What If You Suspect a Client Has an STD?

And those are the women that are responsible for spreading disease!

I've had two instances in ten years where there were obvious blisters/sores. I immediately stopped all activity, went to the bathroom, poured bleach on my hands, went back and informed my guests that the session was over. No refunds either. How dare someone show up knowing he has some sort of lesion anywhere in his groin area! Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Men & Women that play in this hobby should get tested Regularly as i do.
Let me rephrase heathers comment: No refunds either. How dare someone show up knowing he or she has some sort of lesion anywhere in his or her groin area. Since Ladies are way more active than the guy's are, we need to protect ourself's as much as possible. If you see anything Warts, blemishes, rashes, open sores or cauliflower like patches of raised skin during DATY or around her mouth area. You don't have to Pay and leave the session Immediatedly after telling her what you saw. Then Promply let us know in the LR.

DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Me and my gf shared the same sentiment. He knows. If they're visible, its known. And its just wrong. As a provider, I wouldnt want to subject anyone, let alone myself, to ANY STD. I would quit this hobby, immediately. It's not worth it.

And those are the women that are responsible for spreading disease!

I've had two instances in ten years where there were obvious blisters/sores. I immediately stopped all activity, went to the bathroom, poured bleach on my hands, went back and informed my guests that the session was over. No refunds either. How dare someone show up knowing he has some sort of lesion anywhere in his groin area! Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
4 Things to Do Regularly:
Be careful. Play Safe. Take Showers. See Doctors.
Lol. Have fun, y'all.
Wow, I'd have to say if you see anything that looks suspicious to stop the service all together. Not worth your life or the hassle of a life long STD.

I myself have nicked myself shaving and of course it looks like an obvious shaving cut but as a courtesy to the provider I canceled the meeting. It's the right thing to do and this guy should have known better.

My question is what happens with the donation aspect, you have gone out of your way for the appointment but he did not get the service he is paying for however he also should have known better then to go in the first place.

Just my 2cents....
igat1969's Avatar
The prevalence of HPV (genital warts) and HSV-2 (genital herpes) in the adult female population is higher than the male population. For adult women, both HPV and HSV-2 prevalence is in the range of 25% of 30%. I've read that up to 2/3rds of people with HSV-2 don't know they have it. Women are more likely than men to have both genital herpes and HPV and not know it.

I'd suspect that the people on this board, both women and men, have a much higher incidence of HPV and HSV-2 than the general population. The general population includes people who are celibate, people who are monogamous, etc. Most of us are promiscuous. If the probability your average person has the disease is, say, 20% to 30%, what's the probability that a provider or her customer has it? Originally Posted by Tiny
Ouch! Tiny that is an unfortunate fact you bring to the table. Someone once told me that facts are friendly...now I think they just might be depressing! Maybe it's better to know I suppose..are you suggesting that those of us that hobby (on any type of a regular basis) assume that WE have STDs? Maybe that is why doctors don't even test for HPV and Herpes on a regular STD test - they just assume most people have it and why bother upsetting them if they don't have any obvious lesions?
And those are the women that are responsible for spreading disease!

I've had two instances in ten years where there were obvious blisters/sores. I immediately stopped all activity, went to the bathroom, poured bleach on my hands, went back and informed my guests that the session was over. No refunds either. How dare someone show up knowing he has some sort of lesion anywhere in his groin area! Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
I agree and the same goes if the shoe is on the other foot.

I am not going to pay for your time and trouble if you show up with some questionable looking sores or skin irritations.
  • Tiny
  • 07-07-2010, 06:18 PM
are you suggesting that those of us that hobby (on any type of a regular basis) assume that WE have STDs? Originally Posted by igat1969
Yes, particularly women. The consequences of cervical cancer can be severe. Like dying.
Anyone here offer to pay for someone else's STD screening and promise to keep the results confidential?

I have made that offer. Surprisingly (or not), that offer was turned down.... by six different people!

I would say some people here have some shit they want to stay hidden.
Anyone here offer to pay for someone else's STD screening and promise to keep the results confidential?

I have made that offer. Surprisingly (or not), that offer was turned down.... by six different people!

I would say some people here have some shit they want to stay hidden. Originally Posted by cpi3000
I would never let someone else pay for my STD test. I like to get tested at my doctor's office, and having someone else pay for it would make me feel obligated to show him my results. That would also mean that he would be able to see my full name and other personal information. I'll pay for my anonymity, thanks.
I completely understand that point of view, China Doll. The ones I offered it to were more of an experiment. I knew them well enough to know their real names, where they live, etc... 3 werre hobbyists and three were providers. The offer was mutual, too. I would get tested and share my results, too.

My experiment, though very limited in scope, was to confirm my suspicions that people either had something to hide or were afraid that they might have something and certainly would not want someone else to know.

I feel pretty certain that the rates of STD infection are higher then the national average in our little community. We are the high risk group along with teens. Money and sex are powerful motivators and I suspect people with an STD would not take themselves out of the game, even if it were infectious.

I am not advocating we lose our anonymity here or institute some sort of testing program or qualification. I simply put a few theories to a small test a drew some conclusions from it. They might not be accurate conclusions, but I thought they were interesting enough to share so we all think about what we are doing and how we do it.

Everyone have a great weekend and don't forget your raincoats!
jughead1171's Avatar
Money and sex are powerful motivators and I suspect people with an STD would not take themselves out of the game, even if it were infectious. Originally Posted by cpi3000
CPI I would hope people client or provider would take themselves out of the game if they knew they had an infectious STD. I know I would but maybe that is just me. I know it isn't possible but it would be nice if there was a way to implement a testing requirement to get into the hobby and a way to enforce no hobbying outside the tested group. Maybe medicine will someday catch up and be able to elminate the risk altogether. Guess we could all give donations to STD research
I think everyone should get tested regularly as a normal thing.......in or out of the hobby.......HIV, RPR, and any other test that is available. Never can be too safe.

Hell, if things aren't smelling right, I ain't staying..........I'm just saying!
There is a question when it comes to your personal health and safety????

You stop, immediately. Leave or ask him to leave. You don't protect his feelings..you owe him nothing. How dare someone come to another in a sexual arrangement with an STD. If he does not know...then he's an idiot.
You report it to p411, provider buzz and other list. You name him to help others providers stay safe.

No one that is ill with a STD should be Hobbying.
Gonorrhea is symptomatic in men..they know if they have it ...trust me. It can be asymptomatic in women.
I am an RN and seen plenty. Herpes is the same. Anyone that has herpes knows it. Anyone that would hide that fact from another is a scum bag that needs to not only be outed but run off and not allowed to hobby.
Herpes is forever and is very contagious...it is viral and you can't get rid of it with antibiotics. There is a new strain of Gonorrhea that is also antibiotic resistance. There is also a syphilis that is antibiotic resistant.
There are many damaging pathogens that are passed sexually. NEVER GO BARE BACK.
Maybe a whole new hobby forum on eccie.... needs to open along with ads available for providers that have non curable STD's like herpes. Get it in the open where we all can see and stop stigmatizing it. Hell I see the other realm on Eccie...BSDM.
So why not a Forum... Incurable, Contagious No Problem....you deserve sex too....just safely
That way they can hobby with others that have incurable contagious STD's and keep us all safe.

Hey, you have blisters...great I do too...let's party!

Well at least we would all be safer and everyone would get what they want.
CopierGuy is Right on.

Rashes are usually fungi.... fungal infections.
You look, smell, check, double check...then you still have to pray. That is why BBBJ are so dangerous. But men insist on them. I have heard the argument that the mouth has its own antibiotics that is the first line against infections. Well ever hear of Gonorrhea of the throat? The small protection the mouths saliva provides won't touch these super bugs.

I will disagree with the gal being outed in the Locker Room . She needs to be outed everywhere. Too many Gals play with one another...and we all deserve to know if someone is out there hobbying with a disease that is presenting itself as open sores, blisters, smells, drips, rashes, etc

Follow this on the open forum it is time to discuss this again....