#DiedSuddenly reporting


your quote " And I am currently participating in an mRNA study looking into the effectiveness of a flu vaccine. There is absolutely no reason for any INTELLIGENT person to doubt the viability of vaccines based on mRNA. Just a lot of fear-mongering by people who don't attempt to understand the science behind mRNA."

I know medical doctors I went to college with who would provide facts that strongly disagree with that statement. mRNA has a poor track record of success,
texassapper's Avatar
No facts... lol...

Explain why the average # of deaths has exceeded historical trends since Mid April 2021. (You know what happened in that time frame, right?)

This is just hard data. No spin by the CDC. No Spin by Pfizer. No spin by the Pfizer sponsored media.

Explain why all of these excess deaths are occurring. And don't bother with the "It's cancer screenings that didn't happen" BS.

I don't mind that you decided to get experimented on... Shit do your own thing, you'll be paying for it soon enough.

What I do mind is your BS that it's safe.

Can you even tell us what VAERS stands for LOL.

Do you understand what a 9 sigma standard deviation indicates in this data?

Again - you understand the narrative and regurgitate it quite well. But the CDC's own numbers are proving they are lying you're just too mathematically illiterate to understand. You're not alone. There's a reason the Commies took over the schools first. Ignorant people are easier to fool witha narrative and "experts".

Do the math. Understand the math. Understand you took a shot that is shortening peoples lives.

Understand why you were given a shot that is killing people at a rate greater than COVID.

My advice after that is to pray, cause you're going to need it.

We will be revisiting this thread when the Government announces that people are dying in excess numbers.. but they will blame long COVID... which will oddly have a 1-1 correlation with the jab.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No facts... lol...

Explain why the average # of deaths has exceeded historical trends since Mid April 2021. (You know what happened in that time frame, right?)

This is just hard data. No spin by the CDC. No Spin by Pfizer. No spin by the Pfizer sponsored media.

Explain why all of these excess deaths are occurring. And don't bother with the "It's cancer screenings that didn't happen" BS.

I don't mind that you decided to get experimented on... Shit do your own thing, you'll be paying for it soon enough.

What I do mind is your BS that it's safe.

Can you even tell us what VAERS stands for LOL.

Do you understand what a 9 sigma standard deviation indicates in this data?

Again - you understand the narrative and regurgitate it quite well. But the CDC's own numbers are proving they are lying you're just too mathematically illiterate to understand. You're not alone. There's a reason the Commies took over the schools first. Ignorant people are easier to fool witha narrative and "experts".

Do the math. Understand the math. Understand you took a shot that is shortening peoples lives.

Understand why you were given a shot that is killing people at a rate greater than COVID.

My advice after that is to pray, cause you're going to need it.

We will be revisiting this thread when the Government announces that people are dying in excess numbers.. but they will blame long COVID... which will oddly have a 1-1 correlation with the jab.

Originally Posted by texassapper
You obviously are lacking sufficient education to continue this discussion. You are arguing with unsupported opinion. There is no evidence to support any of your claims. None at all.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

your quote " And I am currently participating in an mRNA study looking into the effectiveness of a flu vaccine. There is absolutely no reason for any INTELLIGENT person to doubt the viability of vaccines based on mRNA. Just a lot of fear-mongering by people who don't attempt to understand the science behind mRNA."

I know medical doctors I went to college with who would provide facts that strongly disagree with that statement. mRNA has a poor track record of success, Originally Posted by farmstud60
Once again an opinion with no supporting proof. I can cite several sources from what most people would consider to be 100% trustworthy but you will reject them because you will claim they are "biased". Here are some annd I can provide you many more. On the other hand you have some unknown doctors you know who believe mRNA has a poor track record. Not very convincing.

"Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe?

Yes. The two mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are very safe and very good at preventing serious or fatal cases of COVID-19. The risk of serious side effects associated with these vaccines is very small."


"We’re better off with mRNA vaccines

The technology that is helping us combat COVID-19 is also poised to help us tackle tough infectious and non-infectious diseases. Immunologist Sarah Fortune explains how these vaccines work, and how the mRNA platform could transform the prevention and treatment of deadly diseases.'


"The safety of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines: a review"


"COVID-19 vaccine myths debunked"


"COVID-19 vaccines and their long-term safety

Are there long-term unwanted impacts of COVID-19 vaccines?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the current COVID-19 vaccines will cause long-term problems in years to come. And in this case, where there’s been rigorous research on the topic, no news is good news."


"5 Reasons We Know The COVID-19 Vaccines Don't Have Long-Term Health Effects"

texassapper's Avatar
You obviously are lacking sufficient education to continue this discussion. You are arguing with unsupported opinion. There is no evidence to support any of your claims. None at all. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So you're saying you DON'T UNDERSTAND THE MATH.


Do you think those numbers are imaginary?

Those are actual deaths as counted by the CDC. Simple extrapolation of historical deaths indicates that we have seen nearly 550,000 deaths that have NO precedent (hence the 9 sigma standard deviation).

Those excess deaths started deviating from the norm in APR 2021... which happens to coincide with the rollout of the kill shots.

The MATH is the EVIDENCE... but you stick to what the experts are telling you, because we all know the Government and the pharma companies would never lie to you...

Again... can you explain why all these people are dying?

texassapper's Avatar
"5 Reasons We Know The COVID-19 Vaccines Don't Have Long-Term Health Effects" Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
When did the 3 and 5 year clinical studies end?

What happened to the control groups from those studies?

Where they given the kill shot anytime before the end of the study?

You know what that means to the clinical study right?

Something tells me you don't understand the scientific method... because if you did, you'd realize there is no existing long terms studies on this experimental kill-shot.
There are no facts at all to support any of your statements. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do some of your own research instead of listening to Government agencies and you'll find some facts.
texassapper's Avatar
Who is dying and why are they lying?

The below data is the CDC deaths reporting from 2019 (GREEN LINE pre COVID) and from 2022. Red line Post kill-shot

Note that the kill-shots are killing babies in the womb. Why are all those healthy folks between 18-80 dying?

Global warming? LOL.
texassapper's Avatar
Do some of your own research instead of listening to Government agencies and you'll find some facts. Originally Posted by Levianon17
We will know he's done so when he shuts up. Once you understand the math, you understand the enormity of what has been done.

I think that's why the Globalists are itching for a major war in Europe... possibly with a limited nuclear exchange.

It's the only way they will ever be able to hide the bodies.

Precious_b's Avatar
Do some of your own research instead of listening to Government agencies and you'll find some facts. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Help the guy out by posting the sources that are accountable and recognized by other academic journals in the field.
  • Tiny
  • 02-02-2023, 08:18 PM
Haha! All of you antivaxxers have had COVID the disease at least once, so you have some immunity. If you've had it the last month or so, you may be better protected than I am, after my two initial shots and three boosters. As such I'm not going to waste any more effort trying to talk sense into you. I'm glad COVID didn't kill you, because you vote for Republicans.
  • Tiny
  • 02-02-2023, 08:22 PM
Those who can't understand the math will think the numbers are lies... lol....

Originally Posted by texassapper
Haha! All of you antivaxxers have had COVID the disease at least once, so you have some immunity. If you've had it the last month or so, you may be better protected than I am, after my two initial shots and three boosters. As such I'm not going to waste any more effort trying to talk sense into you. I'm glad COVID didn't kill you, because you vote for Republicans. Originally Posted by Tiny
I can't say for sure if I've had Covid. I've known many people who claim they have had Covid even after they have been vaccinated. To say the vaccine prevented them from dying Covid would have to have a far better than 1.5% mortality rate for that argument to be valid.
  • Tiny
  • 02-02-2023, 08:39 PM
I can't say for sure if I've had Covid. I've known many people who claim they have had Covid even after they have been vaccinated. To say the vaccine prevented them from dying Covid would have to have a far better than 1.5% mortality rate for that argument to be valid. Originally Posted by Levianon17
A lot of people have had COVID after they've been vaccinated. The vaccines aren't that effective at preventing disease caused by the variants that are out there right now, but they are effective at preventing hospitalization and death. And greatly reduce your chances of being laid up at home for a week or two. I believe the infection fatality rate for the general population now is down to about 0.1%, because people are protected by the vaccines and previous infections. And perhaps mutations have reduced the virulence of the virus. That's not going to stop me from getting boosters. I'm older than average, and I don't like spending time at home when I'm sick.

In any event Levianon, I've got to give you credit. While you and I have disagreed strongly through this epidemic, you've always genuinely seemed to want people to do what you thought was best for their health. I and others were perhaps more interested in winning arguments.
A lot of people have had COVID after they've been vaccinated. The vaccines aren't that effective at preventing disease caused by the variants that are out there right now, but they are effective at preventing hospitalization and death. And greatly reduce your chances of being laid up at home for a week or two. I believe the infection fatality rate for the general population now is down to about 0.1%, because people are protected by the vaccines and previous infections. And perhaps mutations have reduced the virulence of the virus. That's not going to stop me from getting boosters. I'm older than average, and I don't like spending time at home when I'm sick.

In any event Levianon, I've got to give you credit. While you and I have disagreed strongly through this epidemic, you've always genuinely seemed to want people to do what you thought was best for their health. I and others were perhaps more interested in winning arguments. Originally Posted by Tiny
That is impossible to gauge Covid has a low death rate. Now if the death rate for Covid was like 75% then I would say your claim might be valid.