Remember the Promise? You Can Keep Your Health Care?

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  • Doove
  • 07-26-2012, 06:43 PM
Gees, you can make a mountain out a mole hill. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And he didn't even need to take a quote out of context to do it.
Can you go as an individual into the insurance market, and get a better deal than what you have with most employer sponsored group plans?

Maybe if you are 23YO with no medical problems. Originally Posted by Submodo
I said this to the above poster.

The answer is no; you can't. Every six months to a year I'm out shopping for a new health care policy. But this is what Obamacare has given us. The statistics I've read is that 10% of employers will drop the company provided insurance programs and opt for the fines. And what about the millions of Americans that have to go out and buy healthcare on the open market or pay their tax? What deals are they going to get?

BTW, if it is a mandatory thingie now, and companies are providing it, why aren't those with company compensated insurance plans being taxed on said compensation? I thought Obama was for spreading the wealth around, or would taxing one's TRUE income upset his health care applecart? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
The OP’s article was about 10% of employers that offer insurance will drop insurance and pay the fine because it will cost them less. Therefore 10% of Americans that are now insured will now have to shop their own insurance on the open market like I do. Obamacare has given those Americans insurance that is not only more expensive, but the more expensive insurance will go up on their policy anniversary and the insured birthday(s). Follow along.

I understand that many so-called liberal men are a loath to listen to uppity women with differing opinions than themselves. You are socially engineered to try to force the errant woman(en) into capitulating that you are indeed correct due to your maleness. You can’t help it really; and it’s one of the reasons I let it slide to some degree. Context, lezzie crush and all your antics are simply a ploy to get a little ole woman that you were attracted to in the beginning but was uppity enough to not only disagree with you, but disagree with you in public.

So, in closing, I don’t agree with you that Obama’s statement, in his fake Southern preacher accent, that you didn’t do it yourself comment was out of context. The government building infrastructure isn’t help. Help is Section 8 housing or foodstamps. Building roads and the like is their function, and a function I might add, that we PAY for. And I don’t dislike Obama because he’s I think secretly he’s qualified. Shed your social conditioning; it’s unbecoming.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 04:53 PM
And I don’t dislike Obama because he’s I think secretly he’s qualified.


And I don’t dislike Obama because he’s I think secretly he’s qualified.


lol Originally Posted by CJ7
Doove will be so disappointed that you don't read his posts.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 05:08 PM
Doove will be so disappointed that you don't read his posts. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

dont tell me, I took your words out of context?
dont tell me, I took your words out of context? Originally Posted by CJ7
red dog bites rabid pregnant nun.

I've got a Friday night to live Baby.
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  • Doove
  • 07-27-2012, 06:51 PM
The government building infrastructure isn’t help. Help is Section 8 housing or foodstamps. Building roads and the like is their function, and a function I might add, that we PAY for. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Talk about splitting hairs. You're flailing.

And I don’t dislike Obama because he’s I think secretly he’s qualified.


lol Originally Posted by CJ7
Doove will be so disappointed that you don't read his posts. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I don't see how his reading my posts would make your statement any more coherent.