I get so many inquiries from hobbyists who clearly have not taken the time to read my ads
Originally Posted by Lioness
This nonsense thread has gone on for far too long and is just wasting peoples time to scroll around/ignore it.
"Why Don't Hobbyists Read Ads?" Because we are the clients/customers who pay for the services and there two old sayings that relate to this issue:
1. "The customer is always right."
2. When you think that is wrong, then review Rule #1: "The customer is always right." Because, the client will take his dollars and play somewhere else.
Now, don't get your panties all twisted up over my terse and direct comments, because I understand their is a need for clarity on rates and services.
However, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that information clear and readily accessible to the client in your showcase or Ads Don't make the client search multiple ads and showcase with note that your services may be found listed in your reviews. I have asked for something I enjoy in a session and was listed in reviews, only to learn that the OP posted that incorrectly, or that is no longer offered, or that is YMMV and she didn't want to do that with me.
The ladies who understand this and who provide stellar services, will have long lines outside their door, and numerous/repeat clients. Other ladies spend their time in Coed, griping about how the clients don't respect them or take time to read conflicting and confusing ads and showcases.
Below is what I am looking for in a Provider Ad/Showcase as an Example:
Provider has following services: XXX, YYYY, ZZZ
NOTE: Provider doesn't provide these services: BBXYZ, No-Axxx, etc
Provider's rate is: $xxx/hr in or $xxx/hr out and clearly spell out what the rate is for shorter and/or longer appointments. If you have recently jacked up your rates, you SHOULD STATE THAT Long-Term clients have a Grandfathered rate (and state that if you wish). If you want to screw your long-term clients, simply tell them they also have to pay the new jacked up rates--seeing that a lot lately from ladies I no longer see.
If the provider doesn't take short-notice appointments--say so. State normal hours of availability.
If there are age limitations, or the provider doesn't see AA, Asian, Hispanic, Caucasians, or whatever, please state it clearly. Most guys don't want to waste time doing research on a lady who will NOT see them for some reason or another. Your choice--make it clear.
Simply state that
all transactions must be in cash. All this crap about barter, debit/credit cards, PayPal, Bit-Coin, etc. is total BS.
No money, no play. Guys should have the required donation ready at the start of session and if they don't, no play.
Guys and Gals should all be sparkling clean, nose to toes. If not, make sure there is a shower available.
Time to close this thread. Stick a fork in it, it is WELL DONE and won't get any better.