ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
If I saw an ad for a lady... (no matter how good looking she was) ... that said she doesn't see wrinkled, old, ugly , one shot wonders ... I wouldn't waste time calling... this is Houston... like my daddy said when I wanted to buy my first car because I "HAD" to have that one... "Son... there's always another deal down the road!"

That explanation makes a lot of sense ... thank you, Buscadero.

On the other hand, your explanation begs a new question: what has happened to all the white pimps, and why has that group become so underprivileged, underrepresented and repressed in contemporary society?!?!

"The Man" is repressing "The Man," man. Originally Posted by smokey
Unfortunately locally & nationally too if public-Most pretty quickly go to jail (see poor AJ) or get probation for awhile. Not acceptable- outa biz 4 most! Truly discriminatory.
But there is always an exception or 2, sorta Shhh ! lmao
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
If I saw an ad for a lady... (no matter how good looking she was) ... that said she doesn't see wrinkled, old, ugly , one shot wonders ... I wouldn't waste time calling... this is Houston... like my daddy said when I wanted to buy my first car because I "HAD" to have that one... "Son... there's always another deal down the road!"

Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
What tha hell! You mean you wouldn't scold her, tell her all the really hip girls actually preferred wrinkly beings; you wouldn't submit countless posts grumbling about the trouble you have seen; you wouldn't take every verbal shot at the chick you could think of and disparage her character, or lack of anyway, her upbringing, her Mama, hell...even her humanity. You mean to say you don't feel ENTITLED to buy that nookie?

Damn! Now I've seen it all.
Allow me to play Devils Advocate:

what I find so funny and ironic about this ubiquitous and never-ending issue is this:

the black gents who are offended by the NBA policies are very quick to use labels like "prejudiced" and "racists" to describe the providers who won't see them... but on the flip side, they don't prefer the company of an AA provider! no one calls the black hobbyist who doesn't see black providers as an "Uncle Tom" or anything ugly! If you as a black hobbyist don't want to see black women, why is it so hard to understand that maybe a white/hispanic/asian provider doesn't want to see YOU?

*Opens umbrella for imminent shit storm*
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Allow me to play Devils Advocate:

what I find so funny and ironic about this ubiquitous and never-ending issue is this:

the black gents who are offended by the NBA policies are very quick to use labels like "prejudiced" and "racists" to describe the providers who won't see them... but on the flip side, they don't prefer the company of an AA provider! no one calls the black hobbyist who doesn't see black providers as an "Uncle Tom" or anything ugly! If you as a black hobbyist don't want to see black women, why is it so hard to understand that maybe a white/hispanic/asian provider doesn't want to see YOU?

*Opens umbrella for imminent shit storm* Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
You make a strong point....any takers....?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Allow me to play Devils Advocate:

what I find so funny and ironic about this ubiquitous and never-ending issue is this:

the black gents who are offended by the NBA policies are very quick to use labels like "prejudiced" and "racists" to describe the providers who won't see them... but on the flip side, they don't prefer the company of an AA provider! no one calls the black hobbyist who doesn't see black providers as an "Uncle Tom" or anything ugly! If you as a black hobbyist don't want to see black women, why is it so hard to understand that maybe a white/hispanic/asian provider doesn't want to see YOU?

*Opens umbrella for imminent shit storm* Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley

Uh... do you see wrinkly, ugly, one shot wonder , creepy old white guys ?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Uh... do you see wrinkly, ugly, one shot wonder , creepy old white guys ? Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Sure she does. She saw me once.....yea, only once....

But I did last almost 2 entire minutes.
Sure she does. She saw me once.....yea, only once....

But I did last almost 2 entire minutes. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister

But that 58-minute massage was one of the best ever.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
KaraLynnKelley, good point. Hell, I was ready to give you a key to the house and access to the account after seeing your showcase, DAMN ....... I love ALL kinds of women..... To each his own ..... Crown, yes , Coke, yes . Nite all . . . . . .
smokey's Avatar
Allow me to play Devils Advocate:

what I find so funny and ironic about this ubiquitous and never-ending issue is this:

the black gents who are offended by the NBA policies are very quick to use labels like "prejudiced" and "racists" to describe the providers who won't see them... but on the flip side, they don't prefer the company of an AA provider! no one calls the black hobbyist who doesn't see black providers as an "Uncle Tom" or anything ugly! If you as a black hobbyist don't want to see black women, why is it so hard to understand that maybe a white/hispanic/asian provider doesn't want to see YOU?

*Opens umbrella for imminent shit storm* Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
You make a strong point....any takers....? Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
I'll take a shot, sofiaofhouston.

Out of curiosity, I once asked a charming provider (who was, herself, a very lovely and progressive Latin American lady) about her "NBA" policy. Her response was that she was very active socially (she frequented the black/latino "club scene," attended lots of parties, etc.) and she didn't want to risk potentially encountering clients during her "off hours." According to her, the chances of a surprise encounter with a Caucasian client were minimal (almost nonexistent) due to the ethnic composition of her "social circle" (she primarily socialized with Latino/African American men and women). Prior to this conversation, I had never really considered the issues that providers may face regarding "chance encounters" with clients outside of the work environment. Thus, I felt that the policy made a lot of sense for her.

Obviously, we all still live in a very racially charged society (despite the election of Obama, the United States is a far cry from being "post racial," LOL!), there's no denying that fact. However, the lady that I'm referencing was not at all "racist," in fact, the opposite was true in her case. I'm certain that for some providers, and some clients, bigoted beliefs do play a part in their choices, but this is not always the case.

Accordingly, KaraLynnKelley, perhaps this same line of reasoning may explain why some African American clients are wary of seeing African American providers, i.e., they may be a tad uncomfortable at the proposition of "doing business" with a provider who might just run in their same "social circle." After all, as a group, Americans do tend to socialize in "cliques" which are racially homogeneous (of course, there are always exceptions, I realize that). Think about it ... it makes sense (just like it did for the provider that I mentioned above).
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I'll take a shot, sofiaofhouston.

Out of curiosity, I once asked a charming provider (who was, herself, a very lovely and progressive Latin American lady) about her "NBA" policy. Her response was that she was very active socially (she frequented the black/latino "club scene," attended lots of parties, etc.) and she didn't want to risk potentially encountering clients during her "off hours." According to her, the chances of a surprise encounter with a Caucasian client were minimal (almost nonexistent) due to the ethnic composition of her "social circle" (she primarily socialized with Latino/African American men and women). Prior to this conversation, I had never really considered the issues that providers may face regarding "chance encounters" with clients outside of the work environment. Thus, I felt that the policy made a lot of sense for her.

Obviously, we all still live in a very racially charged society (despite the election of Obama, the United States is a far cry from being "post racial," LOL!), there's no denying that fact. However, the lady that I'm referencing was not at all "racist," in fact, the opposite was true in her case. I'm certain that for some providers, and some clients, bigoted beliefs do play a part in their choices, but this is not always the case.

Accordingly, KaraLynnKelley, perhaps this same line of reasoning may explain why some African American clients are wary of seeing African American providers, i.e., they may be a tad uncomfortable at the proposition of "doing business" with a provider who might just run in their same "social circle." After all, as a group, Americans do tend to socialize in "cliques" which are racially homogeneous (of course, there are always exceptions, I realize that). Think about it ... it makes sense (just like it did for the provider that I mentioned above). Originally Posted by smokey
Whoa...what... providers have lives away from the Hobby... who'd thunk it..
smokey's Avatar
Whoa...what... providers have lives away from the Hobby... who'd thunk it.. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
LOL, yep! Just like "clients."

I may not know much, but I do realize that this "issue" of "ethnic-specific policies" can, often times, "cut both ways."

In other societies that have less of a self-righteous and puritanical attitude towards ethnic and sexual matters, things like this are non-issues. Americans, collectively, are simply too uptight, which tends to make "hobbying stateside" a somewhat stressful activity for all parties concerned.

In sum, do whatever you gotta do to feel "safe," boys and girls.
thundachicken's Avatar
Sure she does. She saw me once.....yea, only once....

But I did last almost 2 entire minutes. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Allow me to play Devils Advocate:

what I find so funny and ironic about this ubiquitous and never-ending issue is this:

the black gents who are offended by the NBA policies are very quick to use labels like "prejudiced" and "racists" to describe the providers who won't see them... but on the flip side, they don't prefer the company of an AA provider! no one calls the black hobbyist who doesn't see black providers as an "Uncle Tom" or anything ugly! If you as a black hobbyist don't want to see black women, why is it so hard to understand that maybe a white/hispanic/asian provider doesn't want to see YOU?

*Opens umbrella for imminent shit storm* Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley

I want to know this to. You don't see AA provider's posting threads why black men don't want to see us. Sometimes its a slap in the face to AA providers. Come to think of it if i did post a thread like that, and i am very tempted to, i would be flamed, cursed out, and eventually banned and probably kicked off the board forever.

Anyway plenty of other ladies to see, find one. They are all over the place.
allofamber's Avatar
Well i know a lot of women who dont see Black gentleman because they are in a relationship with black man....

and has one of them put it to me "The only black cock I want in me is my man's....if I fuck another Black man it will feel like I'm cheating on him"......

The worst part of how that story ended is one day I took a call and showed up to a local Houston hotel and who do you think opened the door "HER MAN" as fine as I thought he was, and the fact that I had wanted to fuck him for the last year, I had to call on ALL my will power and say..."Sorry this is not going to work"...and I turned and left......I never told my girl....but everytime I saw him out all I wanted to do is JUMP his bones....but I was a good girl I'd leave the club he was at....still smdh...I swear if I saw him today....he would SO get it.....(yea they broke up)