Dean's List do you know what that is ? Google it she shouldn't have one grammer mistake or make posts asking about bars when she is prego or threaten to harm providers and etc Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
What's worse? Punctuation errors? Grammatical errors? Spelling errors? We use different devices to communicate on this board. I think the auto-correct and grammar check is different in each.

Back to the OP: How soon after the pregnancy will you get back to work on your back?