Southern voters confidence in the American dream my hurt DEMS in 2020

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So says the one who the week before the 2016 Fall Fiasco predicted there was no way Trump could beat HillariousNoMore.

Or was that the Russian Scene"

AE .... just for your edification and comfort zone!

AE.... I was wrong ... it was a couple of weeks ...

Russian collusion slammed dunked her ass in 14 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That should scare the shit out of any Dumbocrat!!!!!!!!!!!

Even the Democrat who is in the White House now. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And I was the most accurate predictor of the 2018 midterm elections on this forum. You tend to forget that. You also tend to forget that you stand on the sidelines when just about everyone else on this forum predicts the outcome of the races. Then criticize others for their mistakes. Typical.
bambino's Avatar
And I was the most accurate predictor of the 2018 midterm elections on this forum. You tend to forget that. You also tend to forget that you stand on the sidelines when just about everyone else on this forum predicts the outcome of the races. Then criticize others for their mistakes. Typical. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You weren’t the most accurate predictor on this site. I posted the poll. Quite a few people picked the Dems winning the house and Republicans keeping the Senate.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I did't know that calling someone a socialist was name the word socialist a pejorative...that's a new one to me??

Sad when people aren't proud of their philosophy...wonder why??
You can refer to me as a Conservative...I'm proud of that.
You SAID you're now a Democrap...they are the Socialist party...higher taxes, bigger, bloated and more intrusive Gumment PERIOD!!
Medicare is going to become insolvent sooner the expected.(Gumment run with rampant abuse)
Medicaid is just indigent healthcare.(Gumment run with rampant abuse)
Excellent examples you "FIRMLY" support SPEED.

I posted the quote about Bitten saying we need to build more healthcare facilities for the indigent selectively left that out and anything that doesn't fit your templet.

You obviously support Obummercare and that is FAILED Gumment controlled healthcare...AKA socialism.
SPEED you can be whatever you want to be, but with all your support of BIG Gumment leaves little doubt.
Nice try though SPEED...I understand why you would take offense at being called a socialist.
I WOULD TOt dO!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I would be proud to be a socialist if I was one. You have absolutely NO idea what socialism is and continue to accuse anyone who does not support Trump of being a socialist. I do not support higher taxes. I do not support more government involvement in my life.

Medicare is a fantastic program. I have no idea what you have against it. iIt is NOT socialism. I have no problem with Medicare for All if it was economically feasible. It isn't. Medicaid helps those who need help. I have never used Medicaid but I most certainly support it. There are many people in this country who need a helping hand at times, not a handout, and I have no problem with part of my taxes going to help them.

I support Obamacare until something better is proposed to replace it. Republicans have had 9 years to come up with a superior plan and have failed to do so. Don't blame Democrats for that. And Obamacare is NOT socialism. If you believe that it is, you are once again showing your ignorance as to what is and what is not socialism.

I do disagree with Biden's statement that more clinics should be built around the country and imply that they would be only for illegal immigrants. I do support the spending of money to care for those illegal immigrants at the border. That is why Congress just approved $4.5 billion in part for that support. As requested by Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
And I was the most accurate predictor of the 2018 midterm elections on this forum. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Just the FACT that you would compare midterms to POTUS elections demonstrates how ignorant you are. Have you ever ramrodded a campaign other than "most popular" in junior high?

Let me answer it for you: Fuck No! Get over yourself, amateur.
LexusLover's Avatar
You weren’t the most accurate predictor on this site. I posted the poll. Quite a few people picked the Dems winning the house and Republicans keeping the Senate. Originally Posted by bambino
That's how carpetbaggers are. That's why Texas has the Constitution it does, like most Southern states. To neuter the uppity Yankees from sticking their snotty noses in our business.

I predict the Sun will rise in the East tomorrow!

10-20-2016, 08:03 AM #21

This election is OVER. Republicans should start focusing on 2020. Unless a bomb hits between now and November 8th there is no way Trump can overcome the lead that Clinton has in the polls. For those of you who are still not believing the polls . . . we'll see in a handful of days how accurate they are.
The Trump Bomb HIT!

Here's what Speedo PREDICTED!!!!!!!!!!! The "blue wave"!!!!!....
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You weren’t the most accurate predictor on this site. I posted the poll. Quite a few people picked the Dems winning the house and Republicans keeping the Senate. Originally Posted by bambino
You could very well be correct. I would like to know who was MORE accurate than I was. I would appreciate it if you would post the poll again if possible. I do not remember the prediction of each poster on this forum almost 3 years ago. I do remember most Trump supporters on this forum predicting that Republicans would hold the House with some predicting a net gain for Republicans. I remember Yssup predicting Democrats would win back both the House and the Senate. I remember at least 2 Trump supporters changed their opinions at the last moment when it became fairly obvious, even to Trump, that Democrats would win back the House.

I predicted the Democrats winning back the House. I gave a fairly high probability to the Democrats winning back 35-40 seats.

I predicted a net loss of 1 Senate seat by Democrats. My miss was expecting Nelson to hold his seat in Florida. He lost by 2 tenths of 1 per cent.

If anyone's predictions were more accurate, I'd like to know who it was.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Just the FACT that you would compare midterms to POTUS elections demonstrates how ignorant you are. Have you ever ramrodded a campaign other than "most popular" in junior high?

Let me answer it for you: Fuck No! Get over yourself, amateur. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You sat on the sidelines. No balls. Then you criticize others. Typical.

As I've said before, I am not going to get into the gutter with you. If you deem it necessary to make your feeble attempts to disparage others, go for it.
bambino's Avatar
You could very well be correct. I would like to know who was MORE accurate than I was. I would appreciate it if you would post the poll again if possible. I do not remember the prediction of each poster on this forum almost 3 years ago. I do remember most Trump supporters on this forum predicting that Republicans would hold the House with some predicting a net gain for Republicans. I remember Yssup predicting Democrats would win back both the House and the Senate. I remember at least 2 Trump supporters changed their opinions at the last moment when it became fairly obvious, even to Trump, that Democrats would win back the House.

I predicted the Democrats winning back the House. I gave a fairly high probability to the Democrats winning back 35-40 seats.

I predicted a net loss of 1 Senate seat by Democrats. My miss was expecting Nelson to hold his seat in Florida. He lost by 2 tenths of 1 per cent.

If anyone's predictions were more accurate, I'd like to know who it was. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You’re the poll expert. You find it. Prove your claims.
LexusLover's Avatar
You sat on the sidelines. No balls. Then you criticize others. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You've been "on the bench" all your life ... loud-mouthed ...

You've never run for public office and never run a campaign for anyone running for public office. I doubt you even worked a poll!

Bloviating on a hooker blog based on OTHERS' POLLS is NOT PARTICIPATION ... you are stupid insulting know-nothing dressing down another poster for her lack of knowledge .... being loud is NOT KNOWING ... THAT'S ALL YOU ARE. LOUD!
LexusLover's Avatar
You’re the poll expert. You find it. Prove your claims. Originally Posted by bambino
He's an expert at quoting others' polls!!!! He's never run a poll, doesn't know beans about them, and just regurgitates what others report. They made a movie about him ...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You’re the poll expert. You find it. Prove your claims. Originally Posted by bambino
It was YOUR poll. Not mine. I remember my predictions very accurately. My guess is that you predicted Republicans holding the House, and possibly increasing their majority. I'll stand by my statement that I was the most accurate predictor on this forum of the 2018 midterm elections until you or someone else can prove me wrong.
bambino's Avatar
It was YOUR poll. Not mine. I remember my predictions very accurately. My guess is that you predicted Republicans holding the House, and possibly increasing their majority. I'll stand by my statement that I was the most accurate predictor on this forum of the 2018 midterm elections until you or someone else can prove me wrong. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
As long as you’re convinced............
I would be proud to be a socialist if I was one. You have absolutely NO idea what socialism is and continue to accuse anyone who does not support Trump of being a socialist. I do not support higher taxes. I do not support more government involvement in my life.

Medicare is a fantastic program. I have no idea what you have against it. iIt is NOT socialism. I have no problem with Medicare for All if it was economically feasible. It isn't. Medicaid helps those who need help. I have never used Medicaid but I most certainly support it. There are many people in this country who need a helping hand at times, not a handout, and I have no problem with part of my taxes going to help them.

I support Obamacare until something better is proposed to replace it. Republicans have had 9 years to come up with a superior plan and have failed to do so. Don't blame Democrats for that. And Obamacare is NOT socialism. If you believe that it is, you are once again showing your ignorance as to what is and what is not socialism.

I do disagree with Biden's statement that more clinics should be built around the country and imply that they would be only for illegal immigrants. I do support the spending of money to care for those illegal immigrants at the border. That is why Congress just approved $4.5 billion in part for that support. As requested by Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Face it, it's all about likability. Trump has done many good things, but he's an asshole and many people don't like him. I would much rather have a president who is a jerk and knows what he's doing than have a president who is likable and personable to the people but has no clue what the hell he's doing.
LexusLover's Avatar
Face it, it's all about likability. Trump has done many good things, but he's an asshole and many people don't like him. I would much rather have a president who is a jerk and knows what he's doing than have a president who is likable and personable to the people but has no clue what the hell he's doing. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Or one who has to deploy the "race card" to keep critics quiet! Little Speedo runs his life on polls. No original thinking. Just polls.

The flaws in relying on polls include: defective/outdated samples, defective/biased questions, and defective/biased interpretations.

Example: John Kerry in 2004 relying on the exit polls in Ohio as "proof" he was winning. He went "home" to get ready for the victory party!

HillariousNoMore had her wine ready in the room to celebrate her "shoe in" victory over ..... THE PRESIDENT!

Speedo made the same ignorant mistake HillariousNoMore did .... watching defective polls. I realize he wants to change the subject, but there was NO BLUE WAVE ... The Republicans control the Senate ... A President ALWAYS prefers to control the Senate ... whatever stupid shit the House passes must get through the Senate, and all his appointments go through the Senate ..... even with the spurious allegations and whimpering by the "other party"! Besides look at the loudmouthed trash the "blue ripple" brought to the House. Some victory!
LexusLover's Avatar
... My guess is ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

And boy did the EXPERT "guess" right...............