What are your favorite everyday household items to convert into kinky toys?

Everyone, thanks so much for sharing your insights. I'm getting caught up on all the responses. What I love about using everyday items for kinky shenanigans is that even if one isn't near a brick and mortar adult toy shop, grocery stores, pharmacies, sporting goods or hardware stores, etc can be sites to acquire implements which can then be used creatively for sexy times. There is also something about the filthy feeling I get when using mundane objects for debaucherous purposes!
I once made an impromptu dildo out of my BF-at-the-time's fancy pepper grinder (he was a fine dining cook). It was the PERFECT shape/size (for me). I had to take the whole thing apart and wash the pepper off first, though. haha! Later I washed it, put it back together, and no one was the wiser... after going through this process several times, I got sick of the prep/clean up and one day the pepper grinder just got "lost." I guess I should have just bought myself a toy, but why bother when I already had the perfect one? lol
I believe this is the pepper grinder I used

Ms. Athena's Avatar
Clothes line, clothes pins, wooden spoons and hair brushes all from my local CVS
Are you promoting the Ivanka Trump line Athena?
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Maybe I should start The Athena line.... Nipples or US... What do you think Souper?
notanewbie's Avatar
Arc welder
I can see the "Athena Line" doing well at Neiman Marcus.
BobLuna59's Avatar
Sliced Peaches cant be beat
My God...I just went into the kitchen for coffee and became strangely aroused... Originally Posted by Contralto
I like to drink coffee put my warm mouth on d!ck or Pu$$Y...Massage tool put it on my pu$$y.DAMN!
melannie_star's Avatar
I had a rolling pin!
Talk about rolling the dough
Sliced Peaches cant be beat Originally Posted by BobLuna59
Yummy peaches
DallasRain's Avatar
I purchased a lare wooden paddle a he resale shop.......i am gonna cover wiih fur and use for my naughty boys
houston_switch's Avatar
Just recover one side... the paddle will be good for softies and bad boys.
DallasRain's Avatar
Yep ttnanks !

I was in he resale store with my SO...he picked it off the shelf and spanked me with it....it had a nice feel and an even better sound................there was a young teenage gal who looked over at us and smiled! lol