Sayin No AA in Ads is somewhat offensive

Randall Creed's Avatar
Why is black almost always the preferred race of 'preference' not to see?

What makes black men, even with ripped, lean muscle, the 'least attractive', vs a super skinny or Jabba the Hut white men?

Can any of you tell the difference between a black man and any other race in the dark?

If you got robbed, would you prefer the perp to be black or white...or other?


Obviously he is getting us confused with Walmart. Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette

I just shot soda out of my nose from laughing so hard
Randall Creed's Avatar
We are not selling phones on here. Obviously some of you men don't seem to mind it if a girl has to pretend that she is enjoying your company. If this is the case, I pity you and them. I feel so fortunate that a large percentage of gentlemen that I CHOSE wisely to meet and spend time with, was an absolute delight. I sometimes miss the mark but all in all, I was very happy that I met them. If any of my "special friends" is reading this, just know that I adore you.


Juliette Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
What if we were selling phones, and I sold one to everyone else but white women? As a white woman, wouldn't that gnaw at you, just a hair? You're walking up to my kiosk, and as you're about 10 feet away and closing, I put up a NO WHITE WOMEN sign in front of you and ignore you.

As you look for other phones, more and more of these signs popped up, wouldn't it kinda poke at you a little bit?

Doesn't have to be phones. It could be anything. Hell, it could be electricity. Imagine if it was....gas. Your car is on E. You pull up to a station, and before you slow down near the pump, you see that sign.

If you can't picture this or grasp the point I'm making, then odds are you're too shallow of a thinker anyway...which only perpetuates the real problem.
Uhhh, I am sure you meant to say " why don't SOME providers only see who they are attracted to." Ohhhh, you were talking about how attractive they are by their looks. Not how they speak to me before we meet, not by learning more about them through their emails, not by them being a great conversationalist which by the way is my biggest turn-on when it comes to meeting a gentlemen. I must be alone with my definition of an attractive person. IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT LOOKS!

Juliette Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
Sure, conversation can be part of what makes someone attractive but for the 'pay 4 play' business model it is more of a safety measure than a way to gauge attractiveness. If that's not the case, then let the hobbyists woo you into a free session. Oh wait, that doesn't happen.

All I'm arguing is that hobbyists' choice and providers' choice differ in that providers have economic incentive to not to be as discerning with who they will take money from as compared to what they find attractive in their personal life. If providers truly only went for what they found attractive, they may encounter a harder time making as much they would like. I totally agree providers have a choice but it is heavily influenced by economics.

Obviously he is getting us confused with Walmart. Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
If you want to debase yourself to that level because of my stance then by all means go right ahead. I never said anything deregatory about providers specifically, just stating my opinion on so called discrimination hobbyists exhibit when choosing who spend their hard earned dollars on is not the same thing as providers discrimination against not seeing certain hobbyists.
I guess it's something every provider has to balance on her own internal moral scales. On one hand, blanket discrimination in the form of No AA, no Asians, no Indians/Arabs policies might make her job a little safer and less hassling; on the other, it's likely to repel customers of all races depending on their personal social & political views.

It might be safer to simply state what behaviors and subcultures you don't like to emphasize that a provider's objection is not to a client's race, per se, but to certain behaviors & subcultures that might unfortunately be associated with that client's race.

Instead of saying "No AA", state instead that "Ghetto misogynist language will not be tolerated". This exempts AA men who know how to be gentlemen from blanket exclusion and targets the problem behavior.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion , I don't see color either way , if we talk on the phone and your respectful I don't care if your white , Vidal , purple or green I'll see you , but if you get vulgar or rough at anytime during the meeting I'll call quits and ask you to leave . I give everyone a chance but only once .
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion , I don't see color either way , if we talk on the phone and your respectful I don't care if your white , Vidal , purple or green I'll see you , but if you get vulgar or rough at anytime during the meeting I'll call quits and ask you to leave . I give everyone a chance but only once . Originally Posted by the cowgirl
The cowgirl... is exactly spot on there is only one color when it comes to MONEY,
I find it's the Providers who have low Tributes that usually specify no AA.
Nationally my Rendezvous are average however in my area they are on the high end,
I find that in and of itself keeps out the Riffraff. The flip-side of this scenero is the amount of Posts
the no AA Providers author in 'Infoshare/Problem Client Reports' go figure.
Rjames's Avatar
Who a lady wants to see is her decision. If she only wants to see blue eyed asian midgets with blonde hair, that's her choice. There doesn't need to be a debate every time somebody gets butt hurt over a lady not seeing them. You're buying pussy from a hooker not a gallon of milk from Target. This is one of the last "industries" where people can still be who they want to be without being mind washed by the media/government into sharing their beliefs. If it bothers you that much show up with a pocket full of big head hundreds and I'd be willing to bet her prejudices will disappear. Money is a motivator! Don't confuse my comments with being prejudice or a racist, as I could give a shit either way. I'd rather hear a fat woman fart, than a grown man cry.
Sure, conversation can be part of what makes someone attractive but for the 'pay 4 play' business model it is more of a safety measure than a way to gauge attractiveness. Nope, Nope, not for me my friend. You have it all wrong. This is probably how most ladies operate but not me and a few other ladies that I know. If I find you attractive by your personality and we are able to have an enlightening conversation, you are basically home free with me. After all, I am sapiosexual. I have had many gentlemen to contact me but after having a conversation with them on the phone and learning more about them, I kindly refused an appt. with them simply because I felt we weren't compatible. My safety measure is by proper screening not by having a conversation with them.

If that's not the case, then let the hobbyists woo you into a free session. Oh wait, that doesn't happen.

All I'm arguing is that hobbyists' choice and providers' choice differ in that providers have economic incentive to not to be as discerning with who they will take money from as compared to what they find attractive in their personal life. If providers truly only went for what they found attractive, they may encounter a harder time making as much they would like. I totally agree providers have a choice but it is heavily influenced by economics. Originally Posted by Cunt Hunt
Great point! I get what you are saying about the ladies not being able to be as selective. However; there are some of us who has a large clientele and have such a reputation which allows us to pick and choose who we spend time with. I have a right to enjoy my time with those that I am attracted to rather than be one who pretends that I am enjoying your company or one who can't wait to see you leave or counts the minutes before you are gone.
I love your quote at the end of your page. It's very inspirational.


(High-End Courtesan) is someone who is more Beautiful inside than she is outside, regardless of how Beautiful she might be physically. She is often unaware of the extent of her outer Beauty, and is more concerned with bringing Kindness, Pleasure and Happiness into people's lives, not living off an ego, or putting others down to make herself look better. She is a Whole, Wise WOMAN, Confident in herself, who brings Inspiration, Serenity and Integrity, not corruption, bitterness and slander.
Who a lady wants to see is her decision. If she only wants to see blue eyed asian midgets with blonde hair, that's her choice. There doesn't need to be a debate every time somebody gets butt hurt over a lady not seeing them. You're buying pussy from a hooker not a gallon of milk from Target. This is one of the last "industries" where people can still be who they want to be without being mind washed by the media/government into sharing their beliefs. If it bothers you that much show up with a pocket full of big head hundreds and I'd be willing to bet her prejudices will disappear. ( I had a guy offer me $1,000 for 4 hours of spending time with him, I turned him down) Money is a motivator! (for most people) Don't confuse my comments with being prejudice or a racist, as I could give a shit either way. I'd rather hear a fat woman fart, than a grown man cry. Originally Posted by Rjames
Well said Rjames!
BlackJedi's Avatar
Why is black almost always the preferred race of 'preference' not to see?

What makes black men, even with ripped, lean muscle, the 'least attractive', vs a super skinny or Jabba the Hut white men?

Can any of you tell the difference between a black man and any other race in the dark?

If you got robbed, would you prefer the perp to be black or white...or other?

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I wondered the same A 400 pound guy of any race but black is deemed attractive instead of some random black guy that may be 6'3 200 pounds.
IMHO , idc what you are . . black white brown purple blue or red !

If I feel safe and comfortable around you , we're good .
If i don't , I'll tell you're ass too Leave . Simple as that !

y'all have a wonderful weekend !
What if we were selling phones, and I sold one to everyone else but white women? As a white woman, wouldn't that gnaw at you, just a hair? You're walking up to my kiosk, and as you're about 10 feet away and closing, I put up a NO WHITE WOMEN sign in front of you and ignore you.

As you look for other phones, more and more of these signs popped up, wouldn't it kinda poke at you a little bit?

Doesn't have to be phones. It could be anything. Hell, it could be electricity. Imagine if it was....gas. Your car is on E. You pull up to a station, and before you slow down near the pump, you see that sign.

If you can't picture this or grasp the point I'm making, then odds are you're too shallow of a thinker anyway...which only perpetuates the real problem. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Comparing a woman's time and vagina to a phone and gasoline only perpetuates why even though you are older and look down on young blacks.. you aren't showing a different attitude than they do.. those are all material commodities that are not attached to the person selling them. If that same person selling phones had to give up a side of ass they'd have a restriction sign of some sorts also.
