WTF Chung got Banned!!!

No,90 days give or take Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Yea, I feel bad that I am the one who turned him on to April......she is a fantastic fuck at a great price, but has some issues I assume as I have no read the thread in question
when chung comes back, we should all chip in $5 and get him a $90 provider . Chung would of liked it like that if he were still here :sniff sniff: Originally Posted by cage196
What's the extra $50 for?
Uber lol
whosnext's Avatar
What's the extra $50 for? Originally Posted by Barrymccockinner
That's a good question. From what i remember he liked fat StAnKy cheap hoes... No need to give away the farm here. But I will pitch in $2.45 to the cause.
We must gather in the AMP square on Harry Hines and organize in front of the AMPS and before the AMPS to signify our loyalty to the Prince
Chung Tran!
I stand or type, before you as the announcer that reported that CT had been bounced out of the club. I feel compelled to present to him with a $100 AMEX Gift Card upon his arrival out of the Prison of BANN.

I have been there and some ladies called me in my prison and asked what happened and I hung both of my heads and recanted the events that caused me to be banned for 90 days.

Those 90 days seemed to be dreaded at first. But, then, I also found other avenues as I am sure CT has found, so that the pleasure lives on outside the brotherhood of ECCIE.

The problem is that we are social animals and we rejoice in our social events and the sharing of knowledge which allows us to share in the collective joy.

Meanwhile, we are separated from one of our cherished members, the "Prince of AMP Passion", Sir Chung Tran.

I choose to write this because we are collectively and individually attached to Prince Chung.

Long Live the Prince of AMP,
Long Live the Prince Chung,
Long Live Chung Tran!

OK, I am done. . . .
Maybe some day, Prince Chung Tran will allow me to ride shotgun in his AMP Mobile.
freedom3542's Avatar
Chung gave us his finest and best reviews and he challenged dishonest reviews. I believe Eccie needs someone like him, so please let him back in
You know, I like Chung, his expressions, and perception. He loves to visit with some of the nastiest Ho's around, but hey, it isn't like I've never awoken with a mistake by my side.

BUT: He knew the rules, and knew what he was doing. No doubt in my mind. For me it is like the professional sportsman who displays dramatic histrionics at being called for a foul.. They fucking know what pass interference, what offsides is, what facemasking is is, so why argue ? Learn the rules and play ball. Or the soccer players taking a dive.. Pure baloney. Chung is, if anything, a bright guy. Just keep fucking, you mongers, and he will be back sooner than you know.

He is watching, rest assured, and saving his comments for later. Hey Chung : Fuck you !!! See ? He will love me more for that. And Chung: Miss you more....
Wakeup's Avatar
I recall he changed his own Access Status to BANNED a while ago, maybe that is what's up. Originally Posted by limerick304
This is no longer allowed. First instance will get a warning from Staff. Further instances will receive points...

His ban will be up when the system releases amount of asking will change that...
charman's Avatar
Just think of all the reviews he will have when he comes back, it will be like a series of a netflix shows you can stop watching or reading. You are Missed Mr. Chung,
limerick304's Avatar
It's time for President Trump to pardon Chung Tran. Bummer it wasn't announced in the SOTU.
noober's Avatar
Wtf he got banned? Was it the shit about blond fanstasy?

Oh my fellow Asian comic no!!!!!!!!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
We need a state of the union address
we can still talk about chung even though he got banned without getting points though right? I mean look at tara, shes been banned more times than I've got socks and people still talk about her like shes wonder woman.