Climate Change Thread, not the last

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thanks for that. Yes, there are many competing views on the passing of the Neatherandals. I was avoiding the most complex of them to make a point.

Perhaps a similar but better example would be the Norse settlements on Greenland around 1000 AD. At first, they could live in a traditional Scandinavian life path. As the climate became harsher during Medieval times that life way could no longer sustain them. They could not adapt to a more arctic way of living and their settlements withered away. Originally Posted by ICU 812

theres an article on that greenland norse settlement.
what was interesting was that the norse sent over farmers, not fishermen. had they had fishermen in their settlement, they would have likely survived.

the inuits who were friendly with them did try to teach these norse farmers to fish. they refused as they were "meat" eaters, not "fish" eaters. so it was apparently a cultural thing that doomed the settlement.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I stuck my dick in the whole it fine. Originally Posted by Ripmany
fine? you do realize that means your penis is toasted???