The "I can't live without you" drama...

  • Gulf2
  • 04-25-2011, 07:21 AM
... But we are going into the encounter with that weight on our shoulders, and a lady who can create an illusion of passion, no matter how fleeting or in some cases warped it might be, well, is that really any foundation for a long term relationship to be built on? Originally Posted by tigercat
Very well stated. And I'll add further that a lady who is truly gifted at what she is doing (and yes, there are those with a gift for creating the illusion of passion) will also create a relationship environment that is comfortable. And for a man, a comfortable relationship with ready-made passion (or even the illusion thereof) is the relationship red-zone.

I just don't know any way around it. A lady who is good will end up with men falling in love with her, whether they admit it or not. And when a man falls in love, money is no object. Enter Tiger's point: that's still no foundation for a relationship.
In the past year, I've had 3 guys try to date me that I've met in the hobby. I would go on a date or two and they were all nice. None of them got to the point of stalker "If-I-cant-have-you-no-one-can"-type. Thank gawd they were all just 1 time session wonders that turned to off the clock dating.
Unfortunately, that's when I realized that I prefer NOT TO DATE anyone whom I meet in this business. It gets extremely too complicated, and hey- unless I'm in LOVE WITH THAT ASS, or you've put a RING ON IT-please leave me the envelope and I'll leave you weak in the knees.
I'll be your ATF all day long, but when feelings start getting involved, that is a mine field that I'm not quite ready to embark on!

  • anita
  • 04-26-2011, 10:49 PM
Suppose you have a regular that starts dropping threats to harm or kill himself if you don't leave the hobby. He's well off enough financially to "take care" of you and get you out of the business but...

What do you do? How would you handle it?
Stop seeing him?
Alert other providers?
Cave in and allow yourself to be controlled by someone who is obviously not all there?

This discussion is NOT about me or any of my hobby friends. Just pondering. Originally Posted by TexAss
Ask him to leave you something in his will before he kills himself... A restriction order is just as good lol. No seriously, sit down somewhere with him and slowly tells him you do not want to be fully dependent of him..or you are just not into him like that..It would be useless changing phone number if he knows where you live and possibly your real name.
If he does not get it, then...What about that restriction order?