Pelosi Denounces GOP Lack of Recognition of Kwanzaa

I despise Obama and his policies.

And I do think Obama hates America, especially our history and heritage.

And I suppose the Kwanzaa principles of unity and solidarity would mean a rallying around Obama's hatred (for some). No?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-13-2012, 11:27 AM
I have a semi-serious question. You've stated repeatedly that you don't hate Obama. At what point, if ever, do you think it would be appropriate to hate him?

Do you think it's a mistake for any people to ever hate their leader? Was it a mistake for the Germans to hate Hitler, for the Russians to hate Stalin, for the Cubans to hate Castro, for the Cambodians to hate Pol Pot? Originally Posted by joe bloe
Joe, there is a very interesting book written by a man who was a 19 y/o soldier in the Nazi army. Later he moved to the US, became a US citizen and is now retired.

His book is a reflection about growing up in Nazi Germany, what he thought at the time, and how he now wonders why he (and the rest of the society) was so effectively hypnotized by the Nazis. I have met him, and he is seriously troubled by the question: why didn't the German people see?

I will try to find the man's name and the name of the book. An interesting read.
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  • Old-T
  • 12-13-2012, 11:31 AM
Back to the OP:

Pelosi is every bit as bad as the RW extreme. She is a clueless buffoon and I am astonished that the democrats would ever turn over any leadership position to her. She is to the Dems what Cheney is to the Reps. I would love to see the two of them exiled on a small deserted island together for a very, very long time. They deserve each other.

Kwanza, who cares? As many have said, ALL holidays are created, and very few actually represent what they might have originally been created for. Now they are all just excuses for sales.
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe, there is a very interesting book written by a man who was a 19 y/o soldier in the Nazi army. Later he moved to the US, became a US citizen and is now retired.

His book is a reflection about growing up in Nazi Germany, what he thought at the time, and how he now wonders why he (and the rest of the society) was so effectively hypnotized by the Nazis. I have met him, and he is seriously troubled by the question: why didn't the German people see?

I will try to find the man's name and the name of the book. An interesting read. Originally Posted by Old-T
The whole question of mass psychology has always been interesting to me. I think we live in a concensus reality. People are sheep; they typically adopt whatever belief appears to be held by the majority. As long as Obama can create the perception that his actions are reasonable, people will go along. I think that's how people lose their freedom, bit by bit, until it's too late.

Eternal vigilance is price of liberty.
markroxny's Avatar
True. All holidays are made up. But some are more made up than others.

I think Orwell said that.

Do you really need a holiday to teach and celebrate "principles", as opposed to events or famous people?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Need? Blacks in this country were the only people brought here as slaves. We were disconnected from our homeland and our ORIGINAL culture and it's practices and principles. There are many African Americans who believe (and I am one) that is is imperative that we re-connect with our African heritage to understand who we truly are, where we come from and what we were about originally. Not just that we are freed slaves.

And when you look at the definitions, are those really "African" principles? They look pretty generic to me.

Take Ujamaa, for example: "Cooperative economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support."

That isn't really African. That's warmed over Marxism.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
So many things in ancient African cultur pre-date things like Marxism. Go to any jewish community and you will see the Ujamaa principle in full effect. Are jewish people Marxists? No.

Which makes sense considering who Ron Karenga was - a 60s radical. He was basically substituting secular economic ideas for religious beliefs he didn't share. And he tried to sell it by wrapping it in African garb to sell it in the black community. It's more of a Trojan horse than it is a religious or cultural celebration.

I think black Christians of all people ought to be insulted by it and oppose it for leading young folks away from Christianity (to the extent that it actually does). And I say this as someone who is borderline atheist. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Ron's being a so called 'radical" misses the entire point. The entire point of the celebration was not to replace Christmas or any other religious observances, but to be a celebration of culture that was not tied to any specific religious doctrine or the commercial nature of our so called Christmas celebrations. This is why it starts after Christmas. It is not meant to lead young folks away from Christianity at all, and if you think that you are not being objective.

Please don't tell us black people what we should be insulted by.

The rest of the world isn't obligated to put on blinders and pretend Kwanzaa is real. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Define "real" when it comes to a non religious "holiday".

To put it another way, if CoG started a new "holiday celebration" based on individualism, self-reliance, and limited government principles and called it "Libertaria" and pitched it as a celebration of Anglican Protestant "principles", would you laugh at it or treat it seriously?

If Hallmark used Libertaria as an excuse to sell more holiday cards, would that make Libertaria any less of a phony manufactured holiday? Originally Posted by ExNYer
If COG started Libertaria, and millions of people around the world celebrated it and it had meaning for them....yes i would take that seriously. Why wouldn't I? Why should it bother me?

In all honesty, Id far rather hear COG talk about the principles of being a libertarian than creating anti-Obama threads all day. It would be far more useful.
When the Dimos honor Kwanzaa, I cringe. Kwanzaa is a made up holiday, invented by sixties radical and convicted felon, Ron Karenga. Showing respect for Kwanzaa is just pandering to get the black vote. The Dimos are shameless. Originally Posted by joe bloe
+1, JB tellin it like it is!!
All holidays are "made up". Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25, that was the day of a Pagan "holiday" that some Roman emperor decided to merge with his Christian subjects core belief, so now we have "Christmas".

Kwanzaa is the only "holiday" that celebrates and teaches African cultural principles.

Of course the GOP will dismiss it. They still haven't learned the lessons of the 2012 elections. Originally Posted by markroxny
The United States is a secular Country. We should only have National Holidays that celebrate the American Experience.
4th of July
Memorial Day-Veterans Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving, (not the religous part)
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Day
If they're going to honor Kwanzaa, then by God, they should recognize Festivus as a national holiday!

Originally Posted by joe bloe
For the Restuvus!!??!! man, I miss Seinfeld...
+1 Originally Posted by markroxny

TP - 1239
Marx - 1526

And so, you're different how exactly??
What dribble are you talking now? Isn't it time for you or COF to start another Obama/liberal hater thread? Originally Posted by markroxny
Uhhh, the correct terminology would be drivel, moron. Look it up...
MarxNoSmarts is one of the most prolific posters here. He does 11.61 posts per day. An astosihing amount of what he calls bullshit.

Far more than myself, Joe, JD, and others. And not too far behind COG.

MarxNoSmarts is a phony - a black pot calling the kettle black.

And Marxy's posts are a true waste of time; no facts, no links, no substance. Just empty rhetoric and his lover Obama.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
+ 1, my man Whirly!!
markroxny's Avatar
Uhhh, the correct terminology would be drivel, moron. Look it up... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
In Whirly's case it's dribble, trust me.


TP - 1239
Marx - 1526

And so, you're different how exactly?? Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

1329 + 1526 = 2765

15,000 - 2765 = 12, 235

Difference: 12, 235.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-13-2012, 12:35 PM
I send greetings to those observing Kwanzaa.
Celebrated by millions across the world, Kwanzaa honors the history and heritage of Africa. This seven-day observance is an opportunity for individuals of African descent to remember the sacrifices of their ancestors and reflect on the Nguzo Saba. Kwanzaas seven social and spiritual principles offer strength and guidance to meet the challenges of each new day.
During this joyous time of year, Americans renew our commitment to hope, understanding, and the great promise of our Nation. In honoring the traditions of Africa, Kwanzaa strengthens the ties that bind individuals in communities across our country and around the world.
Laura joins me in sending our best wishes for a joyous Kwanzaa.
joe bloe's Avatar
For the Restuvus!!??!! man, I miss Seinfeld... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

Me too. It was the funniest sitcom ever. It would be interesting to do a big budget movie with all the Seinfeld characters back together. Larry David and Seinfeld are so rich from the residuals, they have no motivation to cash in on a guaranteed money maker.

It's kind of like the Beatles reunion that never happened.
joe bloe's Avatar
Uhhh, the correct terminology would be drivel, moron. Look it up... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
It's a basketball thang!