Are you saying that Medicare and Medicade are the most effcient forms of healthcare? Is that now WTF you are saying?
I have already explained WTF would happen. Go back and reread. We need to reform the public school system but not through vouchers. Just like we need to reform our healthcare system.
Originally Posted by WTF
Are you drunk? On drugs? Did you finish high school? You are either stupid or obstinate or high.
Either way, you aren't nearly as clever as you think you are, you are just aggravating.
It pains me to think 10,000 per year was spent on your education when it would have been better spent on Columbian hookers.
A liberal's idea of reform is to blame Republicans, blame lack of spending, and blame racism in order to increase the size of government.
That's why they want to keep reforming everything, because the last reform of theirs failed, and they hope enough people don't notice.