
And say good by to ALL federal agencies in their state, including Border patrol, Customs agents who inspect all stuff coming into their ports..

They've been making that claim for a decade or more, and we are still awaiting it to hit! Originally Posted by garhkal
I remember back in the 80's people talked about the possibility of a major hurricane hitting New Orleans and the mayhem it would leave in it's wake. Then of course there were those who would say "Oh my grand daddy use say that back in the sixties" and laugh. Then one night in 2005 it happened. Never underestimate the power of nature. We know Earthquakes occur on the west coast there is nothing to prevent a major catastrophic one that covers hundreds of miles. It would affect the whole country to one extent or another.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
California doesn't have to worry about separating itself from the union. Nature will take care of that for them. A major catastrophic earthquake has been predicted for quite some time now. It's not a matter of if but when such a quake hits the west coast. Thousands will be killed and millions will be misplaced from Oregon to southern California. An event of this magnitude would render the entire west coast uninhabitable for months. This is a real threat and its coming.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
don't forget the Yellowstone national park super-volcano. they are having alot of small earthquakes.

one thing I've noticed is that when one area has an earthquake hit in one part of the world, a volcono becomes actives/or erupts or gets an earthquake on the other side of the world.
don't forget the Yellowstone national park super-volcano. they are having alot of small earthquakes.

one thing I've noticed is that when one area has an earthquake hit in one part of the world, a volcono becomes actives/or erupts or gets an earthquake on the other side of the world. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Well that must be how nature communicates, lol.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Well that must be how nature communicates, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

I don't know about that.

I do know that when a strong earthquake hits, its sends its wave vibration through the earth to the other side triggering or setting off any faults (big or small) in its path triggering an earthquake or volcanic eruption. it takes about a few days for the reaction to take place.

when Japan had its major earthquake a few years ago, a volcano in south america erupted few days later if I remember right.
I don't know about that.

I do know that when a strong earthquake hits, its sends its wave vibration through the earth to the other side triggering or setting off any faults (big or small) in its path triggering an earthquake or volcanic eruption. it takes about a few days for the reaction to take place.

when Japan had its major earthquake a few years ago, a volcano in south america erupted few days later if I remember right. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's correct. Earthquakes send off Tsunamis and Volcanoes. The earth is shaking due to the faults shaking and moving there's a lot of pressure that has been built up and is now being released so that affects bodies of water and volcanic activity within the fault zone and thousands of miles away from it.

don't forget the Yellowstone national park super-volcano. they are having alot of small earthquakes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I've seen a discovery like tv show that did a hypothetical if that whole Coldera went up.. AND it wasn't pretty..
I've seen a discovery like tv show that did a hypothetical if that whole Coldera went up.. AND it wasn't pretty.. Originally Posted by garhkal
The video below is what I am referring to. It's the Cascadia Subduction Zone. If a Earth quake occurs in that location scientists claim it will more than likely be a major one registering between 9.2 and 9.5 on the Richter Scale. They claim this fault erupts like every 200 to 250 years the last one was like 1700 so we are over 65 years over due for something like this again. The West coast is much more inhabited than it was 250 years ago. If this plays out in the near future it's going to be really bad. So California might want to hold out exiting the union they will need some serious Federal assistance.

LexusLover's Avatar
don't forget the Yellowstone national park super-volcano. ... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I remember the large earthquake that affected "Old Faithful" ... and wrecked havoc on Idaho. There was not 24/7 TV news coverage.

As for New Orleans and all the predictions ... that's why Louisiana got a LARGE FEDERAL GRANT, which evaporated into the wallets of the Louisiana politicians long before Katrina hit.....and it was for the purpose of "studying" ways to improve the Mississippi delta to thwart any impact of a major hurricane making landfall in that area ... as well as a more effective dike/levee system to contain surge.

$800 million? Or was it ONLY $600 MILLION?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
4 over 4 60 miles from me last night

and fracting has been reduced greatly
LexusLover's Avatar
Californians don't really want to be independent of the U.S. They want to be able to do whatever they want in the Country of California and have the U.S. taxpayers cover the "over runs" on the costs of their bullshit with Federal foreign aid!

Unfortunately, it would add another 1,500 to 2,000 miles of fence, and all the films made there would be considered "foreign films" (not to mention the "foreign wine" business)!

No longer "domestic wines" .... "imported wines"!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-03-2017, 11:59 AM
And you, as a recipient of federal funds ear-marked for project codes designated to activities at Redstone Arsenal, live exactly where, Old-THUMPER? Do you call Alabama home as you collect your fees from those funds you mendaciously suggest benefit only Alabamans, Old-THUMPER?
IBLiar at it again. Did I ever say that federal money spent at/for Redstone was paid in Alabama RedBacks that could not leave the state. But you, in your typical misdirecting way want to make it seem that the mean northern carpetbaggers are stealing all that money from the Good Ol' Boys in Alabama who deserve it. As you are quite aware--but loath to admit--support contracts and inter-agency transfers for ANY base or major project can "buy" support from people from any state, but the MAJORITY of those dollars pay Huntsville area people who feed the Huntsville area economy.

How much Ohio commerce depends on Mississippi River levees being maintained all the way to the mouth of the Mississippi River, Old-THUMPER? Are you suggesting that the Army Corp of Engineers is maintaining levees only for folks living in Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, Old-THUMPER?
Of course not IBBlithering. But why is the Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg rather than St Louis or Minneapolis? MS was better at P.O.R.K. production than MO or MN.

Why is the NASA part of Redstone there, and not in some remote and less populated area like eastern NM, which made more sense given the explosive potential for damage by experiments gone wrong? Southern-fried P.O.R.K. Southerners in general are just better at P.O.R.K. than most anyone else. I will spot you WV and Alaska, but then Alaska learned from the south.

How much Illinois corn or Kansas wheat is shipped down the Mississippi River destined for foreign markets, Old-THUMPER?
How much southern Mississippi river commerce depends upon Midwest grain? It goes both ways--and I never said it didn't. YOU are the one who constantly tries to ignore reality and only see the parts you want: "southern superiority saves the northerners yet again". No, it is a symbiotic relationship, both benefit. I never said otherwise.

But though all that, the reality is that the most net Fed $$ per capita states are dominated by the southern states.

How much of the United State's Strategic Petroleum Reserves are stored in salt domes in Cleveland, Old-THUMPER? Fuck your mendacious misrepresentation of the facts, you equivocating liar. You and Andy the Little Nazi Boy can go fuck yourselves in the ass, Old-THUMPER.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I hope you are keeping up with your seizure meds, because you sound like you are headed to a meltdown. I didn't misrepresent the facts, I made a simple comment about one fact. You are the one who wants to ignore facts that don't fit your pro-Confederacy, evil-Northerner mindset.

PS: Just because Andy and I think you are wrong 99% of the time does NOT mean he and I agree on much else.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I hope you are keeping up with your seizure meds, because you sound like you are headed to a meltdown. I didn't misrepresent the facts, I made a simple comment about one fact. You are the one who wants to ignore facts that don't fit your pro-Confederacy, evil-Northerner mindset.

PS: Just because Andy and I think you are wrong 99% of the time does NOT mean he and I agree on much else.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You'd be the demonstrable liar, Old-THUMPER, because you obviously introduced the topic for nefarious reasons that stem from your wholly false and retarded notion that you are innately superior to anyone who resides in the South, Old-THUMPER. And it's the "NIMBY" sentiments of jackass liberals like you and not "PORK" that has been the major reason why so many military bases and oil reserves are located in the South, Old-THUMPER. And building levees in new New Mexico to preserve Ohio river commerce on the Mississippi River would only make good fiscal sense to a hateful jackass like you, Old-THUMPER.
Californians don't really want to be independent of the U.S. They want to be able to do whatever they want in the Country of California and have the U.S. taxpayers cover the "over runs" on the costs of their bullshit with Federal foreign aid!

Unfortunately, it would add another 1,500 to 2,000 miles of fence, and all the films made there would be considered "foreign films" (not to mention the "foreign wine" business)!

No longer "domestic wines" .... "imported wines"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
you know about cjohnny54 stolen money for wine storage and clubs/bars too

I hope you are keeping up with your seizure meds, because you sound like you are headed to a meltdown. I didn't misrepresent the facts, I made a simple comment about one fact. You are the one who wants to ignore facts that don't fit your pro-Confederacy, evil-Northerner mindset.

PS: Just because Andy and I think you are wrong 99% of the time does NOT mean he and I agree on much else.
Originally Posted by Old-T
other call them evil cause they stole lots of money via stock market con / scam that any software programming and a person very good in statistic/analysing/# can do with a program
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-03-2017, 02:21 PM
Yep, the IBMeltdown is underway.

Why is the NASA part of Redstone there, and not in some remote and less populated area like eastern NM, which made more sense given the explosive potential for damage by experiments gone wrong? Southern-fried P.O.R.K. Southerners in general are just better at P.O.R.K. than most anyone else. I will spot you WV and Alaska, but then Alaska learned from the south. Originally Posted by Old-T
Obviously rocket related experiments. You know, von Braun, Paperclip, big unstable BOOM.

You'd be the demonstrable liar, Old-THUMPER, because you obviously introduced the topic for nefarious reasons that stem from your wholly false and retarded notion that you are innately superior to anyone who resides in the South, Old-THUMPER. And it's the "NIMBY" sentiments of jackass liberals like you and not "PORK" that has been the major reason why so many military bases and oil reserves are located in the South, Old-THUMPER. And building levees in new New Mexico to preserve Ohio river commerce on the Mississippi River would only make good fiscal sense to a hateful jackass like you, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh my! IB can't distinguish Ohio from Mississippi from New Mexico. And he can't tell the difference between rockets and floods. Was that the result of your home schooled education?

But you are delusional enough to think you can tell why I made a post. Most INTELLIGENT and HONEST people would look at the comment I quoted and see the OBVIOUS fact that gfe introduced the topic of Fed money to states. I just responded to it. But then YOU, with your undeveloped sense of self-confidence and your grossly overdeveloped sense of deceiving and Confederate sympathizing can't stand the fact that many southern states are getting $$$ from the hated federal gov't. So you ignore reality and spin and spin and spin--hoping to make everyone as dizzy as you naturally are.

I have no belief that I am "innately superior to anyone who resides in the South". Only innately superior to some of the posters on here. You, for example. I have similar feelings towards the true liberal LWWs who have difficulty seeing reality (Bernie), or who are deranged, evil, psychopaths (Hillary)--the difference is the LWWs are an endangered species on here, far outnumbered by the RWWs.

As to whether most bases in the south are P.O.R.K. or exiles, look at who sponsors most the funding lines for them. Look at who browbeat DoD about cutting bases in BRAC. Very few cases of northern (or central, or western) congressmen yelling and screaming to evict bases from their areas. Ted K was a crazed fanatic threatening anyone and everyone if Hanscom was touched. The entire NY delegation ambushed General Yates when he suggested closing Rome AFB. The only reason Los Angeles AFS and Ft MacArthur remain open is the CA congressional P.O.R.K. Battalion. Did you follow the threats of serious budgetary harm by the TX delegation when DoD wanted to close some of the SEVEN bases in San Antonio alone?

No, in far too many cases bases are the P.O.R.K. Victory Trophies. The south is just far better at that game than the rest of the US (and many states are, in truth, envious of the south's skill at P.O.R.K.). But you would rather ignore that and make up another Evil North, Courageous, Virtuous South fiction.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-03-2017, 02:26 PM
Greeting Gentlemen of high standards, .... Originally Posted by Anastasia479
Dear young lady, you are obviously new to ECCIE. While there actually are gentlemen of high standards on the board, the denizens of the swamp called the Political Forum are either not actually gentlemen (those who ONLY swim in this swamp), or they put aside most their gentlemanly qualities when the venture in here.

Suggest you would be better served posting almost anywhere else on ECCIE. And if you want to get a sense of what a guy is actually like, read his posts on the rest of the site--but be forewarned that when they (or anyone) ventures into this section of ECCIE strange beliefs and actions take over their minds.

Good luck.