Reviews and expenditures

Bankshot's Avatar
I don't review much anymore because I really don't see new ladies. I had a couple of regulars but that's down to one. I have a few in San Antonio I see but I'm not out that way except during hunting season.

There are basically 4 groups here.
The ladies that post ads.
The silent majority that lurks for entertainment or information.
The occasional poster that may review or comment on something that interests them.
The post whores that have to comment on every thread.
Bankshot...You need to add to your list:

Fake reviews
Reviews providers write
Good thread bones.

I wrote some reviews to get PA years ago. Found it was easier to get lifetime PA, so I stopped.

I don't write much now because I don't see many now.

For the reviews that are written, some are good. Some aren't. Back when you could post pics, it was nice to see real, un-shopped pics from guys. Now I just rely on reviewers that I feel are more accurate.
Yeah reviews are important. I won’t see a provider who doesn’t have at least a few.
They also make me nervous because sometimes men write reviews in here bashing women and we’re supposed to believe that. He could just be bsc or just a woman hater, which a lot of dudes on here are. Why even hobby if you hate women so much?

Flip of that coin is there is a lot of White Knights on here too. Take what you get I suppose.
Yes sir....the hardest part is sifting thru all the bullshit.
boardman's Avatar
I consider about 95% of what is posted here to be bullshit. It used to be that about 75% of that was entertaining and the other 25% was tiresome. Since that ratio has flipped I find myself sifting more and posting less.
VitaMan's Avatar
Try and stay on topic vm

I'm going out on a limb here but let me guess.....

You are probably a short and fat history teacher that never had a date in highshool or college. You're book smart but you don't have enough sense to get out of the rain. You have no practical knowledge of anything. You probably don't even know how to check the oil in your car or change a flat,

How far off am I? Originally Posted by tbone2u

tbone, you have been following me and throwing as many insults as possible for weeks, months even years. The same thing, over and over. You must have nothing else going on in your life. All your previous assumptions have been incorrect, you know nothing about me....but you continue.

I can only end this by saying there is not much stigma attached any longer for treatment for mental health problems. Maybe you are mechanically minded and could stick to that.

I have lost count of many times you have been politely requested to not post on threads I start. I have absolutely no interest in seeing communicating from you or your opinions. How old are you now ?
  • pxmcc
  • 06-23-2019, 02:27 PM
tbone and VM: ya'll should bury the hatchet. ijs.
Vm.....You may want to look at who follows me around. It might just be you. I'm actually delighted you follow me around. You're a great guy and have been one of my mentors on this board since you joined. I may have have kidded you about your 245 threads but truth be told....I was in awe about each and every one of them.

When I grow up I want to be just like you. You are defiantly my hero on this board.

We need to become the best of friends. How's that sound to You?
Pmx....I'm trying

But the mental health thing makes it hard for me to try because it's a ban type comment.

I'm hoping he doesn't get banned over it even tho he should.
I guess we will see if there is a difference in calling someone a chub and saying someone has a mental illness.

I just hope he doesn't get banned.

Back to the subject...
Some ladies want reviews and some don't
Some ladies need reviews and some don't
I seldom have any to ask me for a review unless they are new.
When they do ask I just tell them I don't do reviews but I can say something nice or share with friends.
I would think there are many here just like me
CryptKicker's Avatar
Let's all knock off the insults folks......
Midniteluvher's Avatar
I kind of have a love/hate relationship with both writing and reading reviews.

When it comes to writing reviews, I generally only write reviews for PA or because a provider asked me to. There have been several times when I've written reviews because I was asked to and said provider(s) will contact me later on to thank me and tell me they had a spike in clientele and that at least one of these clients cited my review specifically in persuading them to see her. On the flip side I'm years removed from school and I know my grammar skills are not the best and sometimes I have a hard time articulating what I'm trying to say.

In terms of reading them reviews can be entertaining, informative and possibly persuade me or deter me from wanting to spend time with someone. But I've also come across a couple reviews that were down right disturbing. There was a review a couple months back where maybe I was reading too much into things but I interpreted it as the client completely took advantage of the provider and he felt it was justified since he paid for it. And there was another review not too long ago where the guy concluded by saying "he wish he could of beat the hooker up and took his money back" as if he was playing Grand Theft Auto 3.

I've actually been thinking about making a similar thread because I find it somewhat odd that after the last couple reviews I've written I always get a number of messages from profiles I've never seen post asking for further details or asking questions. Like why not just make those comments or questions in the actual review??
I'm guessing most guys can read through the bullshit threads. I to get disturbed at some of the threads to. I'm guessing the hobby attracts it's share of assholes.....maybe more than it's share
I have my reasons why I stopped writing reviews. I don't feel bad about it, not even a little. I contribute in my own way.
I think the fine ladies here should set their rates any way they like. It's our choice to pay or not. I don't do it to hold prices down or worry that prices are too high. I just hobby the way I prefer.
Another good thread bones. Originally Posted by tyboy1

Thank you ! Someone who gets it !
Thanks for the thread Bones.
Jess.... I don't haggle with the price either.
If I can't afford the lady then I don't go...or I wait until I can.
The few guys that are always bitching about the prices and telling people who pay the prices...that they are fucking up the market don't get it.
I don't think they realize how many guys see these girls and never even post here on eccie. Again...the silent majority. They won't post because they get tired of others bitching about what they paid.

I'm kind curious as to what percentage of the guys ladies see or don't see......actually haggles.

I'm also curious if the ladies see the guys that haggle.