Stupid shit anti-vaxxers say and do

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Old news HF. He said that Tuesday and hasn't been strung up yet. At least he didn't hang up in the middle of the interview in a petulant frenzy like you know who.

I think the bottom line is that NOBODY knows jackshit about Omicron. Deaths are beginning to rise in heavily infected states, but for the most part, it's a cold/flu kinda thing.
... If you say so.

### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...THESE SHOTS DO NOT CONFER SNY IMMUNITY.... Originally Posted by ICU 812
A new anomaly of the vaxx seems to be emerging. It seems as though not only does the vaxx create super spreaders and not infer immunity, but they also seems to deny immunity. It is looking like if you are vaxxed and actually survived it, then get the covid, you can get it again. However, the natural immunity that the unvaxxed enjoy from exposure does not seem to be afforded to the vaxxed that get the covid, one or more times.

If true, that's a wrinkle that won't buff out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A new anomaly of the vaxx seems to be emerging. It seems as though not only does the vaxx create super spreaders and not infer immunity, but they also seems to deny immunity. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Prove that, good sir.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Prove that, good sir. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Thanky, no. If your news provider is not showing it then either it doesn't exist or you need a new news provider. Will leave that puzzle to you to solve.

But I'll toss this bone your way. If I were curious about such things I might try a search of something akin to "Natural immunity vs Covid-19 vaccine-induced immunity".

Go fetch
What else is your news provider not providing you?!?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
A new anomaly of the vaxx seems to be emerging. It seems as though not only does the vaxx create super spreaders and not infer immunity, but they also seems to deny immunity. It is looking like if you are vaxxed and actually survived it, then get the covid, you can get it again. However, the natural immunity that the unvaxxed enjoy from exposure does not seem to be afforded to the vaxxed that get the covid, one or more times.

If true, that's a wrinkle that won't buff out. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

if that's true then the vaccine was intentionally created to keep the virus going when it probably would have burned out by now. of the known SARs prior viruses 3 of the 7 known viruses did exactly that, burned out.

data recently put out claim this omicron strain is some 3 to 4 times more transmissible but likewise 3 to 4 times less virulent. this pattern is known to happen as a virus mutates itself out of existence. or becomes so mild as to be less than the common cold.
... Surely remember tow things President Trump said
18 months ago - that co-vid could end up being like
the flu... And we'll just need to learn to live with it.

And here we are.

### Salty
And this just in, "EVERYBODY" will catch Omicron and there is nothing that can prevent this from happening! OK, almost everybody.

Infectious disease expert and White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that “just about everybody” will eventually be infected with the omicron variant of the coronavirus.
Omicron, with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility, will, ultimately, find just about everybody,” Fauci told the Center for Strategic and International Studies during a “fireside chat.”
Those who have been vaccinated and vaccinated and boosted would get exposed. Some, maybe a lot of them, will get infected but will very likely, with some exceptions, do reasonably well in the sense of not having hospitalization and death,” he added.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Which is still far better than having caught the Alpha and Beta variants and being seriously ill or dying. Which was what was occurring on the outset of the disease. This is actually a good thing. Instead of killing millions by allowing the original variants to spread like wildfire killing at a high clip, we’ve effectively stretched the time long enough to have a variant with less virulence that most people will be able to live with without consequence IF THEY ARE VACCINATED

The unvaccinated will still see illness, hospitalizations and death at about 20x the rate of the vaccinated. I’m fine with that. Natural selection doing its thing.

And for those that keep lying that the vaccine provides no immunity. That’s just false. How do you explain the lower instances of infection among the vaccinated if the vaccine provides no immunity? If less people contract the disease amongst the population of the vaccinated than the vaccinated, what’s the reason for that if not for immunity from the vaccine?
LexusLover's Avatar
The unvaccinated will still see illness, hospitalizations and death at about 20x the rate of the vaccinated. I’m fine with that. Natural selection doing its thing.

And for those that keep lying that the vaccine provides no immunity. Originally Posted by NoirMan
#1: It's sad you wish traditional minorities in this country to be the victims of "Natural selection" and "see illness, hospitalizations and death..." After you are yourself "naturally" selected you want have the pleasing experience of seeing the offspring of those vaccinated suffering and dying from defective organs, including their brains, from the untested vaccines and "boosters"! Too bad you won't be around to "enjoy" your handy work!

#2: I do not know of ANYONE who has claimed "the vaccine provides no immunity"! Please share their post or legitimate news article with an announcement of a medical/scientific opinion (which doesn't include the stupidshits on the CNN, MSNBC, et al).

If you can't .... go figure!

BTW: Have you ever read an actual report and/or FDA or copyright or trademark application/filing from the "lab" funded by Fauci that created the Covid-19 cell? If you haven't, then continue to delude yourself with the LameStreamMediaPropoganda Machine.

I got vaccinated as soon as I was eligible back in early 2021. I got a booster shot as soon as it was made available to me that summer.

However, these shots are not really a vaccine in the traditional sense of the word as Louis Pasture would understand it. They seem to be a type of gene therapy that limits the effects of infection to "flue-like" symptoms. These shots are a sort of pre-treatment, that is palliative rather than protective.


People who have had all the recommended shots (and they are recommending more shots) can still become infected and spread the virus, even if they have no symptoms. No wonder it spreads like the Boulder wildfire.

I got the shots because of my age (71) and several age-related health conditions. People who have survived infection do not need more shots. Healthy and fit children and healthy, fit adults under the age of fifty should consult their doctor on the advisability of getting these shoats.

Forcing everyone to get the shots without regard to their specific medical history or place in life is counterproductive to any sociatal return to any post-pandemic lifeway. Originally Posted by ICU 812
#1: It's sad you wish traditional minorities in this country to be the victims of "Natural selection" and "see illness, hospitalizations and death..." After you are yourself "naturally" selected you want have the pleasing experience of seeing the offspring of those vaccinated suffering and dying from defective organs, including their brains, from the untested vaccines and "boosters"! Too bad you won't be around to "enjoy" your handy work!

#2: I do not know of ANYONE who has claimed "the vaccine provides no immunity"! Please share their post or legitimate news article with an announcement of a medical/scientific opinion (which doesn't include the stupidshits on the CNN, MSNBC, et al).

If you can't .... go figure!

BTW: Have you ever read an actual report and/or FDA or copyright or trademark application/filing from the "lab" funded by Fauci that created the Covid-19 cell? If you haven't, then continue to delude yourself with the LameStreamMediaPropoganda Machine. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I’m pretty sure you’re just not very good at reading.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Thanky, no. If your news provider is not showing it then either it doesn't exist or you need a new news provider. Will leave that puzzle to you to solve.

But I'll toss this bone your way. If I were curious about such things I might try a search of something akin to "Natural immunity vs Covid-19 vaccine-induced immunity".

Go fetch
What else is your news provider not providing you?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The man expects to be spoon fed everything.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Which is still far better than having caught the Alpha and Beta variants and being seriously ill or dying. Which was what was occurring on the outset of the disease. This is actually a good thing. Instead of killing millions by allowing the original variants to spread like wildfire killing at a high clip, we’ve effectively stretched the time long enough to have a variant with less virulence that most people will be able to live with without consequence IF THEY ARE VACCINATED

The unvaccinated will still see illness, hospitalizations and death at about 20x the rate of the vaccinated. I’m fine with that. Natural selection doing its thing.

And for those that keep lying that the vaccine provides no immunity. That’s just false. How do you explain the lower instances of infection among the vaccinated if the vaccine provides no immunity? If less people contract the disease amongst the population of the vaccinated than the vaccinated, what’s the reason for that if not for immunity from the vaccine? Originally Posted by NoirMan
Don't forget to factor in how many died needlessly because of governors like Cuomo and Whitmer who literally threw people in with the virus. To a lesser extent, Newsome in California and some others. Their actions increased the death toll and then there is the known fact that (they admit it now) healthcare officials hiked the death toll with accounting tricks. Died with Covid became died from Covid.
LexusLover's Avatar
if that's true then the vaccine was intentionally created to keep the virus .... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I doubt those posting on this board who have taken any one or more of the vaccines and/or boosters that have a clue as to the "mechanics" of the Covid cell as to its manner of attacking the body, so they don't have a clue as to how the vaccines/boosters "attack" the covid cells.

And at a 2nd level those same vaccine recipients don't know the difference between how covid attacks and omicron "attacks" and where each settle into the body. They remind me of a true story....

.... a lady I knew well in my younger years was a teenager in Nazi Germany and walked to school from their house, which was sort of on the edge of the city where they lived. About halfway to school there was a terrible stench and there was smoke coming bout of the stacks on top of the building. She asked what it was. She was told it was a trash burning facility. She took their word for it and no one else said differently UNTIL AFTER THE WAR WAS OVER. They were gassing and "cremating" Jewish people there.

Is there any reason why those "in power" today want EVERYONE to receive THEIR vaccine? Is there any reason why they claimed THEY wouldn't take the vaccine if Trump recommended it while he was President? Does anyone posting on this board KNOW .... and I said KNOW .... whether or not those "in power" have actually received a "vaccine" for Covid and how many additional pops and boosters?If so, did they get the same as is being passed out to those not "in power" who are sheepishly and without inquiry rolling up their sleeves to take this UNKNOWN SUBSTANCE IN THE ARM?

And why do those same people keep getting caught without masks and NOT SOCIAL DISTANCING?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Welcome back, my friends
To the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside

There behind a glass
Stands a real blade of grass
Be careful as you pass
Move along! Move along

Come inside, the show's about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
The greatest show in Heaven, Hell, or Earth

You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll

Right before your eyes
We'll pull laughter from the skies
And he laughs until he cries
Then he dies, then he dies

You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll

Soon the Gypsy Queen
In a glaze of Vaseline
Will perform on guillotine
What a scene! What a scene
Next upon the stand
Will you please extend a hand
To Alexander's Ragtime Band
Dixieland, Dixieland

SGT Report: Evidence of using vaccines for mass murder undeniable

...In this episode, the hosts discuss presentations by former Pfizer scientist Mike Yeadon, citing how different batches of the vaccine have different formulas in order for the company to have an “experiment within an experiment” to “try out what kind of dosage is needed in order to do this and what it looks like in order to kill people.”

New information also showed that there had been 950 different batches of vaccines, and the baseline is that normally, nothing happens. But in some batches, there is toxicity about 3,000 times more than the baseline, like the companies are trying to find out the doses of the effect of something depending on how many people die. The numbers are usually dependent on the different batches; however, the data Yeadon pulled is only from Pfizer. There are different structures with others such as Johnson & Johnson, which had a horrible accumulation of cases in certain batches.

The bottom line is that there are some batches that, at least on their surface, appear to be harmless, so according to Mike Yeadon, there is a one in 200 chance that a person is going to run into one of the dangerous batches. (Related: The globalists are preparing for mass murder in the weeks ahead.)

However, despite seeming like a game of Russian roulette, it is not so: it’s a trial, so it is planned. All the batches are sent somewhere and they are supposed to be used and all registered. At times they are equally transported over the use of an entire state and sometimes there’s a local spot. The pharmaceutical companies take turns; they have different ideas on what they could try out in the trials, and all doctors think they are giving the same types of vaccines for everyone, but they are not. They have been misused for a big trial with no ethics committee, leaving people as the victims.
Specific batches with lethal outcomes

Adverse events are not occurring randomly in batches or lots of vaccines made by any given manufacturer. Evidence from Yeadon showed that only five to ten percent of batches or lots are associated with almost all the deaths connected with the COVID vaccines.

Given the tight requirements of consistency that are necessary for deploying medical products, it is absolutely impossible for these fatalities to be coincidental.

Analysts have discovered that there are only four to five different sets of batches or lots of the Pfizer vaccine deployed in the U.S. that showed Dose Range Finding effects, which are necessary to figure out lethal outcomes. There is also a “quiet period” between these lethal batches, the purpose of which is to establish a baseline for the effects of the vaccines.

All three big pharma companies, namely, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, are doing similar, sinister studies and are operating in such as way so that they will not run over each other.

Various reports through November 26, 2021 showed that there had been 19,532 deaths, 99,943 hospitalizations, 102,000 urgent care visits, 145,000 doctor’s office visits, 300 anaphylaxis reactions and 11,636 cases of Bell’s Palsy. These numbers don’t even cover pericarditis and myocarditis, which are among the most common adverse effects of the vaccines. Finally, there is also the issue regarding the vaccine’s safety for pregnant women, as there had been at least 2,508 miscarriages that occurred as a result of the experimental vaccines...
LexusLover's Avatar
A new anomaly of the vaxx seems to be emerging. It seems as though not only does the vaxx create super spreaders and not infer immunity, but they also seems to deny immunity. It is looking like if you are vaxxed and actually survived it, then get the covid, you can get it again. However, the natural immunity that the unvaxxed enjoy from exposure does not seem to be afforded to the vaxxed that get the covid, one or more times.

If true, that's a wrinkle that won't buff out. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
As I mentioned in another posting ... those rolling up their sleeves on a whim are not well informed if informed at all as to the underlying "mechanics" of the "vaccines" and fail to even inquire how it was that pharma so quickly produced a "pop" to neutralize the covid cell .... with little if any scientific/medical research ....

... Fauci knows that answer, because Fauci was around during Obaminable/Bitten years in 2014 when OB stopped funding the lab and authorized Faki/Fauci to begin funding the research in 2017.

In that lab (and others) cells were being "augmented" to seek out other cells in the body, attach to them, and then attract the immune system to the attached cell to destroy it. (Those augmented cells are copyrighted/patented on documents filed with the U.S. government and SEALED to protect the DNA formulas that must be matched to the target cell DNA.) The cell attacked was a cancer cell and the process was to replace chemo, which historically destroyed the immune system.

So given that background it is not a large leap to conclude that the "vaccine" is effectively eliminating the active immune system, which pharma does historically when created chemicals to do the work of the immune system. The reason why small children fair well with either of these "human-created-pandemics" is because young children, like all young animals, have an excellent immune system to facilitate their safety and growth into adulthood. Our unfortunate "pharma" dependent culture effectively eradicates the more effective immune systems we have.

And the reason why those with NATURAL IMMUNITY are better protected than those vaccinated is because the NATURAL IMMUNE system was DESIGNED by a superior process creating life to adapt to the hostile Earth upon which that LIFE was missioned to exist.