abortion rights

Jacuzzme's Avatar
In 1000 years people will look at us no differently than we do Mayans ripping out a beating heart, if humans still exist. We’ll be considered a culture build on barbarism, and for good reasons.
VitaMan's Avatar
So in our advanced 21st century, women are considered easy bake ovens, with no control over their own bodies, because the government says so ?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If you roll out the dough, fill it with cherries and pop it in the oven, don’t be surprised surprised that a pie comes out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Depends on whose doing the rolling, now, doesn’t it?
VitaMan's Avatar
If Republicans are really concerned about saving lives, why don't they do something about gun control ?
Or are they so concerned about individual personal freedoms ? Guess women don't figure into that equation.
fish say women have 7 hole all fill up fish have no food or babies 7 11 abortion after hurricane mosses people some die no wood chopping cold, johnny quest you mad no gas for car in ABC MADAGASCAR
So in our advanced 21st century, women are considered easy bake ovens, with no control over their own bodies, because the government says so ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Indeed. It surely seems so. FORCED to get THE VAX!
just because the government says so.

### Salty
Levianon17's Avatar
It would greatly reduce incidence of cervical cancer too Originally Posted by Tiny
Well shit while they're at it may as well give a double mastectomy to reduce incidence of Breast Cancer too.
  • Tiny
  • 09-29-2021, 09:13 PM
Well shit while they're at it may as well give a double mastectomy to reduce incidence of Breast Cancer too. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What can I say. I've had the Pfizer, J&J and Moderna vaccines so far and still wear an N95 mask. I was thinking about getting castrated to prevent testicular cancer but figured that was a step too far.
Levianon17's Avatar
What can I say. I've had the Pfizer, J&J and Moderna vaccines so far and still wear an N95 mask. I was thinking about getting castrated to prevent testicular cancer but figured that was a step too far. Originally Posted by Tiny
You took all three Vaccines? I would say Big Pharma has been successful at emotionally castrating you, lol.
ICU 812's Avatar
legal? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
With respect; I point out that the word you wnt is iinfanticide.

It is my understanding that in the State of New York, if an attempted abortion results in the live birth of a viable baby, the mother and doctor may consult together and decide to terminate the child anyway!

Someone correct me if I am wrong . . .I really want to be wrong on this one!
If you read something on an anti-abortion website about killing live born kids, you should know it ain’t true. And if you see crazy shot repeated on social media, you should know it ain’t true. The fact that people believe crazy shot that’s repeated over and over again really should tell us all we need to know about how misinformation spreads.
ICU 812's Avatar
Thanks . . .but what IS the law in New York then?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
terminating a non-viable fetus after 24 weeks, well thats something different.