Discretion on the board

Monica13's Avatar
To even discuss a session, period, is indiscreet in my opinion... Originally Posted by Camille Fox
i could not agree more!
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but I want to thank Heather and Jessica for raising the level of discourse in this forum. I go weeks without seeing anything of interest, but these ladies have points of view and insights which hold my attention. You can now resume the debate. Originally Posted by awl4knot

And CarolineDavenport, Solitaire, jayceeRivers to name a few!
awl4knot's Avatar
And CarolineDavenport, Solitaire, jayceeRivers to name a few! Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
See, I left you some low hanging fruit so that you can be the hero. They certainly add value to the board, but since I don't know them they didn't pop into mind as I was posting. Kudos to awl.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I've had a couple of occasions where a lady got jealous over someone else I decided to see. Several reasons come to mind as to why. Unless you know the other is okay with sharing extra information publicly, I think it's best to err on the side of confidentiality.
We, as providers, are getting compensated not only for our time and services, but also for our confidentiality. So, I agree, to even discuss a session is indiscreet.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Any mention of dates or interaction on a public forum is poor form imo and is noted by me for future reference.

Not only does it lack discretion it is poor form.

I know this is a review site and there are other review sites; that is a completely different animal (not saying it is good or bad, just different) so I am excluding reviews. I talking about mention on discussion boards.
thecooldude's Avatar
We, as providers, are getting compensated not only for our time and services, but also for our confidentiality. So, I agree, to even discuss a session is indiscreet. Originally Posted by RoxyParker
I wish all providers understood this.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Related to all this...not a matter of discretion but class...

There is a reason PM's exist. Use them. The public boards are for discussions all members should feel welcome to participate in as it suits their interests or they have something of value to contribute.

The public boards shouldn't be used for conversations between two or three members. "Hey look at me I'm talking to x and y about some little subtext that only we know about"
roll_with_me's Avatar
Lately, I've seen a few post where the provider will say something like, "it was so nice having lunch with you yesterday" or "You've seen me..." is this acceptable? Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
Answer: No. This is not acceptable, but it do think it's perfectly acceptable to put a quick note in after visiting a city that might say something like: "Blank City, Thank You for making me feel so welcome and showing me a great time."

This is simple marketing. Who know's how many people may think this message is directed specifically at them. If you do this though you have to be comfortable with someone commenting back that they enjoyed spending time with you. That's their decision, but it's in response to your message.

The simpler alternative would be to send a quick private message.

There's a man I visit with often in another state. He's a sure thing. However, he sees a lot of local girls that charge less than I do and he doesn't want them to know he also sees me.

But, he flat out told me that he wanted to keep our time together a secret.

He said that he was going to attend, but not if I was going to go. I have heard rumors that a certain local girl has run other girls off when it come to him. She has claimed him and makes it know he is hers. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
I can totally understand the desire to keep your time together a secret.

1. It could be simple economics. Like you mentioned before local girls have a lower rate if they find out that he frequently is paying much higher rates he may be concerned that his rate may increase.

2. It destroys the fantasy. I don't mean this in a bad way. There could be a couple of different fantasies going on here. 1) He holds you in high regard and doesn't want to destroy that fantasy or 2) there's a bit of a relationship fantasy with the local provider that he wants to protect.

Now there's an issue with the provider "laying claim". This sounds like she's trying to protect her business. I'm not saying it's right, after all she may think he is her "Sure Thing" too and doesn't want to lose him.

On a final note: If a person starts to be treated too much like a "sure thing", they many not be such a sure thing in the future.