Being a gentleman with providers

urine trouble's Avatar
Me too!!!!!!!! Lets get along hermano! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

pero the nose is even browner and it don't smell like roses.

What's sad to me is that this sort of thing has to be explained to some guys. Just because you're paying someone (in This Thing of Ours or anywhere else) doesn't mean that you should forget common courtesy and common sense. Originally Posted by blowpop
Yes, but the reverse is also true. Just because we're paying for someone's time doesn't mean we're chumps, suckers or human ATMs. And many providers treat us that way.

Let's not start painting each other with broad paintbrushes. Suffice it to say, some people are assholes, providers and hobbyists alike. But not you fine people! You're all the cat's pajamas.
carkido45's Avatar
Me too!!!!!!!! Lets get along hermano! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

pero the nose is even browner and it don't smell like roses.

Peace Originally Posted by urine trouble
If you don't stop hijacking my thread I won't turn in the TOFTT review I had today!!!LOL
She was the all time worst!! I did all the right things but she wasn't no where near being a quality provider It happens but that's what the board's all about.
Praisng the provider's who do a good job and letting our brothers know when they don't at least that's the way I look at it.
urine trouble's Avatar
Lets read it 45, I don't TOFTT much nowadays. I am still trying to see Shelley from Eros. Man those melons look juicey. But she has a no review policy.
dearhunter's Avatar
So, because she has a "no review policy" you don't either.

Fuck her policy.

What is she going to do, take back the pussy?

There are ways around the policy shit if you want to see her again.

The review is not for her. It is for your fellow hobbyists.

................and I don't have a sarcastic bone in my body...................I'm just saying.

ANONONE will grow to love me.
boardman's Avatar
I treat people with the same respect that I want to be treated with, that is until I don't. What changes my attitude? Their's. Plain and simple.
I do consider myself a gentleman in my dad's sense of the word therefor I will treat any woman with that in mind.

Honestly, the fact that this discussion has gone on this long indicates that there are differing opinions on this subject and IMO that's sad.
urine trouble's Avatar

This chick Shelley requires the phone number of place of employment and your direct line. I am still thinking if I should go through with it.
boardman's Avatar
Go for it!

................and I don't have a sarcastic bone in my body...................I'm just saying.

ANONONE will grow to love me. Originally Posted by dearhunter
HEY... That's my line!!!
gearslut's Avatar
I agree with the OP on the thought of being a gentleman and simply being professional and decent and I expect the very same of the lady I'm dealing with. I think this is the number one reason I've had some of the memorable sessions that I've had. I'm sure they would have been great based on the eye candy factor alone but getting up to a higher level made it that much better of a time. I know there's always going to be that line of thought this is just an illusion and all business and whatever and some of that may be true but it's also a very personal business. If you want to treat someone like a piece of meat cause that's your style then go right ahead. It's a big world and there's plenty of room for all.

To urine trouble....I've thought about seeing providers who require info like that and I've been plenty tempted but I also thought about worse case senarios. Just not worth it for me but if you do then have a good time.
I understand that this is a "profession" that objectifies women. I mean, I signed up for that. However, I would just like to remind the likes of you, Deerhunter, that I have skills other than slingin' my pussy. That which means, I do this VERY part time. There are plenty of other women like myself who find this a complete and total turn on for the very fact that... OH THAT'S RIGHT. I am the one in control. Plus, I am getting paid to do something I really like to do. Why bother with hook ups with dudes in bars or frat parties or whatever? Not only do I never have to worry about messy things like emotional attachment, but I get paid for it... and it's usually better sex, because I'm not shithoused. Plus, do you remember the way you fucked in your early twenties? It probably wasn't that good. I've done my walk of shame, thinking, "Man, what a waste of time. I wish I had gotten paid for that, it was so bad." I enjoy my swinger lifestyle choice. And, I would be happy to show your type to the door, because contrary to what you may believe, providers don't have to put up with your bs to make a dollar. There are plenty of respectful guys out there whose money would go towards my scholarship fund, another lady's shoe addiction, or at the very least paying an electricity bill.

I get that you may not care about a lady's life drama but taking a shower and speaking like a gent equates to common decency. Might I remind you that you are paying for a lady's company? And it's no wonder! With an attitude like that, most women (pro and non-pro) would require it. That is the kind of way you are treated when you treat providers like that. If you feel like a human atm, this is probably why.

Now, when you are a kind person, you are treated like an old friend that I haven't seen in a while... one that I've been waiting and longing to see for that bcd play we once had. Passionate, hot, sweaty, whatever mood strikes us. I'm sure the same is true of many other providers.
Touch Down for Jacquie!!!!!......
dearhunter's Avatar
If I don't want to shower, I won't.

I will rub garlic all over my body to keep the vampire bitches who think they are in control away.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

urine, I would never give a provider my choice.

Maybe you like paying for "other skills".

I only want the d the back rub.............and the blow job.............if I want someone to scratch my back, I'll get a girlfriend with "other skills".

By the way, this whole idea of not showering is TFF...........who doesn't shower and shave before a session?
as in most history... it repeats itself. i've only seen this thread for like the umpteen millionth time??

honestly, if someone needs to be told that they should be nice and pleasant with a lady or guy then your words will likely go through one ear and out the other. I'd assume we are all adults and have had the concept of the ethic of reciprocity instilled in us either at home, school, church, or simple common sense.

"Honey attracts more flies than vinegar."

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."

"He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love."

yadda yadda yadda...

Except in some sort of agreed role play you always should treat everyone with courtesy. A woman wants to be treated like a lady regardless of station. As enderwiggin keenly pointed out, it is the same with a man. A man wants to feel like a man and not an unattractive slob of a money dispenser. That's human nature and far from rocket science.

So in summary.

Guys, wash your nuts and don't be such a dick. Ladies, wash your cooch and don't be such a bitch.
carkido45's Avatar

Guys, wash your nuts and don't be such a dick. Ladies, wash your cooch and don't be such a bitch. Originally Posted by island_beau
Shaving them (nuts) also helps