I Did NOT Retire

KittyLamour's Avatar
Kitty while you may have started this thread don't take it off course please. Originally Posted by Mojojo
Off course? Off course was bumping a year old thread and then coming on this one and continuing the same old hater bullshit. Not a single one of them has met me.

Dearhunter, don't you and your minions have anything better to do than pick on people, start shit or spread gossip and fabrications? I mean the attention is flattering and all but don't any of you guys have anything better to do?

Once upon a time the gentlemen of this site were considered to be actual gentlemen and prided themselves on being better than the "tricks" on BP. Sadly, the BP guys are way more respectful these days.

This kind of crap would've gotten called out and stopped by both members and staff once upon a time, by crap I mean: bumping year old threads to start trouble and hurt her business, baiting and publicly downgrading a provider none of them have even met spreading malicious lies and fabrications about her. If this doesn't obviously show an AGENDA, I don't know what it would take to make it any clearer.


I have a legit question. Who is going to pay your make up bill when you stop turning tricks? And ... Your Jenny Craig Membership?
KittyLamour's Avatar
We'd love to hear his side of the story why the relationship didn't work. Maybe he realized you're a lying DramaQueen? Maybe he saw what you look like in the morning without the 5 lbs. of clown makeup? Maybe he saw you without the wigs on?

As usual DQKitty, you were stupid to write another 'look at me' threAD...Quit trying so fucking hard to be a Queen Bee...Place ads, sell your pussy, suck dick, pay your rent, pay your electric bill, buy groceries, put any extra money in the bank or safe deposit box...Wash, rinse, repeat cycle...Stay off the Drama Forums which you can't handle.

You'll never learn, BSC. Originally Posted by ManSlut
I hope you and dearhunter have many years of happiness together. He's a keeper. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Thanks for not threatening to end your life again and typing in all caps misspelling to leave you alone, like you did on your Tony thread...That was fucking CLASSIC, an emotional breakdown that morphed into all caps, blatant misspellings!! Originally Posted by ManSlut
ThreADs should include clowns, or step by step on how to become one. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
What's so bad about about "ho"? Some prefer the term "hoe". Would prostitute or whore be any better because it's correct English? Would courtesan or escort change the nature of the business? It's all sucking and fucking for cash you know? I remember having this conversation with an elite courtesan escort. I think we eventually concluded it's a man/woman thing. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
I'll take the 'Under', again. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
FTFY Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Thanks Plaxico. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Seriously Mojo, I want to know how all this crap is relevant to my simple post to clear up a misconception organized and perpetrated against me by these asshats? Or how my defending myself against these irrelevant comments and statements is so bad that you have to call me out for it and let the haters and trolls continue unabated? How is the above posts any of them considered relevant? Did they get points? Did you send them each a private warning to stay on topic yet chose to call me out publicly on the thread I started and they are hijacking????

I am beginning to feel that this site has become totally biased and unfair in it's treatment of providers.

KittyLamour's Avatar

I have a legit question. Who is going to pay your make up bill when you stop turning tricks? And ... Your Jenny Craig Membership? Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Excuse me but are you relevant to the topic? Are you fucking relevant at all? Do you have a brain because you have to be retarded to think the statement you just made applies to me.

KittyLamour's Avatar
My Suggestion would be to close this thread since it's turned into a 3 ring circus over-run with Bozo's.

I obviously have not retired and none of this bullshit being posted is relevant. Especially the bullshit about me, they are publicly trying to assassinate my image and lead other hobbyists to believe blatant untruths about me.

I have come a long ways and do not deserve to be treated the way I am being treated. I've already come up and I refuse to be dragged through the mud undeservedly.

This clique is continually wreaking havoc wherever they choose like a pack of laughing hyenas drawn to what they think is easy prey. Well, I fight back, I don't lay down and die I've worked too hard to give up that easy.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
If you had just kept posting ads instead of threADs, people would have known you hadn't retired. Pretty simple concept. Yet you continue to run amuck and still haven't learned ONE lesson.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Well Katrina,

What would you do if you were getting phone calls and pm's every single day congratulating you on your retirement due to someone bumping a year old thread that had zero relevance to today? What if I've been posting ads and everywhere else and still getting congratulations? Seems to me like I needed to start one stating the obvious since quite a few people were misled by the old one.

I'm more than a little pissed off that they got away with bumping those old threads in the first place. There was zero legitimate reason for that to be done and it was done twice.

Then I get told to stay on topic. WTF
Kitty, Katrina has a good point. Best advice for the drama to stop is to post ads, make a comment here or there if you wish, but do not start threads. Also put those who try to bait you into a response on ignore and do just that, do not respond or give any written acknowledgment and just ignore what they say.

You have to know who controls the site, at least in the Dallas forums. It would be great if these unbiased mods we have here in Dallas would nip those kinds of baiting and shit stirring posters in the bud, but for some reason they do not or choose not to. From first hand experience, the only person that is effected by mod warnings and points is you.
mrredcat43's Avatar
If you had just kept posting ads instead of threADs, people would have known you hadn't retired. Pretty simple concept. Yet you continue to run amuck and still haven't learned ONE lesson. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
This, right here.
Excuse me but are you relevant to the topic? Are you fucking relevant at all? Do you have a brain because you have to be retarded to think the statement you just made applies to me.

Originally Posted by KittyLamour
So..... I guess you have not planed that far ahead, with your retirement.
Enjoy your retirement!
dearhunter's Avatar
I thinck the best thing to do is be the better retard and just wish the retiring whore well in her future endeavors.
KittyLamour's Avatar
So..... I guess you have not planed that far ahead, with your retirement. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Lookn4... I'm going to say one more thing and I'm going to say it real clearly so you get it through your pointy little head. It's none of your damn business. So mind yours.

I never had a bone to pick with you but if you want to make one, bring it. Message me and I will meet you anytime, anyplace and you say what you got to say to my face if you are man enough. If not. Shut the front door cause you don't know me, and don't have a leg to stand on when you mention my name or anything to do or not to do with my life.

Katrina is right and I'm letting you fucktards get under my skin... I've got better things to do than argue with a bunch of trolls and cyber bullies. You guys need a life if you can't find anything better to do than pick on a provider. You all are not men at all, you are pussies hiding behind a computer screen trying to hurt me. Grow a pair of balls. If you don't have any then I'm talking to you. If it don't apply then let it fly.

Ciao Putos.
Any retirement specials?
dearhunter's Avatar
Ciao Putos. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Cuban Tuesday right on que