russia is there any truth in what he is saying

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
To answer your question No. And I think Russia doesn't want a nuclear war over Syria either. Russia has had plenty of times to work this out diplomatically with the United States. It's an ugly situation, Trump's view is let Russia defeat ISIS, but what about Assad? Assad, makes Saddam look like a boy scout he's no angel, but saying that there will be a nuclear war if a Russian jet gets shot down is a far stretch and borderline paranoia.

Why haven't you mentioned Trump's war rhetoric- he's on record asking why we can't use nukes and Trump also believes other nations should have nukes including Saudia Arabia. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
First of all Syria is none of our business We are bombing a strategic Russian ally. How would we respond if Russia decided that regime change was necessary in the U.K., and started bombing London? Putin has shown remarkable restraint. Hilary and Obama are the saber rattlers. They're the ones who want to take this war to the next level. Don't be too sure the US has overpowering strength. We can't even be sure that our nuclear forces are still good. They haven't been tested in decades. The Russians and Chinese are state of the art up to date. They know theirs will work. All Putin wants is for us to quit fucking with Assad. Why do we care about Assad? Putin wants to ally with us against ISIS. Well we won't do that because, by God, Assad has to go! Why? Who cares? What national interest does it serve to remove Assad? None.

Hillary has said we should strike Russia militarily over the leaks, which can't even be proven that they originated in Russia! And what do the leaks expose? Hillary corruption. There are no national security secrets in the leaks, just Hillary corruption. Were you upset when Assange exposed Bush corruption?

This is not joking. This is not funny. I live in a military city. Rumors are that we are at DEFCON 3.

If there's a war, the US will be on the wrong side. We have no business over there. I'm still reconsidering my support of Trump, not sure I can do it anymore, but at least he has a sane plan to deal with Russia that doesn't include war.

You are definitely not a veteran. No combat veteran I know wants another war. And this war would be meaningless. Call Putin a fascist if you want, but he's been begging the west for months to back away from this road. But if we launch a major cyberattack, or a military attack, what choice does he have? And unlike the US, Putin is taking measures to protect his citizens. On the world stage, Putin is showing statesmanship and leadership. Obama and Hillary look like fools. They are.

We need to withdraw from Syria, quit arming the "rebels", and ally with Russia against the common enemy, ISIS. AND WE NEED TO DO IT NOW!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
First of all Syria is none of our business We are bombing a strategic Russian ally. How would we respond if Russia decided that regime change was necessary in the U.K., and started bombing London? Putin has shown remarkable restraint. Hilary and Obama are the saber rattlers. They're the ones who want to take this war to the next level. Don't be too sure the US has overpowering strength. We can't even be sure that our nuclear forces are still good. They haven't been tested in decades. The Russians and Chinese are state of the art up to date. They know theirs will work. They do? How do they know that? How do you know they will work? Why do you say "state of the art up to date"? We know ours work because they are maintained and tested. You don't have to test the "physics" package (that's the part that goes boom). They only have to test the part that makes it go boom. The rest is just a physical reaction.
Most of their weapons are based on our designs. They just aren't as safe or as well interlocked. Neither China or Russia has tested this century. Russia's navy is rusting at the piers and their strategic nuclear missiles have received little to no maintenance for years. Experts say it is very likely that very few retain their functionality and abilities to attack hardened targets. They still have a shitload of theater weapons they can put on attack aircraft and only a small percentage need to work to ruin your day.
But that's not the point. The point is when you worry bout our nukes or don't know shit about theirs but claim you do, you're just you.
, All Putin wants is for us to quit fucking with Assad. Why do we care about Assad? Putin wants to ally with us against ISIS. Well we won't do that because, by God, Assad has to go! Why? Who cares? What national interest does it serve to remove Assad? None.

Hillary has said we should strike Russia militarily over the leaks, which can't even be proven that they originated in Russia! They did and she didn't. You know as much about this as the readiness of nukes. How about a link to that statement she made? Don't worry. Everyone knows you can't and won't. And what do the leaks expose? Hillary corruption. There are no national security secrets in the leaks, just Hillary corruption. Were you upset when Assange exposed Bush corruption?

This is not joking. This is not funny. I live in a military city. Rumors are that we are at DEFCON 3.

If there's a war, the US will be on the wrong side. We have no business over there. I'm still reconsidering my support of Trump, not sure I can do it anymore, but at least he has a sane plan to deal with Russia that doesn't include war.

You are definitely not a veteran. No combat veteran I know wants another war. And this war would be meaningless. Call Putin a fascist if you want, but he's been begging the west for months to back away from this road. But if we launch a major cyberattack, or a military attack, what choice does he have? A major cyber attack? Like the ones they have? And unlike the US, Putin is taking measures to protect his citizens. On the world stage, Putin is showing statesmanship and leadership. Obama and Hillary look like fools. They are.

We need to withdraw from Syria, quit arming the "rebels", and ally with Russia against the common enemy, ISIS. Ally with Russia? There's a great idea. They wouldn't fuck us over or make sure we got the shit end of the stick, would they? You completely mistrust the US government and you trust the fucking Russians. What a fucking moron.
Nyet, nyet comrade. We would never cum in your mouth!. AND WE NEED TO DO IT NOW! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No veteran wants a war. But they won't run from a war that has to be fought. And I guarantee none of those veterans you know cares whether you think it's meaningless or not.
Add to that you consider invading a sovereign nation to be the use of statesmanship and leadership shows your lacking. Putin is trump with better hair and better morals. And which Russian citizens is he protecting in Syria?,
lustylad's Avatar
First of all Syria is none of our business. We are bombing a strategic Russian ally. How would we respond if Russia decided that regime change was necessary in the U.K., and started bombing London? Putin has shown remarkable restraint. Hilary and Obama are the saber rattlers. They're the ones who want to take this war to the next level.... All Putin wants is for us to quit fucking with Assad. Why do we care about Assad? Putin wants to ally with us against ISIS. Well we won't do that because, by God, Assad has to go! Why? Who cares? What national interest does it serve to remove Assad? None. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
WTF? What planet do you live on? You say "Syria is none of our business" while Europe is being overrun by millions of refugees who are destabilizing their societies, straining their resources, and killing their citizens in acts of atrocities like the Paris and Brussels attacks? And that's none of our business? Were the (ISIS-inspired) Orlando and San Bernardino attacks none of our business too? What the fuck is wrong with you, COG? Europe dragged us into two world wars in the last century. The world is much smaller today. Europe's security is our security. Putin doesn't have a problem if Europe is destabilized. Heck, he is helping to do it by invading Ukraine. He constantly buzzes our ships and violates NATO air space and you say he's not saber-rattling? Are you fucking blind?

"Putin is showing remarkable restraint. Hillary and Obama are the saber rattlers."

Hahahahaha.... you're being funny, right?

Was it saber rattling for Obama to wimp out on his red line against the use of chemical weapons in Syria? That's why we have zero credibility in the Middle East. Was it saber rattling for Obama to pull all of our troops out of Iraq prematurely in 2011, creating the vacuum for ISIS to thrive?

Was seizing Crimea an act of restraint by Putin? Was shooting down that Malaysian Airlines civilian jetliner (killing almost 300 people) over Ukraine in July 2014 an act of restraint by Putin? Is dropping bunker-busting bombs on Aleppo an act of restraint by Putin?

You need to pull your head out of your fucking ass and start seeing the world the way it actually is.

Unless you're angling for a job as a writer at Russia Today.
bambino's Avatar
No veteran wants a war. But they won't run from a war that has to be fought. And I guarantee none of those veterans you know cares whether you think it's meaningless or not.
Add to that you consider invading a sovereign nation to be the use of statesmanship and leadership shows your lacking. Putin is trump with better hair and better morals. And which Russian citizens is he protecting in Syria?,
Douche-bag. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
And you're an expert on Russia's nuclear capabilities Assmuncher?
Bill is not on the ticket you Moron!!! How many times do I have to tell you. TRumps dad had ties to the KKK is it ok to assume Trump leaned his racist ideology from his dad? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Shove this up your Lubed_Wide-Ass... Then Bill can slide his cigar in... I like your Daddys Face, when he gets asked about the cigar... LOLing 0zombies
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
WTF? What planet do you live on? You say "Syria is none of our business" while Europe is being overrun by millions of refugees who are destabilizing their societies, straining their resources, and killing their citizens in acts of atrocities like the Paris and Brussels attacks? And that's none of our business? Were the (ISIS-inspired) Orlando and San Bernardino attacks none of our business too? What the fuck is wrong with you, COG? Europe dragged us into two world wars in the last century. The world is much smaller today. Europe's security is our security. Putin doesn't have a problem if Europe is destabilized. Heck, he is helping to do it by invading Ukraine. He constantly buzzes our ships and violates NATO air space and you say he's not saber-rattling? Are you fucking blind?

"Putin is showing remarkable restraint. Hillary and Obama are the saber rattlers."

Hahahahaha.... you're being funny, right?

Was it saber rattling for Obama to wimp out on his red line against the use of chemical weapons in Syria? That's why we have zero credibility in the Middle East. Was it saber rattling for Obama to pull all of our troops out of Iraq prematurely in 2011, creating the vacuum for ISIS to thrive?

Was seizing Crimea an act of restraint by Putin? Was shooting down that Malaysian Airlines civilian jetliner (killing almost 300 people) over Ukraine in July 2014 an act of restraint by Putin? Is dropping bunker-busting bombs on Aleppo an act of restraint by Putin?

You need to pull your head out of your fucking ass and start seeing the world the way it actually is.

Unless you're angling for a job as a writer at Russia Today. Originally Posted by lustylad

there is no compelling reason to intervene to get rid of bashar assad.

he may be a thug, its not our fight. there too many bad actors in that part of the world.

Russia is making aggressive acts because it feels it was not "respected" with regards to Serbia, Syria, Lybia & Iraq and the NATO expanasion.

they are doing this to avoid a Saddam Hussein & Qaddafi situation with Bashar Assad where those leaders were overthrown. these were former Russian clients and Russia does not like losing clients. Bad for their business.

for every action the west does, Russia responds to that action doubly aggressive.

this explains their behavior.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF? What planet do you live on? You say "Syria is none of our business" while Europe is being overrun by millions of refugees who are destabilizing their societies, straining their resources, and killing their citizens in acts of atrocities like the Paris and Brussels attacks? And that's none of our business? Were the (ISIS-inspired) Orlando and San Bernardino attacks none of our business too? What the fuck is wrong with you, COG? Europe dragged us into two world wars in the last century. The world is much smaller today. Europe's security is our security. Putin doesn't have a problem if Europe is destabilized. Heck, he is helping to do it by invading Ukraine. He constantly buzzes our ships and violates NATO air space and you say he's not saber-rattling? Are you fucking blind?

"Putin is showing remarkable restraint. Hillary and Obama are the saber rattlers."

Hahahahaha.... you're being funny, right?

Was it saber rattling for Obama to wimp out on his red line against the use of chemical weapons in Syria? That's why we have zero credibility in the Middle East. Was it saber rattling for Obama to pull all of our troops out of Iraq prematurely in 2011, creating the vacuum for ISIS to thrive?

Was seizing Crimea an act of restraint by Putin? Was shooting down that Malaysian Airlines civilian jetliner (killing almost 300 people) over Ukraine in July 2014 an act of restraint by Putin? Is dropping bunker-busting bombs on Aleppo an act of restraint by Putin?

You need to pull your head out of your fucking ass and start seeing the world the way it actually is.

Unless you're angling for a job as a writer at Russia Today. Originally Posted by lustylad
Did I not say we should ally with Russia against ISIS? You still lack basic comprehension. However, refugees fleeing to Europe are Europe's problem. ISIS attacks in the US are our problem. That's why we need to refuse admittance to anyone who might be terrorist. Close the borders, and vet thoroughly.
Why is Crimea our problem? It's not. No point made there. The Malaysian plane? Again, not our problem.

Syria is a client state of Russia. They are duty bound to defend Syria. Putin has shown remarkable restraint. How many hospitals and schools could Putin bomb in Canada before we countered? Putin does not want war. I agree with him. We should leave Syria alone. We have no compelling national interest at stake in who runs Syria. It is not worth a war. We are the ones invading their backyard. We don't own the world. We are the aggressors. We need to back off.

We have enough troubles in our own country. We don't need to borrow trouble from the Middle East, and borrow money to support them. You people are insane. MünchausenMan, if you want a war, then you go fight the goddam thing. Don't waste a young person's life on this travesty. And for god's sake, STFU! Don't give them reason to send their bombs over here.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Did I not say we should ally with Russia against ISIS? You still lack basic comprehension. However, refugees fleeing to Europe are Europe's problem. ISIS attacks in the US are our problem. That's why we need to refuse admittance to anyone who might be terrorist. Close the borders, and vet thoroughly.
Why is Crimea our problem? It's not. No point made there. The Malaysian plane? Again, not our problem.

Syria is a client state of Russia. They are duty bound to defend Syria. Putin has shown remarkable restraint. How many hospitals and schools could Putin bomb in Canada before we countered? Putin does not want war. I agree with him. We should leave Syria alone. We have no compelling national interest at stake in who runs Syria. It is not worth a war. We are the ones invading their backyard. We don't own the world. We are the aggressors. We need to back off.

We have enough troubles in our own country. We don't need to borrow trouble from the Middle East, and borrow money to support them. You people are insane. MünchausenMan, if you want a war, then you go fight the goddam thing. Don't waste a young person's life on this travesty. And for god's sake, STFU! Don't give them reason to send their bombs over here.

NO WAR OVER SYRIA!! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Russia is defending her interest from the rapacious leftist western leaders.