Gotta love it, another county wants to secede from California

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, there isn't a real question about why big and small states have the same number of Senators.

That is because the Senate does not represent the people - the House does that and is appropriately weighted by population.

The Senate represents the states and each of the states is an equal political entity - hence an equal number of Senators.

And there is no real inequity or unfairness in that system. We all live under it and we know the rules. If a person in California somehow feels shafted because Wyoming has the same number of Senators, then that person can quickly correct that situation by moving to Wyoming. Problem solved!

But then that person might not like the fact that California has fifty times as many representatives as Wyoming. So he may never be happy.

The bicameral Congress is set up that way to balance the interests of the states vs. majorities of the people. They say that pure democracy is a system under which 51% of the people vote to piss in the corn flakes of the other 49%. Truer words were never spoken. That's why republics put restraints on the powers of the majority. And the primary restraint on majorities is the US Senate.

Without a Senate, the Representatives of about 10 states could vote to piss in the corn flakes of the other 40 states. The Big 10 could vote to use neighboring states as their garbage landfills. So New York's trash would get dumped in New Jersey and Vermont. California would dump its trash in Nevada, and so forth.

Water rights? Well, the water belongs to the Big 10, of course. Why do you ask?

Coal plants? Well, they're built in the lower 40 and the electricity gets sent to the Big 10. The same goes for any type of chemical plant or nuclear plant.

See how easy this is without a Senate? No need for any of that messy negotiation between the House and Senate.

And just think how much easier it will be for lobbyists to push through legislation that favors their clients! You can focus all of your money and attention on the 51% of Representatives of the Big 10 and ignore the other 49% of Representatives.

NO THANKS. I think I will pass on reform. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Correct, but essentially meaningless since the enactment of the 17th Amendment. State legislatures have no representation in Washington, DC.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Which brings us to Mark Levin and his "liberty amendments". Eleven amendments he proposes to return power to the citizen. The first amendment is to return the election of the US Senate back to the state houses and not a popular vote. As was said, the Senate represents the states and not the people of the states. The House represents the interests of the people which is the reason for the shorter terms. To give the citizens a chance to make their concerns felt through the popular vote. When they put together the Constitution it became necessary to get everyone on board to create a method to guarantee parity between the smaller northern states and the larger southern and new western states. That idea was corrupted in 1913 with the adoption of the 17th amendment during the progressive era. Oddly this was the same era that gave us race laws, eugenics, and mass deportations of undesirables.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-26-2013, 07:16 AM
Oddly this was the same era that gave us race laws, eugenics, and mass deportations of undesirables. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obviously it did not work, you and your kind are still here!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Eventually, you liberals are going to push it too far, and people will be backed into a corner and nothing left but revolution. If you back someone into a corner, piss on them, deprive them of their natural rights, and keep poking them with a stick, they have nothing left to lose and will fight back.
If you want to destroy the United States, just keep on recklessly spending money on unproductive people, import poor, unskilled laborers and their dependent families, devalue the dollar with a trillion a year in quantitative easing, run massive deficits, and create an non unified body politic of selfish ethnic interests fighting each other for what they can get for themselves, and the country be damned.
There is no unifying feature of the United States that people can agree upon anymore, and it is falling apart. Those who wish to destroy it have it on automatic pilot. People are just getting what they can out of it for themselves. There is no other rational way to do things anymore. Why sacrifice for the United States - we aren't united anymore and never will be!! The people who realize this will get out, with their assets, while they can. You liberals should pass a law making it illegal for people to take their assets and leave the country before too many people catch on to the unsustainability of this country.
BigLouie's Avatar
keep on recklessly spending money on unproductive people,

How about we start by cutting off the 5.5 BILLION we give to Isreal each year.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you want to jump WTF or do you need a push? Those undesirables that were deported in mass were your kindred; socialists, anarchists, and communists. Wilson took American citizens, born and raised, and sent them to the newly established Soviet Union. See Emma Goldberg and Jack Reed.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
keep on recklessly spending money on unproductive people,

How about we start by cutting off the 5.5 BILLION we give to Isreal each year. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Fuck off, fatso!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Do you want to jump WTF or do you need a push? Those undesirables that were deported in mass were your kindred; socialists, anarchists, and communists. Wilson took American citizens, born and raised, and sent them to the newly established Soviet Union. See Emma Goldberg and Jack Reed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If the USA could bribe other countries to take all the Democrats, I might stay!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Fuck off, fatso! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The truth hurts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The truth hurts. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Oh, don't feel bad, Fatso, er, sorry, I mean BigLouise. I'm sure he meant it in a nice way. Sorry you felt hurt by it.

Then you are all for foreign aid old fart?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Oh, don't feel bad, Fatso, er, sorry, I mean BigLouise. I'm sure he meant it in a nice way. Sorry you felt hurt by it.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hopefully, it isn't anything that two dozen donuts, a Big Gulp, and a bag of chips for breakfast can't cure....
Eventually, you liberals are going to push it too far, and people will be backed into a corner and nothing left but revolution. If you back someone into a corner, piss on them, deprive them of their natural rights, and keep poking them with a stick, they have nothing left to lose and will fight back.
If you want to destroy the United States, just keep on recklessly spending money on unproductive people, import poor, unskilled laborers and their dependent families, devalue the dollar with a trillion a year in quantitative easing, run massive deficits, and create an non unified body politic of selfish ethnic interests fighting each other for what they can get for themselves, and the country be damned.
There is no unifying feature of the United States that people can agree upon anymore, and it is falling apart. Those who wish to destroy it have it on automatic pilot. People are just getting what they can out of it for themselves. There is no other rational way to do things anymore. Why sacrifice for the United States - we aren't united anymore and never will be!! The people who realize this will get out, with their assets, while they can. You liberals should pass a law making it illegal for people to take their assets and leave the country before too many people catch on to the unsustainability of this country. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

If you want to destroy the US keep on starting wars (unfunded) pass healthcare medicaid D (unfunded) Borrow money bail out companies too big to fail .Simple Jack
JCM800's Avatar
Hopefully, it isn't anything that two dozen donuts, a Big Gulp, and a bag of chips for breakfast can't cure.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
where are the donuts from .....and what kind of chips?
The county that wants to break away has a population of 9,400 people. Someone had better tell them about critical mass of your tax base. I seriously doubt if 9,400 people form a big enough tax base to provide the revenue needed to maintain all services and benefits. Originally Posted by BigLouie
I know this is taken from an older post, but I just have to ask: "Why would you even assume that these 9,400 people even want government benefits?

Except for the sloths of the nation, the remaining citizens do not even think they deserve, or want one dime more in services than what they paid for and certainly do not want government hand outs.