
VitaMan's Avatar
If that is your standard of proof, that is sad.

Hope you don't serve on jury duty.
If that is your standard of proof, that is sad.

Hope you don't serve on jury duty. Originally Posted by VitaMan
What's your standard of Proof? I bet it's mostly opinions from other sources that are one sided that meet your flimsy world view. Open your dam eyes and actually observe whats actually happening in the world instead of worrying about "Has Beens" like Donald Trump.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-08-2023, 11:11 AM
What's your standard of Proof? I bet it's mostly opinions from other sources that are one sided that meet your flimsy world view. Open your dam eyes and actually observe whats actually happening in the world instead of worrying about "Has Beens" like Donald Trump. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump is currently the frontrunner in the 2024 race.

Every right wing loon in this forum would vote for him for President should he gain the nomination.

So to call him a has been is a tad premature.
VitaMan's Avatar
That is correct.

And if this is his standard of proof:
"I have proof, because I can see whats going on. That's all the proof I need."

I don't want him on a jury.
Trump is currently the frontrunner in the 2024 race.

Every right wing loon in this forum would vote for him for President should he gain the nomination.

So to call him a has been is a tad premature. Originally Posted by WTF
You don't know who the front runner is for the the Republican Party. Besides isn't Trump suppose to be facing convictions for all his crimes the Democrats have claimed he committed? He can't be the front runner with all of that hanging over his head.

There is absolutely no proof that Biden benefitted in any way from Hunter's involvement with the Ukraine. You keep making these ridiculous claims with zero proof. Originally Posted by Levianon17

More proof than any wrong doing Democrats have accused of Trump doing.
ICU 812's Avatar
During the Carter administration, Iran took over our embassy and held the staff hostage for years. Seeing no effective response, the Soviet Russians invaded Afghanistan. When President Reagan was elected, the Iranians released the hostages, and we enabled the Afghans to chase the Russians out (there is another story there for another thread though).

During the Ford administration, the Soviets collapsed, and we signed a treaty with the resulting Russian state to secure the freedom of Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons inherited rom the Soviets.

During the Obama administration, the Russians invaded the formerly soviet Georgia while Obama let them. Then they voided the treaty on Ukraine and annexed parts of Ukraine. Obama sent Ukraine blankets and tents and let th Russians keep what they wanted.

During the Trump administration, the Russians left Ukraine alone.

During the Biden administration, the Russians invaded Ukraine . . . .

Anyone seeing a pattern here? I am thinking someone pulling strings at the White House puppet show does and that's why we are pumping billions into defense of Ukraine (I am OK with that) while suing Arizona for attempting to defend our own border (I am NOT ok with that).
ICU 812's Avatar
Despots and totalitarians of any political philosophy respond to weakness with aggression and cower before perceived strength if they there is a will to us it.

That is how Reagan got the Gorbachev to agree to a nuclear weapons treaty back in the 1980s.

That is why all the world's bad actors were so quiet before the Pandemic . . . and not now.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I have proof, because I can see whats going on. That's all the proof I need. I don't rely on bogus Polls or bullshit articles from Liberal publications that claim everything is a Conspiracy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You see what is going on through Trump-colored glasses.

Trump lost the election. His popularity is in the dumpster. I don't need polls to tell me the mid-term elections showed Trump's hold over the Republican party is flagging. As I've said before, I hope Trump runs again in 2024 because all the Democratic candidate has to do to win is hammer Trump on his election denial. That, coupled with Trump's lackluster performance while in office will doom him to defeat once again.

Trump has his base which will never leave his side but he can't win without the support of independent voters who abandoned him in 2020 and there's no reason to believe they would support him in 2024.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

More proof than any wrong doing Democrats have accused of Trump doing. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Please present your proof.

I will give you one example out of many of the wrong-doings of Trump. His call to Georgia SOS Brad Raffenspergerwas a blatant attempt to force the SOS to get the Georgia results overturned.

Georgia official: Trump call to ‘find’ votes was a threat

You see what is going on through Trump-colored glasses.

Trump lost the election. His popularity is in the dumpster. I don't need polls to tell me the mid-term elections showed Trump's hold over the Republican party is flagging. As I've said before, I hope Trump runs again in 2024 because all the Democratic candidate has to do to win is hammer Trump on his election denial. That, coupled with Trump's lackluster performance while in office will doom him to defeat once again.

Trump has his base which will never leave his side but he can't win without the support of independent voters who abandoned him in 2020 and there's no reason to believe they would support him in 2024. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You have no perception what so ever. Trump is out of the picture but the Democrats are still keying on Trump, that's a piss poor political strategy. This Country is too divided for any candidate Democrat or Republican to do anything productive. Politics is now nothing more than a big scam. Soon there will be another Pandemic with more mandates, lock downs and other ridiculous crap that stupid people will take serious and it all stems from political division.
ICU 812's Avatar
Anyone remember Mohamid Ali sucker-punching som poor slob in the boxing ring? The guy was a little woozy but still on his feet and Ali wound up with his left like he was fast ball pitching a soft ball. The guy just watched that windmill . . .and Ali gave him a roundhouse with his right.

I am thinking that this is the case with the Democrats in the run-up; to 2024. They are so focused on Trump windmilling away that they cannot see who their serious competitor might actually be.

Only, in this case, the Democrats are sucker-punching themselves.
VitaMan's Avatar
Who are the Republicans going to nominate that will be a serious competitor ?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

I am thinking that this is the case with the Democrats in the run-up; to 2024. They are so focused on Trump windmilling away that they cannot see who their serious competitor might actually be.

Only, in this case, the Democrats are sucker-punching themselves. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Not true, at least for me. I am following closely the action on both sides. Right now, if you eliminate Trump, DeSantis is the clear front runner. On the Democratic side, if Biden does not run, I don't know who would be considered to be the front runner. Maybe Pete Buttigieg. Kamela Harris has been a disappointment to me as VP thus far.
ICU 812's Avatar

Not Ali. It was Sugar Ray Leonard and Durand in the eighth round of the "No Mas" fight.