I’m asking provider out on date (would love provider input)

Just going to say, providers are here for the money. There is nothing wrong with that. This is their job, and they are supposed to make you feel good. In no way is that an insult to a provider. She will stay her distance for the safety of it. You can’t fall for that, even if you did it won’t help. Paid for passion and passion are two different things.

Do you guys even know each other’s full names? Play it safe op. Find a girl you aren’t paying for sex, once the money is involved it doesn’t go backwards from there.
Get a tinder
Get a tinder Originally Posted by the cute papi
The sound of thousands of men canceling their tinder accounts?
jimmy jump's Avatar
The sound of thousands of men canceling their tinder accounts? Originally Posted by Mythos
As if a cess pool of people that will fuck absolute strangers in a public restroom for free isn’t already a deadly infection waiting to afflict those who use it.
Another pussy whipped tard just likeprinceor the1slayer etc

Thanks for the clarification. It could still go either way. She may really like your company but not want to date you otc. She might be totally into you. You don’t want to ruin a good thing by misjudging. Do you all spend time out in the real world? Know each other’s names, etc.?

One way you could feel it out is this...after you’ve paid her, mention you’re going to grab a drink or something to eat. Tell her she’s more than welcome to join you. You won’t necessarily get a definitive answer because she might not be available, but you might get a feel for if she seems open.

Also, be totally honest with yourself. Do you seem like someone she’d date in the real world? Originally Posted by B Three
Getting to believe the “brainy” label.
This guy is trolling. Probably one of the regulars in these forums.
Getting to believe the “brainy” label. Originally Posted by qbano77
Thank you. Xoxo
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
lots of good advice here hope OP listens ?
Is she really showing an interest in you. Has she given you any free time or any hints she wants to spend more time with you other than you just paying for that time?

I had a provider once entertain lunch dates with me when visiting her for a session. But is was nothing serious. She let me know she did it with other customers as well. Really she was just game for a free meal and some conversation along with the session.

If she is interested in you she will let you know. If she really wants that sort of thing she's got many customers to choose from. Chances are she's just a friendly provider who enjoys a customer who makes good conversation. That doesn't mean it isn't about the money.
perrydocs......very well said
Caligula1's Avatar
OP - stop - do not see her again. This is not the place. Stick with reality. No offense to anyone it happens. emotions. Ok....but treat them well. Keep in mind their boyfriends are getting them for free. ...
How deep are your pockets? They will need to be very deep!!

What’s the end result you are looking for? It sounds to me like you really enjoy your time now, why change? I understand wanting to show a lady a nice time, I have been down this road myself. Do a session with her so you both have the post fuck euphoria going and ask her if she would like to get a bite to eat. Be sure to tell her it’s off the clock, and take it from there. I wish you luck but you need to be prepared that this could fuck up what you have now as her $$$ will most likely be raised by your interest. Does she consider you wealthy now? Hopefully you are Rolling with fat stacks of dinero.

Good luck.
Good luck *in Russian*
TryWeakly's Avatar
OP should read up on Wolfie's experience with whats-her-name ....

... in short, never a good idea.