Why would you vote for Joanne Marie Jorgensen (Libertarian)?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
With apologies to Tiny, I will derail this stagnant train.

St. Francis de Sales and the tale of the wise statue


A wise and learned man, he became Bishop of Geneva at a time when he couldn’t even go into Geneva itself because it was under strict Calvinist control. And yet he personally inspired widespread conversion back to the Catholic Church, not only through his skill as a writer and preacher but also and especially because of his gentle, pastoral ways.

But I want to share today . . . a story so simple, so naively profound that it goes straight to the heart of the matter and reveals a great truth about our relationship with God.

It goes like this:

If a statue which the sculptor had niched in the gallery of some great prince were endowed with understanding, and could reason and talk; and if it were asked: O fair statue, tell me now, why art thou in that niche? — It would answer, — Because my master placed me there. And if one should reply, — But why stayest thou there without doing anything? — Because, would it say, my master did not place me here to do anything, but simply that I should be here motionless. But if one should urge it further, saying: But, poor statue, what art thou the better for remaining there in that sort? Well! would it say, I am not here for my own interest and service, but to obey and accomplish the will of my master and maker; and this suffices me. And if one should yet insist thus: Tell me then, statue, I pray, not seeing thy master how dost thou find contentment in contenting him? No, verily, would it confess; I see him not, for I have not eyes for seeing, as I have not feet for walking; but I am too contented to know that my dear master sees me here, and takes pleasure in seeing me here. But if one should continue the dispute with the statue, and say unto it: But wouldst thou not at least wish to have power to move that thou mightest approach near thy maker, to afford him some better service? Doubtless it would answer, No, and would protest that it desired to do nothing but what its master wished. Is it possible then, would one say at last, that thou desirest nothing but to be an immovable statue there, within that hollow niche? Yes, truly, would that wise statue answer in conclusion; I desire to be nothing but a statue and ever in this niche, so long as my master pleases, contenting myself to be here, and thus, since such is the contentment of him whose I am, and by whom I am what I am.

St. Francis is speaking here specifically about prayer, about those times of dryness when the act of prayer seems useless.

Patron Saint of writers.
  • Tiny
  • 10-01-2020, 10:13 PM
Where does one apply for membership or is it by invitation only? What are the annual dues? Got any Club perks or a two drink minimum? How's the food in this joint? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Club Tiny meets three times a year, once at the Pegasus Club in Bangkok, once at Scandallo Lounge in Sao Paulo, and once at Club Globe near Zurich.

Is the food good? Damn good.

Are their perks? You bet there are.

Is there a two drink minimum? Hell no. If you choose to attend your first meeting in Bangkok for example you'll get your own free bottle of whiskey, rum or gin (your choice), to be stored at the club, plus an all nighter with your choice of two superstars or three stars. We can't be quite as generous in Sao Paulo or Switzerland because costs are higher, but it's still a damn good deal.

And this is the best part, you don't pay anything! It's all free.

Club Tiny is kind of like the Knights of Columbus, a social group that's affiliated with the Catholic Church. You must join The Free Markets Church of Tiny to become a member of Club Tiny. You can do this by wiring your $10,000 tax deductible contribution to my bank account in the Cayman Islands.

Normally there's no initiation ritual, but for you there will be. You'll have to wear an N95 mask without an exhale valve at all times for a week, as long as you're within 200 yards of another human being. This applies while you're sleeping too, but you can get around it by camping out in a remote area.

P.S., Eccieuser, if you'll join, instead of the booze and the Thai hookers, I'll do my damnedest to set up a repeat for you with Lauren Mayfair.
  • Tiny
  • 10-01-2020, 10:30 PM
I read your PM before I posted... if you follow me outside of the political forum, you'll find I have a tendency towards sarcasm and jokes Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That's embarrassing. Well, I'm the second most likely person in this forum to have irony fly right over his head. Oeb's #1.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
club tiny??? 10,000 to join? snicker!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Stop acting stupid and show proof of your fucked up statements.
Why can't you spell "the"? You misspelled twice here. What could you have add? Get the fuck out of here.
Infest some white douche-boys movment.
Debate is good for looking at the ideas of candidates.
i agree teh 'open borders' plank is anathema to me
many other aspects of teh Libertarian platform i agree with.

As the DPST's will likely learn (the hard way as debt on the American people) - you cannot have both open borders and a welfare state simultaneously.

Now - 9500- tell us what is Cantinflas'stand on open borders and a universal welfare state in America??? Originally Posted by oeb11
Jorgensens policies and the party as a whole follow the simple principle of Individual Liberty, Personal Responsibility, and Non-Aggression. These Liberty principles are the principles that this nation was founded on while also leading to optimal economic outcomes.

So of course, the general US population don’t care about the actual values of this country. That’s evident when we see who is running for president.
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 08:41 AM
That's embarrassing. Well, I'm the second most likely person in this forum to have irony fly right over his head. Oeb's #1. Originally Posted by Tiny

I will take the vote for a 'serious approach' as a compliment!
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 08:42 AM
Jorgensens policies and the party as a whole follow the simple principle of Individual Liberty, Personal Responsibility, and Non-Aggression. These Liberty principles are the principles that this nation was founded on while also leading to optimal economic outcomes.

So of course, the general US population don’t care about the actual values of this country. That’s evident when we see who is running for president. Originally Posted by redpartyhat

the Libertarian party platform for 'Open Borders" is a non-starter for me.

Countries must have borders to enforce separation from other countries with destructive agendas toward prosperous countries.
“Open Borders” as you call it is a major founding principle of this country. The issue you stated is related to security. I haven’t read anywhere of a Libertarian that is anti-security. I’d also call it an “Open-market border.”

As for “destructive agendas”, USA would retain perhaps 0.1% of its population if we removed everyone that had agendas destructive to American Principles.
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 04:36 PM
Open borders - to legal immigration under our laws. That is a founding principle of America.

not the DPST version - and as i read the Libertarian platform of 2020- the same concept of totally open borders- No rule of Law, and all 'immigrants' are granted citizenship and special privileges the moment they cross 'teh' Border.

a country cannot exist as a welfare state with 'Open borders"!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Club Tiny meets three times a year, once at the Pegasus Club in Bangkok, once at Scandallo Lounge in Sao Paulo, and once at Club Globe near Zurich.

Zurich sounds good. The others are no-go zones for me. Plus, why not one smack-dab in the center of the known universe - Texas?

Is the food good? Damn good.

Well... I love me some good grub. But I'd have to see the menu first. Does it have Texas BBQ for example?

Are their perks? You bet there are.

Is there a two drink minimum? Hell no. If you choose to attend your first meeting in Bangkok for example you'll get your own free bottle of whiskey, rum or gin (your choice), to be stored at the club, plus an all nighter with your choice of two superstars or three stars. We can't be quite as generous in Sao Paulo or Switzerland because costs are higher, but it's still a damn good deal.

I'm a-think'n, you could stand to beef up that liquor selection a tad bit. Might I recommend adding some Made in America (by Americans) Kentucky Bourbon? I'm also a fan of some imports. Have you considered adding some 12 yr old McCallen double barrel scotch?

And this is the best part, you don't pay anything! It's all free.

Club Tiny is kind of like the Knights of Columbus, a social group that's affiliated with the Catholic Church. You must join The Free Markets Church of Tiny to become a member of Club Tiny. You can do this by wiring your $10,000 tax deductible contribution to my bank account in the Cayman Islands.

I'm fine with the donation, per se. But a lot of folk on this board get a might peeved over tax deductible donations apparently. Yet they never volunteer to show their own personal or business deductions pages for some reason. I wonder if they deduct their 3 martini lunches as business expenses. Does your Cayman bank do Zelle xfers?

Normally there's no initiation ritual, but for you there will be. You'll have to wear an N95 mask without an exhale valve at all times for a week, as long as you're within 200 yards of another human being. This applies while you're sleeping too, but you can get around it by camping out in a remote area.

So it's not a social club?!? Just relying on a scant liquor selection, skinny menu and locations in sketchy parts of the Universe?!? I'm thinking your college degree is NOT in Marketing.

P.S., Eccieuser, if you'll join, instead of the booze and the Thai hookers, I'll do my damnedest to set up a repeat for you with Lauren Mayfair.

Wait! Whut? This is the first I've heard about Thai hookers!! Gheeze, you should lead with that!! Clearly, you don't have a Marketing degree...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...As for “destructive agendas”, USA would retain perhaps 0.1% of its population if we removed everyone that had agendas destructive to American Principles. Originally Posted by redpartyhat

And the downside to that is... what, exactly?!?