PT No More?

JohnnyCap's Avatar
people like freedom
so they like some err ehh funny stuff once in a while
that's their choice.

let em have it, Originally Posted by bjwstw
Swift, in Gulliver's Travels, wrote something to the effect of: a man can enjoy whatever poison he wishes, so long as he doesn't vend it in public.

I believe that. I'm fine with the junkies next door, but I hate the booze and big pharma ads on my tv.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Few people understanding this and news wont tell the truth 40thousand new laws passed last year but focus on one state one law and people think big freedom coming! Another way to keep people stupid dependent content. Little to no medical value yet dictator governor gets stupid people to believe its all about helping people. bullshit all about control to keep them drunk stoned and gambling keep them stupid and playing games whittling away their lives with no savings paycheck to paycheck while government grows people at the top live immune and every real right is taken away. Gambling going to save the state no gambling makes a few rich and keep taxing the poor. Pt booze cigarettes simply puts morons to sleep thinking they have it great but turning them into mindless servants with shit lifes
The pros-and-cons of society attempting to save our citizens from bad habits are never a black-and-white issue.

Drinking in excess is bad for you, and yet we have to learn from the lessons of the grand experiment called Prohibition. In addition to embolding and enriching the crooks and making law-breakers out of ordinary citizens, I just read about the Government's alcohol poisoning program that killed, blinded and paralyzed tens of thousands of people who drank "legally" tainted alcohol unknowingly,
The more astute of you may be able to discern my position on certain aspects of pt. ;-) But in the context of ECCIE, let's remember that the IE = Information Exchange. If I read in a review that an incall location reeked of pt, I'm not going to think any less of the provider as that particular flavor of pt doesn't present any health concerns. If I learn that there is PT that could be a vector for serious illness, I'm running the other way. Look at the trainwreck that is Salem - THAT's some PT I want to know about so I can avoid catching some very serious cooties. Totally different from red eyes & the munchies!

It really is an apples & oranges comparison.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Swift, in Gulliver's Travels, wrote something to the effect of: a man can enjoy whatever poison he wishes, so long as he doesn't vend it in public. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
The problem is people's poison does vend to the public.
Guest042416's Avatar
agave right on, dead on