Example of "Corporate Greed"

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am posting this because it's important. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

Don't lie Debbie. If it was so important then you would fill in some details to encourage people to click on your link. You are lazy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some of those redundant threads are in response to a posting by someone else. Other redundant threads are not redundant except to you and others who don't want to deal. I can post a Benghazi thread which can be viewed from six different angles. I'm making six different points and you only see Benghazi.
Some of those redundant threads are in response to a posting by someone else. Say what?? If you wish to respond to someone else's post, why in the world would you not do so within the same thread? Other redundant threads are not redundant except to you and others who don't want to deal. Huh?? What the fuck does that mean? (Redundant has a very clear definition, doesn't it?) I can post a Benghazi thread which can be viewed from six different angles. Yes, you're such a champion of nuance, aren't you? I'm making six different points and you only see Benghazi. A thread about Benghazi is a thread about Benghazi, and nothing more. Right, professor? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Barleycorn, you've been one of the forum's most prolific spammers over the last couple of years, as you've started 900 threads, almost all of them political. That's right; your history shows that you've started nine-hundred threads! A number of people ridiculed you for starting a whole slew of Benghazi threads, but you don't care. You just do the metaphorical equivalent of extending your middle finger at everyone else in the forum, and then stupidly plow straight ahead with more spam and blanket, pre-emptive insults directed at anyone who might possibly disagree with your fatuous babbling.

I'll give you one thing, though. You've been good for a bit of comedic relief from time to time. Remember when you boasted of being in the top 0.2% of the IQ distribution? Yes, that's right. Not just the top 2%, but the top 0.2 percent! Laughable.


If anything, that's even more ridiculous than CuteOldGuy's obviously false claim that he taught university-level economics!

Fucking dunce.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Once again, which one of us first insulted the other by accusing him of "sounding stupid?" Who started the gratuitous insults? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
It wasn't a gratuitous insult. It was a statement of fact. Happy Meltdown!
Originally Posted by camouflage
It has nothing to do with her . Its Him coming on here and bullying people. I do not know her and most likely will never hobby in her area so I have no skin in the game besides not liking those that stir things up all the time.

And who cares whether I'm "berating" a provider, a hobbyist, or anyone else? Annoying trolls and spammers are what they are,
I agree you are just who you are

You may not be interested in getting rid of trolls, spammers, and nuisances, and it probably won't happen. So don't worry; the attention-seeking spammers probably won't be leaving anytime soon.

I am interested in getting rid of them or I would not have confronted you. Historically you will disappear that has been your MO by your own admission

If your sensitive feelings are hurt, I suggest that you go out and have a gourmet dinner accompanied by a couple of glasses of fine Bordeaux. You'll feel much better! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
My feeling are not hurt and I don't drink. Why would I need to drown my sorrows? I am making you look like a fool or should I say you are by your childish comments

You have a couple of tells that you need to work on. I will give you a few tips. First off your vocabulary needs to vary from handle to handle and secondly you always respond with insults instead of any facts or opinions.

Now the Common Syntax could be explained by you watching too much Rush or Beck. The latter is undeniable.
Thanks for posting Houstonmilfdebbie. And thanks for making this forum more interesting too. Keep posting...
It wasn't a gratuitous insult. It was a statement of fact. Happy Meltdown! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sure thing, professor! While continuing to demonstrate your manifest ignorance in post after post, you hauled off and started accusing me of posting stupid things. At no point did you even to make the most rudimentary effort to understand the stuff you linked, let alone anything I posted. You're an abject embarrassment. And a rank fraud, since your claim to have taught university-level economics was clearly a bald-faced lie.
My feeling are not hurt and I don't drink. Why would I need to drown my sorrows? I am making you look like a fool or should I say you are by your childish comments Originally Posted by slingblade
Yeah, sure you are! Go pat yourself on the back again and join COG in that delusional fantasy land he inhabits. You'll be very happy there!

You have a couple of tells that you need to work on. I will give you a few tips. First off your vocabulary needs to vary from handle to handle and secondly you always respond with insults instead of any facts or opinions. Originally Posted by slingblade
Huh?? What the fuck are you babbling about now? A "couple of tells" that I need to work on? And what's up with your assertion that my vocabulary "needs to vary from handle to handle?" Are you accusing me of posting under multiple handles? If so, you're even more clueless than I thought. (And that would be quite an accomplishment!)

Now the Common Syntax could be explained by you watching too much Rush or Beck. The latter is undeniable. Originally Posted by slingblade
"Common syntax?" Could you possibly be more obtuse? I've never watched or listened to Rush or Beck. So "the latter" is quite deniable, since your statement was ridiculous on its face. Are you just having a bad day, or do you manifest this much cluelessness on a regular basis?

But you'll no doubt be pleased to see that the guy who's arguably this forum's most annoying spammer is at it again this morning. Enjoy!
LowRider69's Avatar
Yeah, sure you are! Go pat yourself on the back again and join COG in that delusional fantasy land he inhabits. You'll be very happy there!

Huh?? What the fuck are you babbling about now? A "couple of tells" that I need to work on? And what's up with your assertion that my vocabulary "needs to vary from handle to handle?" Are you accusing me of posting under multiple handles? If so, you're even more clueless than I thought. (And that would be quite an accomplishment!)

"Common syntax?" Could you possibly be more obtuse? I've never watched or listened to Rush or Beck. So "the latter" is quite deniable, since your statement was ridiculous on its face. Are you just having a bad day, or do you manifest this much cluelessness on a regular basis?

But you'll no doubt be pleased to see that the guy who's arguably this forum's most annoying spammer is at it again this morning. Enjoy! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Sock puppet, you're a fucking cry baby.....go be a pussy someplace else.....
Sock puppet, you're a fucking cry baby.....go be a pussy someplace else..... Originally Posted by LowRider69
Good morning to you, too, Marshall!

Or do you prefer to be called ChoomCzar? Or Uncle Han? Or TheRock18? Which is your favorite of all the handles you were banned while posting under?

By the way, are you aware that someone with your level of spamming prolificity can make a decent living filling up people's email inboxes with offers for things such as miracle cures and easy ways of making money at home while sitting on the couch? Taking advantage of such an opportunity might even allow you to make enough money to afford the SD-SB world or the hobby!
Huh?? What the fuck are you babbling about now? A "couple of tells" that I need to work on? And what's up with your assertion that my vocabulary "needs to vary from handle to handle?" Are you accusing me of posting under multiple handles? If so, you're even more clueless than I thought. (And that would be quite an accomplishment!)

"Common syntax?" Could you possibly be more obtuse? I've never watched or listened to Rush or Beck. So "the latter" is quite deniable, since your statement was ridiculous on its face. Are you just having a bad day, or do you manifest this much cluelessness on a regular basis?


You either have tick that makes you repeat what others say along with a penchant for insulting others or you are a member of Fight club LOL

Honestly its hard to tell among haters such as yourself because you guys do share a lot of the same fables .
You either have tick that makes you repeat what others say along with a penchant for insulting others or you are a member of Fight club LOL

Honestly its hard to tell among haters such as yourself because you guys do share a lot of the same fables . Originally Posted by slingblade
Why don't you try to explain the confused babble you served up in your previous couple of posts? ALL of it! (Most of it didn't come remotely close to making any sense.)

And you gratuitously accused me of posting under multiple handles. That's quite a serious accusation! Explain, please.

If you're going to simply hurl insults at me, at least try to express them in a cogent fashion. That is, if you even have the ability to do so (which appears doubtful at this point).
boardman's Avatar
Thanks for posting Houstonmilfdebbie. And thanks for making this forum more interesting too. Keep copying and pasting without any meaningful comment... Originally Posted by marathonrunner
Why don't you try to explain the confused babble you served up in your previous couple of posts? ALL of it! (Most of it didn't come remotely close to making any sense.)

And you gratuitously accused me of posting under multiple handles. That's quite a serious accusation! Explain, please.

If you're going to simply hurl insults at me, at least try to express them in a cogent fashion. That is, if you even have the ability to do so (which appears doubtful at this point). Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I can explain it to you but I can not understand it for you.

Here is a list of things I think of you.

>You always talk down to people.

>You are at full speed when you post even if you haven't been on in awhile.

>You very seldom have anything to say beside insults and implications of how superior you are.

>You seem to have a problem with virtually everyone on the board.

My assessment of you is either you have more than one handle or just like to start trouble.
If I am wrong about you then you need to take a hard look at yourself and ask why you act like you do. Nobody likes a wiseguy all the time.