Color brings a painting to life

FGarvin is like a puppy wetting himself every time I post. It gives him a feeling of purpose. There are a few others like him. Originally Posted by Whispers
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  • Old-T
  • 04-26-2016, 04:28 AM
So what you're saying is that the whores that feel the need to get involved end up losing business as a result and the whores that keep quiet and ignore the bullshit in CoEd a
coed conduct business as normal correct?

I'm sure you do not want to consider it but another reason why men choose not to see horsesome whores at times has to with the kind of controversy that surrounds them in the form of other men that feel the need to get involved in anything involving that particular whore. A do-gooder in constant defense of one of them, can at times lead to a lost opportunity or 2 or 3 or 10 or 12 Originally Posted by Whispers
You seem to consistently view the world with one eye closed. While I agree a woman who has others frequently defending her may lose some business because of the drama, most that devending would not happen if there had not been some gratuitous attacks preceding the defensive posts. And a string of hostile attacks on a lady does far more dammage if no one pushes back on the slanders. You complain about the damage done by the fire hose, but ignore the arsonist's match.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Colorful characters seem to keep the board alive. This is about the only topic I ever agreed with chihuahua Ricky on.

Granted highly opinionated characters are disliked based upon posting style but like it or not the board actually comes to life when they first reemerge (Like now for example). Hell even reborn Twiggy has everyone riled up and logging back on.

When they vanish completely the board becomes a long drawn out flavorless soap commercial without any actual show to watch.

Colorful characters are accused of chasing everyone away. I agree only to the extent that when they turn on one another or team up like bullies the place quickly becomes a chaotic dick swinging tard fest. This does get real old real fast.

When they vanish completely you're left with attention seeking FP and grammatically impaired IB exchanging endless yawn worthy platitudes.

While a few posters like Bianca and V are indeed very interesting and colorful they can't carry the board all alone. If prevalent posters like IB or FP were to vanish for a time would you notice?

Ever noticed how when the majority of colorful characters log off many posters continue commenting (good & bad) about their absence as if subconsciously eagerly awaiting their return.

You may dislike the persona they play (for good reason) but they do keep you logging in to see what's next.

If I have to choose I'll take the color and then just log out when it becomes unbearable.

This isn't about taking sides. It's about the bottom line which is entertainment. Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
I mean, I'm feeling some cognitive dissonance here because while there is part of me that wants to say "Thanks for the props", There is another part of me that wants to pour boiling oil all over this thread from above.
FGarvin is like a puppy wetting himself every time I post. It gives him a feeling of purpose. There are a few others like him. Originally Posted by Whispers
Cry me a fucking river.
xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
Pondering: whether or not I am super lame for not knowing the history here, handle acronyms....being an outsider, wanna-a- be newbie in the mix,...or super stoked that I fall into the category of the majority of those "who could give a rats ass about shit like this".If I had a mind of my own I would produce a topic or debate that would be intellectually stimulating,while producing enough controversy to be worthy of attention from both sides...but I don't I am just a "whore"
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Pondering: whether or not I am super lame for not knowing the history here, handle acronyms....being an outsider, wanna-a- be newbie in the mix,...or super stoked that I fall into the category of the majority of those "who could give a rats ass about shit like this".If I had a mind of my own I would produce a topic or debate that would be intellectually stimulating,while producing enough controversy to be worthy of attention from both sides...but I don't I am just a "whore" Originally Posted by xXxoRRoxXx
Don't worry about it girl. It's just a buncha hard dicks snowballing each other's peen juice as usual.

I just sit back with my scotch n fineries watching (and frankly laughing my ass off) at all the Massengillian mouth breathers cross lances on what is, for all intents and purposes, the hooker board tilt yard.

I raise my scotch glass to you all, Ye Olde Order of the Massengill!!!
missi hart's Avatar
[I raise my scotch glass to you all, Ye Olde Order of the Massengill!!![/]

that gives the term "crotchety posters" a whole new meaning
And Whispers invented a new word on this thread!

It's true, Batsy! I know everything! And kinda like the kid who peeks at his Christmas presents, I must admit, it's sadly anti-climatic. Behind all the sturm and batarang, you're just a little whore in a playsuit crying for mommy and daddy. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic...... Oh, what the heck, I'll laugh anyway!