You don't know what the word fascist means. Look to Biden to see a close approximation. If government can't do it (we have a constitution) then business will do it for them. Remember how the Jews couldn't work for a college, hospital, or bank under the Nazis from the early days. It just got worse after that.
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
So is Biden a Fascist or a Socialist? Why the fear mongering about a Socialist takeover of the country? You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. And you're supposed to be a
history teacher? C'mon!
I feel sorry for your students who will only get dumber under your tutelage. I know now that you can take the tough talk, unlike others.
Have you been asleep the last few years. Leftists encourage crime and discourage punishment, of course that’s why crime is through the roof.
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I guess we're just supposed to think January 6th never happened. Fascist extreme right wingers is the reason why crime is out of control. Who's the one asleep at the wheel. Sounds like you are. That was building up for decades.
Levianon17 quoted 9500
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You should know by now I'm just trying to get under your skin. Didn't work. Just trollin'. Not my main issue.
And another reason I put him on "ignore"
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Right. He knows his sensitive little soul can't take it. Credit to Whacko! He can. And it still works. I do get on your nerves. All you sorry mofos!