Topic: How likely are you to respond to a faceless provider ad?

LazurusLong's Avatar
I prefer a blurred face or no face over the duck face, duck face, or myspace face.
TinMan's Avatar
If you aren't willing to do whatever it takes to be rich and successful then you lack good survival skills. Originally Posted by knowshisstuff
Yeah, there are lots of girls getting rich in this business. In case you haven't heard, the Provider Pension Plan is a bit underfunded these days. The smart ones have a Plan B for when this gig is done.
The first thing I think of when I see faceless pics is a girl with a slammin body and a fugly face lol. Not always the case I know, I actually have a friend that blurs her face that is gorgeous, so I understand the privacy thing for some people I guess. I guess you just have to look at the reviews and see if people say shes hot or not or just take a chance.
I understand why someone would be weary of a provider without face shots. When I first joined the boards and saw photos without face shots I was worried, but then I thought the reviews would clear things up. I soon learned that my criteria for a pretty face is not shared by many others here so I ONLY see ladies with a face shot...or sometimes I'll see a lady with no photo if she was referred by friends who absolutely know my rankings. Thats my choice and doesn't have to be yours. If you MUST see their face then I suggest you attend one of the many socials that are held each year. That will get you some face time and some insight into the lady's personality. Sounds like a win/win to me.
I love the venom from your tight knit group of net nerds. Why would I want to post my own photo? Am I trying to get someone to give ME money? No, you all seem to make these statements like you're actually arguing logically. Maybe after you've visited enough ads you HAVE to consider the faceless ones. Go ahead and convince yourselves that its just for privacy concerns. You damn sure won't be convincing me because you have yet to demonstrate the use of facts and logic with regard to debating. In your minds, I'm sure if you just yell loud enough eventually that means you're right. Ignorance will be bliss for you.

Please do me an enormous favor. Please continue to respond with the level of intelligence and whit you have demonstrated so far. As far as missing out on any provider, my life's ambition isn't to sleep with every provider known to God. There are more in this world than any one of us will ever be with. So, here I go making a logical point again, we will ALL miss out on some great providers for various reasons. Some of us just like to know if the girl's an uggo before we get all gussied up and drive across town. Or in the case of married guys, waste a perfectly good excuse to be away for an hour or two. So to whoever told me to post my picture to see how it feels. Ok, Mr. Empathy, why don't you contact your favorite provider and tell her that you'll perform the next BBBJ on her client. That way you know how she feels. I worry that for some of you responding with such estrogen-packed emotions, you are allowing the hobby to fill a relationship need on a level it wasn't meant to fulfill. As long as you don't end up stalking your ATF then no harm no foul.
Let's agree to disagree. Remember the entire reason we all joined this site. To watch each other's backs because Johnny Law and scammers have people helping their interests all the time. Keeping it friendly and sticking with the overall greater purpose of this site is the best way for any of us to proceed. Love me or hate me, I'm putting up reviews so you know who's legit or not. We're working for the same team.

Now team, I wanna see you go out there and give it 110%. You gotta play every second of every session. Just don't get caught excessively celebrating with you finally get in the "end zone"
Here is my perspective. I will be a medical student in August. The med school community is quite small and you can get kicked out of school for ethics violations (which, is quite loosely termed--- I don't have to get arrested for them to have grounds, just get "caught").

I don't post face pictures. I don't send face pictures to screened clients. To clients who are quite concerned I always tell them that they are free to walk away at the door if I am visually displeasing. Those who HAVE met me generally all say that my face is one of my best features. If not for my future career ambitions, I probably wouldn't care as much.

As far as business goes, generally if I post an ad I'm either fully booked or close to it. I'm very low volume in terms of how many clients I see in a week (goes along with the whole discretion thing--- hard to keep a low profile if you install a revolving door at your incall). The lack of face shots has not affected my business.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Shallow Hal's are everywhere. We all know men are very visual, some more so than others. Where many in this hobby have evolved, there are just as many who have not.

The OP obviously tried relationships with less than attractive women whom he found to be less than pleasant by the end of those relationships. It seems now he prefers no relationship with gorgeous women who provide what he really is after and there's nothing wrong with that.

That being said, the more evolved males here not only enjoy getting laid by the beauties, but seem to value the women here for who they are and what they have to offer, other than just the pretty face or 10 body. Those things would include many mind stimulating skills and confidence, among others, which are attributes that often lead to mind blowing sex for them.

Personally, I don't think the OP understands that most of us here don't really need his advice on how we want to proceed with our business. Most of us proceed in an independent fashion without the advice/directives of others who want to "run us". It's why we are known as Independents. He doesn't seem to understand that there are many reasons a provider would not want to post pics on the internet, other than she might be ugly. Basically, he has stated, if you don't have pics and it is isn't apparent you are beautiful on the outside in those pics, then he won't see you and neither will others who are like minded. We get it...OK. All of this is his perrogative and IMHO...possibly his loss in many cases. I'm just sayin'. WALDT
devour's Avatar
I am cool with blurred faces but would hope they would be willing to send a shot once I am verified. I want my privacy so I have no issue with provider wanting hers.
RoDunn's Avatar
I prefer to see face pictures but it's not a must-have if I like her body enough and her reviews are good enough. I understand and respect a lady's decision not to show face pictures. The fact that so many do probably indicates that it's important to a lot of guys.

And you know what? That's okay. There are providers to fit everyone's needs. For some guys, the performance is far more important. For others, physical beauty is the number one priority. Others look for more of a intellectually stimulating dinner companion with BCD benefits. This is why there's such a wide variety of providers.

So unless you're paying for their sessions, I don't see any reason to thrash just because physical beauty is important to them. It's their money and their fantasy.

However, I am surprised by the comments
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-12-2010, 12:38 PM
I agree with the main points RoDunn made except that the comments don't surprise me. Anytime you see a debate heat up here (or on any message board) it's usually because sweeping generalizations are applied to things that are not black and white...and little here is black and white. It will start a fight every time It's a little worse here because this is pretty personal stuff and the nerves are close to the surface.

Great diffusing post above by knowshisstuff to say we can agree to disagree...communities like this need people that know when to take the foot of the gas (or your throat).

And...really, how long can you stay mad at a guy that has Quagmire for an avatar.

Spikebaby's Avatar
In case anyone is wondering what my face does actually look like...Please take a look at my avatar. Yes, it was taken a few years back and I have put on a few pounds from all the yummy bananas....but it is still me.


PS. Thanks for the compliment Ms. Dannie...your pretty smokin yourself!!!! MUAH!
Or in the case of married guys, waste a perfectly good excuse to be away for an hour or two. So to whoever told me to post my picture to see how it feels. Ok, Mr. Empathy, why don't you contact your favorite provider and tell her that you'll perform the next BBBJ on her client.
Never said how it feels .I said why don't you? Why because you are married or have an So like many of the ladies. Perform a bj.You really are just a dick aren't you? How does this relate at all to the subject at had? Not at all.
You can try to turn the tables whichever way you want ,call us morons or whatever.We are answering your question. If you don't like the answers then I suggest you don't ask. When you ask a question you may get answers that you particularly don't like. Its called differing opinions. I certainly did not say anything derogatory or make a personal attack on you out of this as you did.
So quit trying to act like you are being neutral. Verbal attacks no matter how you try to conceal them are still attacks.
I think its pretty obvious that there are valid reasons why some ladies do not show their pics and valid reasons why there are guys willing to see them .Valid reasons why other will not see them.
So from what I really gather here ,you weren't actually asking a question to begin with but stating your one-sided opinion and got upset when others posted theirs.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
There are plenty of women out there to choose from. And there are too many men out there willing to part with their money for this to even be an issue. Referring to our reasoning as an "excuse" only serves to diminishes us as real people with lives outside of this profession. The fact that you don't deem our reasoning to be important enough doesn't make it any less so. The "faceless ones" may be last resort for you and that is your right. I, for one, am grateful.

I'm happy to turn people like this away. You couldn't pay me enough to entertain this mentality. I'd sooner stay home and polish my lint collection.
I fully understand the need for privacy. That being said, I am probably not going to see a provider without first having seen a face pic or having previously met her at a social or something. I am very picky when it comes to what I like, so I want as much info as possible before I make my decision.