Scott Adams, Dilbert cartoonist, endorses Trump?

When did OBLAMEugggh stop blaming everything on "W"....
A week or so ago.... (And when good Dr. Luv will YOU stop blaming "W"????)... heh
Gonna be fun to blame everything on UggghhhhBama for 8 years... Unless of course... Trump wins... and actually fixes the fucking mess that Oblama has created.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Could explain what the mess Obama created is? I see unemployment way down , the deficit greatly reduced and no major terrorist attacks. Certainly much better than when he took over. Did you think we were going to recover from the Great Recession in 2 or 3 years? BTW I blame reagan quite often, his share of the national debt, with interest, is probably 6 trillion by now.

Maddow just played a clip of trump from the republican debate in Dec of 2015, doesn't seem your boy knows what the nuclear triad is and then a clip from last night where he doesn't know what US first strike policy is and in the space of 5 words he said he wouldn't strike first but couldn't take any option off the table. That clown is in no way qualified to lead this country!!

I asked a friend today if he paid his taxes , he said " No, I"M SMART".
Plastic Man's Avatar
oh dr commie ...lover ya sure be a smart

...yer gal hillary an all er ...wall street money gonna makes it all ...better fer ya little ...guys

...time fer tendies!
BTW I blame reagan quite often Originally Posted by drluv1
Ahhhh... ya just can't make this shit up....

Maddow just played a clip of bla bla bla.... Originally Posted by drluv1
Well... if you are gonna play the NYT card.... of course you'd follow suit and play the MSNBC card and double down and deal butch lesbo joker from the bottom of the deck....

What else ya got?
Ahhhh... ya just can't make this shit up....

Well... if you are gonna play the NYT card.... of course you'd follow suit and play the MSNBC card and double down and deal butch lesbo joker from the bottom of the deck....

What else ya got? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Do you got anything other than snide comments? Seems that's all trump supporters can do, Just like their babbling leader. Another trump supporter with no substance and no clue!!
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...likes how yer gal hillary ...done voted ta kill ...iraq an done ...killed libya

...heres ta her next ...war crime
Ceremony's Avatar
its Syrian


hold on

this jackoffs bout to BLOW a gasket!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
What's Libyan for "Don't worry, we are only here protesting a movie"?
What's Libyan for "Don't worry, we are only here protesting a movie"? Originally Posted by Ceremony
"THIS is your HOPE and Change yah gullible Muther effer

stronger together "
I can't wait to see how salty the Republitards in this thread get when Hillary wins the election. I don't even like Hillary - at all - but there is zero chance I'd ever vote for Trump, anybody with even half of a brain can see how bad Trump would be as POTUS. You're literally talking about a reality TV star with multiple failed businesses, bankruptcies, and a continuous line of people that he's screwed over in the past, running for president. The fact that he even got this far shows how stupid Republitards have gotten lately with their "my team versus your team hoo-rah!" mentality.

I bet half the Republitards in this thread are the same ones that thought "Obama will take yer guns away!" back when he was running for POTUS, yet here we are, 2016, and people still have guns!
When did OBLAMEugggh stop blaming everything on "W"....
A week or so ago.... (And when good Dr. Luv will YOU stop blaming "W"????)... heh
Gonna be fun to blame everything on UggghhhhBama for 8 years... Unless of course... Trump wins... and actually fixes the fucking mess that Oblama has created.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
What mess? Oh sorry, I forgot you don't back up your statements with facts. Proceed to blow some more hot air without facts.
Plastic Man's Avatar
good job jimmie chernobyl

What mess? Oh sorry, I forgot you don't back up your statements with facts. Proceed to blow some more hot air without facts.
Originally Posted by cherno
Yer a dildo...... plastic Man fer prezadant!!! Er..... As a
Political.... Dildo would say...... Plastic man fer POTUS!!!!