Fox Hosts Knew The Claims of Election Fraud Were Lies

VitaMan's Avatar
... Fox News continues to GROW in viewership numbers.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Almost unbelieveable Salty. But since you swallow and promote all the conspiracy theories, maybe not. Likely those are the growing viewership audience.

FOX spouts anything they can to increase their ratings.....they would not forego Mr. Trump.
What are they up to now ? Spouting more trash they know is not valid ? FOX has no credibility.

To refresh:

Hannity's support for Trump, on one level, was understandable. The Fox News audience were fervent supporters of Trump.

"What [Trump]'s good at is destroying things," he told Pfeiffer. "He's the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong."
VitaMan's Avatar
Calling Fox a "rogue network" Harry Litman added they were " ... just continuing to send stuff out that they knew was false and only for ratings. If a jury believes that, Fox is in a world of hurt."

"There is zero value, social value, for any of us in knowing lies. And that is what they are accused of doing with unusually strong proof. They're looking at a gargantuan verdict or settlement and a huge reputational hit."
... Hmmmmm.... So what are you sayin' - that FOX is somehow
afraid of Trump?? ... How? ... Why?

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
I'm not saying anything.

The FOX team has already said it.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, wacky yardstick for penultimate news is viewer numbers.

He surely must be ecstatic now.
... Just pointing out the FACTS, mates.

Sad but TRUE!

#### Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
Fox sucks....Just pointing out the FACTS, mates.
Trumpys have ignored trump's lies from day 1.

This email release shows internal emails between the higher ups at fox. There is no question they are true. This proves trumpys don't care that fox news outright lies to its viewers.
Why doesn't this bother the trumpys? Who knows? The American people do agree with me. It's the fox viewers (@3.5 million or about 1% of the US population) who don't agree with me.

Stop pretending the American people are represented by fox news. Everyone knows fox would say anything for ratings, and they don't care about Americans who just want the truth. Lower ratings doesn't mean less reliable or less trustworthy information.
Why are fox's numbers climbing? It obviously has nothing to do with reliable news. Its been proven trumpys will believe anything and fox will say anything for ratings.

I suppose you still think carlson is the cat's ass.
He's just one of the many scumbags at fox.

And there still isn't proof CNN, NBC, etc. are unreliable but there is plenty of proof fox is full of shit.

It is truly a trumpy kind of news station.

On a side note, fox may have more TV viewers than CNN but fox has nowhere near the total online viewers worldwide that CNN has. And give this a couple of weeks. We'll see how fox is doing then.

As the numbers show, 3.5 million shows a very small percentage of people get their news from TV.

Your opinion is still just your opinion. You are still lacking links to back up your opinions. Plus you bought into the fox election bullshit big time. It doesn't bother you a bit fox tried to tear the USA apart. Because you still believe fox's bull shit. You're one of the many owners of the REALLY BIG lies.

.... But there's the rub... The American people don't
agree with you.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lies are why only stupid people still watch faux news. Gives them an angry semi boner. The gop is fucked up and angry all the time

Calling the gop white trash is an insult to white trash. Mtg and her buddies is where white trash takes a dump
That isn't the topic. Instead of starting your own thread, you threaten to hijack this thread.

This is about fox lying about the election and pushing false claims about one of the most important subjects in our democracy. If you have a claim about some other lie, start a new thread.

PS What do you call pushing false claims that are known to be false? There's a big difference between making a claim and pushing a claim.

... Hmmmmm.... Interesting.
So yer saying that pushing claims you know to be false
is called lying?? ... Is that it?

... Are YOU certain that you wish to take YOUR-OWN
thread into that direction of discussion, mate?

'Cause I surely got ALOT to say on this matter
and how it relates to the news media - and Trump.

I'll stop here until you let us know. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Anger anger anger always from "people" that watch and still believe faux news. Maybe take a chill pill salty. And drink water. too much salty is not so good for you

I've heard from a lot of people from all time biggest crowds ever that too much salt makes the brain and manhood shrink until is unbelievable small...unbelievable small and not so much use. Unbelievable small is what I heard

The numbers are still below 2% of the total population. You can observe something, describe it, and still not have a clear understanding of it. Why is their viewership increasing? Because they say what trumpys want to hear. But that doesn't make it true.
The emails exist. They clearly state the people's opinion about election deniers claims. You keep talking about other networks viewership. That has nothing to do with the topic.
The topic is about fox pushing a false narrative to increase their ratings. The internal emails are from fox employees to other employees.
Fox viewership growing has nothing to do with the info included in the emails.
Those are facts. Fox's viewership fell sharply after the 2020 election. That is when fox kicked in the fake election claims.

"Fox News stunned the Trump campaign on election night by becoming the first news outlet to declare Joseph R. Biden Jr. the winner of Arizona — effectively projecting that he would become the next president. Then, as Fox’s ratings fell sharply after the election and the president refused to concede, many of the network’s most popular hosts and shows began promoting outlandish claims of a far-reaching voter fraud conspiracy involving Dominion machines to deny Mr. Trump a second term."

... Fox News continues to GROW in viewership numbers.
Not just duing news times - BUT ALL DAY!

So if the American people who watch news and what-not surely
agreed on your premise - then Fox would be in a decline. Right?

... But we see THAT is NOT the case... The sorry likes o' CNN
and MSNBC seem to be in the decline. ... CrikeY! CNN has lost
near 60% of their audience... "WORST YEAR EVER!"

So if people actually agreed that Mr. Murdoch and the Fox hosts
were liars and what-not then WHY is viewership INCREASING??

Does THAT make sense to you lads??

Fox got high viewerships for their shows all through the day
- from The Five to Tucker and Hannity and Laura Ingram
all the way to Gutfeld, fer crikey sake...

Surely gotta wonder IF you mates are all looking at this
the wrong way...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
VitaMan's Avatar
... Just pointing out the FACTS, mates

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Just shocking you are supporting FOX here.
Once again you wear your ignorance like a badge of honor. The discussion took place Nov. 6th
Once again you post bullshit without any proof...and in this case info that was debunked by the emails themselves.

"On Nov. 6, 2020, three days after Election Day, as Mr. Biden pulled into the lead, Mr. Murdoch told Ms. Scott in an email that it was going to be “very hard to credibly cry foul everywhere,” and noted that “if Trump becomes a sore loser, we should watch Sean especially,” referring to Mr. Hannity."

"The word was out"? What bull shit. The emails shown in the article are all from Nov. In Dec. 2020, the Supreme Court ruled on the Texas suit to throw out 4 swing state votes. PA Supreme Court handled a case in Dec.

All of your linkless "issues" have been covered numerous times in numerous places. You have defied all attempts to inform you of facts. You're whining about misinformation that fox news pushed then and has been exposed now.

.... So a discussion between Mr. Murdoch and Suzanne Scott
means WHAT? ... That Fox was lying?? And this is 5th Jan
- barely 9 weeks since the election??

NO INVESTIGATIONS completed and none of the evidence was
looked at by any Judge... And why? Because the word was
out to decline every case - since looking at any evidence
surely might take time and they needed to get the election
certified quickly... BEFORE anybody 'ad a chance to review
the evidence.

Your posts on this surely mean precious little there, mates.

Hmmmm... "precious little"

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It still won't stop Salty from bitching about shit already covered.