I look forward to meeting new guys at the social

I can't find my panties. Originally Posted by Dannie
AGAIN??????? I have no idea why you even put any on....unless its the perverse thrill you get from removing them and watching the riot from your adoring public as the fight to posses them occurs.
HAHA I don't think anyone would want the ones I was wearing. They were not sexy in the least.

I would hate to break tradition! And yes, it is the shock value I like so much....and sampling a variety of liquors mixed with wine doesn't help any either.

My sincere apologies to anyone I may have offended last night!! I hope I wasn't too obnoxious!
Boltfan's Avatar
I know where they ended up :-)
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I can't find my panties. Originally Posted by Dannie
You need panties?!? What kind of perv are you, anyway?
PODarkness's Avatar
This thread should be renamed:

"Subtlety and sarcasm sometimes miss their mark"

and then saved for posterity.

Sugar Sugar,
Welcome to the Jungle. My guess is, you will do well, lead an interesting life, and make the board more fun by your presence.
I look forward to meeting new guys at the next social!
Sugar Sugar
(Social is by invite only) Originally Posted by sugar sugar
New Guys are called newbies in the hobby

dodger's Avatar
I can't find my panties. Originally Posted by Dannie
I think I caught a glimpse of them in Sugar's uproar.


(It's not her first amendment rights that worry me ... it's the second)
They may be in the basement....at the Alamo!!
(kinda like, where the socials are held)
