The quality of moderation since I resigned....

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sixx, to answer your original question. . .

I don't really care. I truly enjoy many of the threads and posts within, but it is hardly a main part of my life. On occasion, recently and in the distant past, a thread may have been closed that I wish had remained open but in the grand scheme of things, it is of such minor concern to me that it is not on my worry chart.
I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, so I don't know if points are flying around any more loosely than in the past. And I don't get the issue with "drive-by" moderation, if by that you mean mods from other locales helping Space out. This is an internet board, it doesn't matter where someone resides, we have lots of posters from outside Austin, too. You don't have to live here to understand the dynamics of this board.

There has been a small, but noticeable, change in the tenor of the moderation in the last few weeks, however. The mods seem a bit more willing now to step in and tell everyone to calm down when tensions run high, and yes, to occasionaly shut down a thread when it has devolved into off-topic name-calling. I don't think this change is a bad thing.
Texasquest's Avatar
There has been a small, but noticeable, change in the tenor of the moderation in the last few weeks, however. The mods seem a bit more willing now to step in and tell everyone to calm down when tensions run high, and yes, to occasionaly shut down a thread when it has devolved into off-topic name-calling. I don't think this change is a bad thing. Originally Posted by Fratelli

Exactly....There are rules posted for all to see and to follow..It seems that now the Rules are being enforced as they were intended.There is absolutely no reason for the Vitrile and personal attacks on people that have been allowed to go on in the recent past..Obviously some people here like that it was allowed to happen..but the majority here dont..And it seems like Possibly the MOD STAFF has known grown tired of it too.. The rules were written for a reason..and should be enforced equally to all..Not just for a few individuals who like to keep the Proverbial Shit bucket stirred up.Some here like to "PUSH THE RULES" and see how much they can get away with..But ironically they scream the loudest when they get their hands slapped for doing so...These are the same people who always give the Advice to people complaing about the Bashing and attacks.."If you dont like the OP igonre him or go elsewhere...Well maybe its time for these people to take their own advice..If you dont like following the rules and acting in a civil manner...Then maybe you need to go elsewhere..
snoopdogg's Avatar
I believe they like to use the word "whining" which i found funny after reading the original post

The Mods are doing an amazing job of late.....I personally am enjoying the new atmosphere, and better sense of community...hope it lasts!

Exactly....There are rules posted for all to see and to follow..It seems that now the Rules are being enforced as they were intended.There is absolutely no reason for the Vitrile and personal attacks on people that have been allowed to go on in the recent past..Obviously some people here like that it was allowed to happen..but the majority here dont..And it seems like Possibly the MOD STAFF has known grown tired of it too.. The rules were written for a reason..and should be enforced equally to all..Not just for a few individuals who like to keep the Proverbial Shit bucket stirred up.Some here like to "PUSH THE RULES" and see how much they can get away with..But ironically they scream the loudest when they get their hands slapped for doing so...These are the same people who always give the Advice to people complaing about the Bashing and attacks.."If you dont like the OP igonre him or go elsewhere...Well maybe its time for these people to take their own advice..If you dont like following the rules and acting in a civil manner...Then maybe you need to go elsewhere.. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Still seems like you're calling out the Austin staff wit this one.
  • Booth
  • 03-04-2011, 09:26 AM
Still seems like you're calling out the Austin staff wit this one. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
His unparalleled contributions to the board make it okay. (assuming we're talking about 6)
snoopdogg's Avatar
Not at all.....i hope no one took that from my post

Still seems like you're calling out the Austin staff wit this one. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
austinkboy's Avatar
This has NOTHING to do with Spacemtn. To me, he is the best moderator Austin has had, bar none! I don't kiss ass but fact is fact.
However, I am having issues with how this drive by moderation is being done here. Who gives a fuck what I think? I resigned right? Well, I do because of that!
I have noticed threads closed for no reason stated or weak reasons given, people getting points from what I consider mundane. including yours truly.
I am not knocking the mod staff in Austin which is only Spacemtn. I just feel the drive by moderation should respect the dynamics in Austin and not be so quick to point, etc.
What do you think?
sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Just trying to get back to OP's question.

Yes, I agree that Spacemtn is a good mod, but as we all know, he is only one person. I also think that because of the polarization into different factions around the more vocal in the Austin Eccie community, we certainly don't make it easy for Space or any other mod for that matter to moderate. The word "moderate" seems to be a contradiction in itself.

I also agree that drive by moderators seem to be fueling the drama in some cases by seemingly arbritary decisions to close threads, banning people for disagreeing. Whether justified or not, independent Texans have a way of resenting anyone telling them what they can say or not say. On the other hand, if these "moderators" represent the ownership of the site, then by definition, the owners can pretty much dictate what the rules are. As Whispers said to me several times while I argued with him over the "invite" qualifications for the last luncheon event, it was his party, and he could make the rules as he saw fit.

So, it is clear to me that we need to find Sixx's replacement. I don't know who that would be... it's a thankless job, time consuming and can never please everyone. But whining probably is not going to help. It's certainly not going to help Space moderate the Austin forums without undue interference from the drive by's.

What is the process for nominating mod's? Do we have a say in it? What do you think of a female (provider) mod? It's kinda like the Iraqi's wanting US troops out of their country... We need to elect and demonstrate we ran our own territory so the neighboring countries will leave us the hell alone.
RREB's Avatar
  • RREB
  • 03-04-2011, 10:04 AM
Whispers will be back really soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by sixxbach
Whispers showing a stripper who has the power..... PRICELESS!!!
. . . but knowing Whispers, I'm sure he is writing reviews and responses . . .
Whispers, I had a great time as usual.
Seems as though someone has a "ManCrush" . . . .

And btw the mods are doing a great job enforcing rules made for everyone.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
REB don't forget chit head mentions him a bunch too! I think he has a couple groupies so if you call one out why not the other.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Chit Head,

To answer one question I am not thirty but I am still in my thirtys.

I am not so old that I have to follow the smell to Lick the Pussy!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Okay... here is some drive-by moderation by a female, no less.

It seems to me that Mods, (myself included) let a lot go if you read the rules...

Unnecessary Rudeness
General disrespect of others
Insulting remarks

There are three infraction levels that get violated constantly... a few times in this thread. Name calling, like ass wipe, chit head, must full into one of the three infractions listed above, wouldn't you think? (yes... I know chit head is an affectionate name imposed by the poster himself... just using it as an example!!)

Frankly, I think everyone should be glad that the rules aren't strictly enforced because some would be in trouble now! Of course, rules are open to interpretation and it is the Mods who have to try to do that evenly. Does it work all the time? No... but it does work most of the time? Yes, in my opinion.

Which bring up an interesting comparison. In the Laws of the Game for soccer, the phrase, "in the opinion of the referee" is used quite often when it comes to applying the Laws of the Game. Soccer does not have rules... it has laws, open for interpretation.

ECCIE is the same way.. it does not have rules, but guidelines! The tab is labeled "Forum Guidelines" As a matter of fact, the word "rules" appears in the text under the tab Forum Guidelines 3 times while "guidelines" is found 21 times. (yes, I have too much time on my hands today!)

Interpreting ECCIE guidelines is much the same as in soccer... a lot of times it is in the opinion of the Moderator. The Owners are there to try to make sure the Mods are on the same page as far as interpreting forum guidelines go.

So, to answer a couple of questions...

No, it would not be good to have a female mod here in Austin, even if it was allowed. Talk about cleaning house and pissing people off! LOL

Yes, "drive by " moderation, as some like to call it, is sometimes necessary when the local Mod needs help or ask for help... or if the owner determines that a forum needs that kind of help.

Yes, I do think an explanation is needed when a thread is closed, even if it isn't to the liking of some of those around. Just a few words, nothing elaborate.

Thanks for listening to my "drive by" commentary from a little ol' southern Belle from Mississippi, y'all...


Lea, you are a treasure. Thanks for stopping by and feeding my pack!!!

There are volunteers for the open Mod position(s) that the owners are considering as we speak, and no, Mods aren't elected nor can they be "voted" out by the members. they serve at the Owner's perrogative.
For the most part the "drive by Mods" have been asked to step back unless I ask for help. Most of them are currently helping me with the reviews and such, but not the actual Moderation. BTW, most of you have no idea how many hours and how much energy is expended doing the tasks that go with the tag, Mod. I cannot say how much I appreciate the other Mods that have stepped up to the plate to help out.

Understand, I am local, but St.Mateo, and SP Hunter are also assigned as Mods to the Austin Boards, so they are not "drive by Mods".

Thanks again, Lea. Next time I am home (In the River city) we need to have a drink or a glass of wine.

Lone Wolf Moderator
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Spacemtn... it's a date!! (okay.. maybe "date" is not the word to use around here...don't want rumors started!! LOL)

So, I would love to have a glass of wine the next time you are this way!


Bobave's Avatar
Say what you will, but I have contributed more to this site in a week than you have in the time you have been a member....
sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Please note: degree of PARTICIPATION does not equal level of CONTRIBUTION. Other people determine whether a post is a worthy contribution, not the one who posts. That's a general point, not directed at you personally.