Is OH2 still down ?

Precious_b's Avatar
Only log in about once a week.
Gotta surrender your safety without security cert.

Anyone want to speculate why they aren't fixing it?

Traffic is at a snails pace there. I can easily breeze through my normal thread reading.
2xH3Lix's Avatar
I don’t even get the security warning when I click on your link. Just a blank screen and an error message with “the url can’t be shown” as the explanation. Originally Posted by TinMan
So I only realized once I’d entered the URL I’d done the link wrong and my edit to fix it didn’t go through it seems.

Try this one
2xH3Lix's Avatar
Only log in about once a week.
Gotta surrender your safety without security cert.

Anyone want to speculate why they aren't fixing it?

Traffic is at a snails pace there. I can easily breeze through my normal thread reading. Originally Posted by Precious_b
So the last cert was one of the free 90 day trial certs that typically is used for testing or emergency situations. It expired and a new one hasn’t yet been put in place.
TinMan's Avatar
So I only realized once I’d entered the URL I’d done the link wrong and my edit to fix it didn’t go through it seems.

Try this one Originally Posted by 2xH3Lix
Thanks. I still get the security warning.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I'm getting a "File not found." screen while attempting to log on this morning. That's it, "File not found." in small font on the upper left corner of the screen on both my desktop mac and my puffin browser on iPhone.

I think the best course of action is to maybe go start a new thread about it here in coed and in the private area as well.
Hello world! hopefully it gets fixed by monday so all the handlers can post their ads without delay.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
handlers Originally Posted by cage196
It's okay to use the word "pimp"
2xH3Lix's Avatar
Thanks. I still get the security warning. Originally Posted by TinMan
Ohh you will always get the security warning, the SSL used has expired and he’s not replaced it. You can usually click advanced and “continue anyway”. The link is more for people who need to reset their password as it seems they have to use the full form and not the quick form at the top of the page.

~Edit~ Or the sites down, if you go to the home page it shows the Apache default web page as if you’ve just done a fresh install. She may now be dead or just a bad time to pick a maintenance window.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-15-2022, 12:51 PM
Oh sure, I don't mind sharing how I'm logging on. Thanks for asking and inviting me to the discussion. Basically, I installed the ProtonVPN and then just logged in at the top on firefox. I'm on a mac fwiw. Now while I do believe the VPN (Bounced my IP off a connect in Japan) helped me get back in, I noticed a few days later that the VPN was actually disconnected but I was still gaining access. So yeah, IDK wtf is going on. The only consistency is a point I like to repeat and that's that the issues are different for different users, we're not all getting the same reaction from the site. I also whould like to include the fact that when I did get back in through the VPN, it was still giving me the "security warning/Bypass" treatment. I haven't experienced the security prompts in quite a while though. Okay, now I'll open the floor to any questions that y'all might have.

So the funny thing about #38 is that it was never meant to actually be very strong on the surface. The real punch that #38 has is that the whole comment was basically just a little red meat to toss out there. In short, I played you. Originally, I was just going to kinda poke at Sparkky (or Sparkyy, whatever). Now what's really kinda funny is that my intent and motive are actually documented elsewhere, this is fact, there are peers that are aware of this. Now as I was throwing some words together on #38, I thought to myself it'd be funny to see if I could nab two fish with the same lure. And while I'm still hopeful that I can get a lil' Sparkky nibble, you came through with the bite. The whole reason I even mentioned your name was to see if I could get you to waddle your ass back over here and start bumpin your gums, so thanks for doing your part in making #38 a success, lol Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Your gossiping headquarters with all the Ladies is shut down now LoL, I do call it a great success! You'll have to get use to biting your tongue from now on, that SIMP environment doesn't work on this site.
TinMan's Avatar
Ohh you will always get the security warning, the SSL used has expired and he’s not replaced it. You can usually click advanced and “continue anyway”. The link is more for people who need to reset their password as it seems they have to use the full form and not the quick form at the top of the page.

~Edit~ Or the sites down, if you go to the home page it shows the Apache default web page as if you’ve just done a fresh install. She may now be dead or just a bad time to pick a maintenance window. Originally Posted by 2xH3Lix
If the site was administered properly, I wouldn’t have to bypass the security warning (and won’t in any event).

I’m going to look on the bright side and hope that the site is down because they’re fixing whatever has been wrong with it the last few months.
what happened? Ive been away since 2020 and all the kamps are gone and no more action?
TinMan's Avatar
Too much to summarize in a single post, but relating to oh2: that site came under a serious ddos attack almost 3 months ago and has never recovered. It’s hobbled along but as of this morning still hadn’t fixed whatever needed to be fixed to make it safely accessible to most people.

Threads regarding the current status of the AMPs are numerous and outside the scope of this thread. Go check one of those out, since we don’t need this one to get derailed by the internecine fighting of the bloods and crips lol.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Your gossiping headquarters with all the Ladies is shut down now LoL, I do call it a great success! You'll have to get use to biting your tongue from now on, that SIMP environment doesn't work on this site. Originally Posted by BLM69
Hard to decide which is more comical/sad...This idea that you want to keep up some sort of "turf war" between eccie and oh2 or that you think you're like top dog for team eccie or some shit. Grrrrrrrrr, woof woof, lol.

And then in regards to "gossiping headquarters", well that's going to always be where the guys are at. Now you're not allowed on certain parts of this website nor do you see everything on OH2, but the majority of the "gossip" has always been more rampant throughout the mens areas. Guys in the hobby are simply more dramatic than the ladies, and that's just fact.

I’m going to look on the bright side and hope that the site is down because they’re fixing whatever has been wrong with it the last few months. Originally Posted by TinMan
I mean, there is something to consider. But I doubt it will come to fruition. Awhile back, CK posted something about a "back up" site being built. So I guess you could maybe hold out a little hope that there's a move taking place and this is why there has been a total void of OH2 today. But that seems like an extreme long shot and I for one won't be holding my breath. But none the less, fingers crossed..
2xH3Lix's Avatar
If the site was administered properly, I wouldn’t have to bypass the security warning (and won’t in any event).

I’m going to look on the bright side and hope that the site is down because they’re fixing whatever has been wrong with it the last few months. Originally Posted by TinMan
It’s just lazy to have the SSL cert expire, they remind you basically every day for three months before it expires. Also it’s like $65 for a cert, cheaper from some other random places.
If the site was administered properly, I wouldn’t have to bypass the security warning (and won’t in any event).

I’m going to look on the bright side and hope that the site is down because they’re fixing whatever has been wrong with it the last few months. Originally Posted by TinMan
I would have hoped ck would have given a heads-up that that was actually what is happening. I get the feeling this recent outage was "unplanned".