New Sticky: Houston eccie whores with chronic ad policy violations...

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Eccie needs 3 ad sections now ...

* Once a week "Provider ads"
* Once a week "Weekend line up ads"



"Available today ads"

This section would be used only for ladies that are available that day and you must include the HOURS YOU ARE AVAILABLE FOR THAT DAY IN YOUR AD.

No feeler ads.
No I'll be in town next week ads.
No prebooking ads.
Simply a short ad saying "I am available today from __ to ___."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-16-2017, 05:25 PM
WOW. Just wow. You are a really selfish person. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
She may be selfish but she is damn sure more honest than the rest of us selfish fuckers!

Chlorine's Avatar
Brooke all good ideas... but what Houston's needs is to limit the ISO responses. There are a handful of ladies here that abuse legit ISO's with responding no matter what. Its like they have an alert that a new one has posted!

Last night I noticed (about 9:30) that a provider responded to at least 11 ISO's in a row! Didnt matter what was requested or what area the service was needed

Then of course the worse one of all always foolishly sends the "PM Sent" without even reading the ISO, honestly I think we have all gotten a few laughs from her tho

Anyway...limit the ISO responses as well!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 05-16-2017, 05:30 PM
"Available today ads" Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Attempted and proven not to work.
* Once a week "Weekend line up" Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
What's funny is the whores that post their weekend ad at the end of the weekend."
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Brooke all good ideas... but what Houston's needs is to limit the ISO responses. There are a handful of ladies here that abuse legit ISO's with responding no matter what. Its like they have an alert that a new one has posted!

Last night I noticed (about 9:30) that a provider responded to at least 11 ISO's in a row! Didnt matter what was requested or what area the service was needed

Then of course the worse one of all always foolishly sends the "PM Sent" without even reading the ISO, honestly I think we have all gotten a few laughs from her tho

Anyway...limit the ISO responses as well! Originally Posted by Chlorine
I completely agree. I may be taking this a tad too serious, but I actually find it very rude when a hobbiest posts and says he is looking for something very specific and he'll get all kinds of replies that have nothing to do with what he is seeking. As if the provider is thinking "who cares what you want, I have a pussy and that's good enough" ...

It got so bad back in the ASPD days, that finally they stopped allowing providers to respond to ISO's ... not just made a rule and told providers not to reply to ISO's, but some how changed the board/programming to where we could see the ISO, but there was no "reply" or "start new thread" buttons on the providers end.

Attempted and proven not to work. Originally Posted by bbkid
I didn't know that.

What's funny is the whores that post their weekend ad at the end of the weekend." Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Whores do that? Shameful I say! SHAMEFUL!

She may be selfish but she is damn sure more honest than the rest of us selfish fuckers!
. Originally Posted by WTF
I have no clue what you are talking about. I find you to be one of the most honest fuckers here.
SpiceItUp's Avatar

Yep, your point about violations pushing other ads posted in good faith out of the way is why I was comparing the future of ECCIE ads to BP if we just let stuff like this go. It could become one big free-for-all pile, and I don't mean orgy.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
You're exactly right Fancy. This will not be allowed to become Backpage where providers can just post ads whenever they wish. If a provider demonstrates herself to be unwilling to comply with the Ad guidelines her status as a VP can and will be revoked until she decides she's ready to follow the rules.

So though the violations are themselves worth only 1 point, we have other ways to ensure compliance.

As before, thanks for helping the moderators stay on top of repeat violators via the RTM function or threads like these. It is appreciated. Sorry if we get behind the curve sometimes.
dearhunter's Avatar
Get a rope
dtymh55's Avatar
'Well said Mr Spice, Ms Fancy, And Ms Brook. Ms Renee's attitude does not work here. I wouldn't fly in aviation, As the F.A.A. would quickly suspend or revoke any license she would happen to hold. IJS.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Now if we can get rid of all of the dumbass little icons embedded within the legit postings... its becoming backpage already with that shit.

But wait... i guess that way one could "weed out" the ones who are likely managed cause ya know they think thats appealing..... nevermind. Carry on.
TryWeakly's Avatar


Oh! One last thought as far as openly advertising bareback full-service my business has gone up not down ... Originally Posted by Renee Rouge
^ this is a danger to the community. Glad thats workin out for ya....

What's funny is the whores that post their weekend ad at the end of the weekend." Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I've said this a 1,000 times! I'm an ARBYS girl now! They have the meat!

Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

Never been. Guess I'm missing out?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I like reading how some people tell others they should follow the rules when they pick and choose which rules to follow in life. But, life is different on a SHMB. It's not like driving without a license or not paying your fines. Or accepting money for "time and companionship only". I am sure that none of you have ever exceeded the speed limit or failed to come to a complete stop at a stop sign. I could get into other aspects of life where almost all have failed to "follow the rules" but this threAD isn't the place to argue about your innocence or guilt.

There are many of you that would readily limit who could or should be allowed to, not just post, but be a member here. Some of you would rather this be an all male site with no women or wanna be women allowed. There are some that openly bash a provider that advertises bbfs but probably have seen a number of ladies that do it but do not advertise it. Which is worse? that was a rhetorical question for those of you that thinck you should answer the query.

Should everybody follow the guidelines to the best of their ability,? Yes they should but that does not mean they will. To thinck that the site has moderators watching for every infraction 24/7 is a little on the OCD side of things. This is a SHMB and not a totalitarian community where everybody is watched all of the time in order to hand out punishment at ever little misstep along the way.

I do find it interesting how so many people bitch and complain about something they get for free.
dearhunter's Avatar
I never complain about free modtard pussy.