Fucken Asshole

Little Monster's Avatar
Classic Monster...I thought for sure you were benjing on Vikings and was inspired to write a pome

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Someone who truly knows me
Not only have I been binge watching Vikings (currently watching season 4 vol 1), just got the book The Sagas of Ragnar Lodbrok, and haven't put it down since.

November 29th cannot get here soon enough!!!

Drinks later???
Little Monster's Avatar
I've never met Dakota but she looks pretty damn good to me. In fact I'd say she exudes more natural sex appeal then any I've seen from any on this board in a very loooong time.

There are one or two others that look great cosmetically but natural sex appeal can't be applied with makeup. You either have it or you don't.

Again as I said I've not seen her in person so who knows?

. Originally Posted by Lightesttouch

If she has natural beauty then someone should let her know, cause when I met her, her face was painted like a fucken clown. But for the sake of honesty & fairness I will say she is far the being the ugliest. I would place her in the "Very Doable" category and nothing more, but that's just me. The biggest turn off about her for me was her fake English accent.
DocHolyday's Avatar
LM, why are you so bitter and angry? Maybe you should consider some anger management classes before coming here.

ATX Angela, I love your avatar.
Little Monster's Avatar
LM, why are you so bitter and angry?

Because I have a small dick

Maybe you should consider some anger management classes before coming here.

Thanx for the advice. Wisdom from those who have been on here over a decade less than I have is always greatly appreciated

ATX Angela, I love your avatar. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Nobody gives a shit...
Be careful LM... if you listen to Doc, and follow his example, you might be known as a know it all site pariah wanna be rent a pig that rips off the ladies.

Oh and a removed what? 2 day mod?
fun2come's Avatar
LM, you said it ... Fucken Asshole

from a far far away land ...
Gamer's Avatar
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  • 08-18-2017, 07:38 PM
*face in the palm*

I swear to the gods you fucken people!! Are gullible, over sensitive, and fucken stupid all at the same time. Now those who know me on here (and there are quite a few who do) already knew better than to take this post serious.
Who was my post directed at?? NO ONE you dipshits!!! Originally Posted by Little Monster
Hold on. So people that, by your own admission, don't know you took a post you made seriously, and you call them gullible and stupid?

You stupid fucking bitch, do you have any idea who the fuck you are fucking with!!!!!! I will fucken goddamn stab you and then fuck the wound with my bare dick you fucken cunt!! Don't you EVER pull some shit like that again motherfucker I mean it. I still cannot believe you fucken did that shit!! Right now I just wanna slice your pathetic head off and shit right on top of your fucken goddamn neck. Don't you ever fucken call me again, if you ever come around here again I am gonna strangle the fuck out of you with some goddamn speaker wire and then rape the piss out of your corpse till your eye sockets rot the fuck out. I sign off by wishing you nothing but a slow painful death in the middle of a deserted dessert you fucken DUMB STUPID BITCH!!
This seems like a cheap wannabe knock off of the Navy Seal copypasta. That shit was/is funny. The above, not so much. Totally see how people missed the "joke".
DocHolyday's Avatar
OP, you can do what you want Bro.

RR, your a big man hiding behind a monitor and keyboard. You won't say it to my face.
Bet me Doc Holygay... time and place bitch!
I'll say that and a fuck ton more you theiving pussy, I'm not some girl you'll be ripping off chump.
Little Monster's Avatar
Hold on. So people that, by your own admission, don't know you took a post you made seriously, and you call them gullible and stupid?

This seems like a cheap wannabe knock off of the Navy Seal copypasta. That shit was/is funny. The above, not so much. Totally see how people missed the "joke". Originally Posted by Gamer
*shrugs shoulders*

OK!?! What's your fucken point??
Don't like the thread then move your happy ass on down to the next one.

And what the fuck is "Navy Seal copypasta"?? sounds lame. Maybe not as lame as your posts, but lame.
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 08-18-2017, 10:10 PM
*shrugs shoulders*

OK!?! What's your fucken point??
Don't like the thread then move your happy ass on down to the next one. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Trying to understand your logic. Or lack of.

You don't seem to handle criticism well. Do you need a safe space?

And what the fuck is "Navy Seal copypasta"?? sounds lame. Maybe not as lame as your posts, but lame. Originally Posted by Little Monster
If only there was a way to search for information...

Carry on edgelord.
TryWeakly's Avatar
AtxAngela's Avatar
LM, why are you so bitter and angry? Maybe you should consider some anger management classes before coming here.

ATX Angela, I love your avatar. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Thanks hun!
AtxAngela's Avatar
No, nothing like that at all sweetie. It's the result of drinking way too many Redbulls. Having seen you in person and seeing how beautiful you are, I have nothing bad to say to you. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Thank u LM! Try not to let stuff on here get to u. It's not bit worth it. Some think it's a popularity contest,or who posts the most reviews,ect,ect.Cause in the end it's a hooker board. Take what you need from it and toss the rest out the window.
Edit **Sorry folks looks like the windbag deleted his post!**

You could just go away and not come back again codybeast/WindInHisHair/Lightesttouch or whatever faggy name you come up with next?
Problem solved right?
Sad thing is it is you wasting your life in a place you say you don't like.