But yeah, I seriously cannot stand the "so how did you get into doing this?" question, or the "so why do you hobby" or "what do you need the money for?" Why ask? If I tell you my answer, will it not make you want to give me the money because you don't feel that i need it?If and when I ask that question, it's always human interest. I don't see anything wrong with a simple, "So how did you find your way into the hobby?" I always preface it by saying, if you'd prefer not to answer, that's fine too.
If you wanted to get more personal with someone, then pick a lady up at a bar after sharing drinks and hearing her life story. That's not what this is about.
I get that you want the IOP, but that doesn't mean asking intimate details about my life. Questions like, "Did you watch to Cowboys game?" or "What are your plans for the weekend?" are fine.
IDK, usually when someone asks me why I got into the hobby, it follows with, "you could be doing something SO much better for yourself!?' Don't talk to me like I've been forced into this and am living a terrible, miserable life. This is FUN and I'd like to keep it that way, please! Originally Posted by Slim.
To me, it's no different than when a lady asks me, "So what do you do for a living." Or, "What brought you to the hobby?"