Volume...I’m super curious

^^ only see two people a day. Majority are repeat clients and yet all over ISO

Some things don't add up...you're high volume

I may be all over iso, because I can. MY CHOICE. That doesn’t mean I get a reply, to the ones I post on.. because I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. I’ve got clients that I see on a weekly basis (if they’re able to, that I’ve seen regularly).. If a newb calls & all goes well- I may choose to see him. I CHOOSE TO SEE NO MORE THAN 2 PPL A DAY... there are days I won’t see anyone (screening issues).. I’m sure a few of us providers have times where we don’t see ppl all day, because it’s slow. I replied to this thread to give my opinion & what I CHOOSE to do, in regards to the original post. There are plenty of other providers who are in the iso section, every day, on every request: I’m not one of those. So, please- don’t come here & make this an argumentative post- because I’m not for it. Maybe I have clarified a bit for you. Have a good evening!
Tiffany Dash's Avatar
I've come across many men who don't like the idea of reviews. Not every guy posts reviews. Some men just use eccie as a way to find women and that is all.

Agree with you.
How come I do not see the number of reviews on providers not coming even close to the numbers being quoted? Originally Posted by qbano77
Im extremely low volume. And it also just depends on the day. Its up and down. Literally. Lol
^^^. Cute and funny Kammye. Lol
^^^. Cute and funny Kammye. Lol Originally Posted by B Three
I enjoy all of ur threads on here B!
Thx. I’ve been dying to ask this question for a while. Xoxo
pyramider's Avatar
Its a good thing the volume does not consider penis size because 1.3" of dangling death does not have much volume.
VitaMan's Avatar
We may as well try and define what the word "several" means.
Its a good thing the volume does not consider penis size because 1.3" of dangling death does not have much volume. Originally Posted by pyramider
When you look down at the gap and it's already open enough that a ping pong ball will drop in without hitting the sides.....she's not low volume.
If ur a sloooot like me low volume is 10 a day and if I can get 24 I’m so happy.

Otr tho doesn’t matter to me as long as she smells good and has a fun time. Hi low it’s totally subjective. Well until you see the other guys condom on the floor.
high volume=consistent back to back appointments with barely time to shower in between. Originally Posted by pxmcc
midnite312004's Avatar
Damn that avatar is nice. Looks like a six pack.
jojodancer15's Avatar
I don't get caught up in the volume thing. I just assume every provider is fucking allot of guys to make their paper. It's the GAME. If I see someone I'm interested in spending time with I do my homework and pull the trigger. I don't give 2 cents on how many she's seen.

Not my business, not my concern. How can one truly know a high volume lady from a low volume lady. Surely you can't go by how many reviews they have. AND would she even answer that question honestly?? Why should she, it's not your business...