I came out here to visit and I can't get oh2 to work

LadyAnastasia's Avatar
This didn't get off track at all... *eye roll with slight sarcasm*
pmdelites's Avatar
I hope that all those desperate fucks who log in to OH2 in it's current status get their info stolen and IP hacked. Then, when/if the site comes back online, they have to come up with a new nick, have to clean up the mess with their personal hacking of their computer and phone and have to start all over. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
is that supposition based on actual facts or 3rd or 4th or greater party hearsay?

seriously, how close to 100% truth is that supposition?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-17-2022, 10:52 PM
I spoke to brandee this morning and she got hacked on OH2, lost access to proton mail, Twitter and whatever she was logged into, had to start all over. Keep believing that it's all good ☺️

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
is that supposition based on actual facts or 3rd or 4th or greater party hearsay?

seriously, how close to 100% truth is that supposition? Originally Posted by pmdelites

Unlike a few fucks on here that post theory or make up something to suit their agenda and say it as fact, I never said anything was a fact or hearsay, I said "I hope". I have no idea why hackers choose some but not others. But, I guess you can say that what I said about hoping is a fact because it is.

Oh, and some more facts for you. I hate the guys that defend the actions of the providers that out guys with either using their personal info for screening or secretly taking pics of them without permission to use against them for later. And I hate the fact that the admin of OH2 bans those that will not submit to kissing provider ass that jilted them in a paid session or NCNSed them.

As I said anyone dumb enough to bypass warnings not to log in to that site or possibly face a hacking to their other passwords and such to their banks, credit card info, email, ect. because they just had to do it, well, they deserve what they get.

And to keep this thread on topic, OP, if you depend on OH2 for all or most of your business, then it is your fault for putting all your eggs in one basket.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Just log in. And to bypass all of those stupid warnings, just keep clicking. It's all just a test anyways to make sure that you are:

#1: Worthy Of Being A Member.

#2: Are Capable Of Understanding The English Language.

#3: And Are American Enough Anyways.

If your phone/computer starts messing up after you started clicking on all of those warnings then... take your device to the nearest retailer and see if it was made in America. Good Luck, You Can Do This!

And don't forget to keep trying over and over again every day/week. You've GOT TO KEEP TRYING...

Have a great day and Happy Hobbying! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
I just spoke with CK...He said follow the above instructions and you are golden.

He says he had his best IT guys working on the site all week long...You're good to go!

And to all you HATERS out there make sure you read this - CLICK HERE!
ManSlut's Avatar
This site never ceases to amaze me with the number of fools and dumbasses... I’ll wager they’re probably all ‘Trumpers’, too...Nothing wrong with being a Republican, I have mainly been one my whole adult life, but there is something wrong in worshipping a lying, corrupt con man.

Go ahead Sheep People, don’t listen to anyone telling you the water is tainted, drink that shit up!

Edit: And no I did not vote for Trump, or Hillary, in 2016. I knew what would be the bad consequences for this country if either of them got elected, especially Trump.
ManSlut's Avatar
He says he had his best IT guys working on the site all week long...You're good to go! Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Lmao...So who’s been working on it all those other weeks King of the Sheep People? The 5th Stringers, the Middle School wannabe an IT student one day kids?....Puhleeze
ManSlut's Avatar
And to all you HATERS out there make sure you read this - CLICK HERE! Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
Nice edit, I take back 94.9% of what I implied about you...Lol
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Nice edit, I take back 94.9% of what I implied about you...Lol Originally Posted by ManSlut

That gets a High/5 from Maverick and Goose.