How not to close a thread...

another illegitimate closing Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Mojo I'm on my PDA and your response was too long edit so I am going to say this here. If you bothered to read that alert it is not just for the VP on this site, but for the new ladies, which is whom this Predator targets. I hardly go onto the ladies area myself, let alone the city specifics. I would ask you to reevaluate the Webster bust more important than this?look around you and you will find your answer. This is a slippery slope we are headed down, one leads with authority tempered with the respect of its members, as well as a good measure of fairness and the confidence of being competent. These are the ingredients lacking here... I'm just sitting by the tracks waiting for the train wreck is know is about to happen because no one threw the switch.
The refusal to ban Jasmine is a joke. We all know Sofia and AD are doing all the posting behind that handle. A major rule infraction, day in and day out.

Its sad because I used to refer clients, on a weekly basis to the board who had never heard about it before... but now with the security risk know as Sofia allowed to play freely here, I keep my mouth shut.

Eccie may not care about the security, privacy & livelily hood of their members but I care about the security, privacy and lively hood of my clients. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
+1. I used to refer newbies here all the time, now not so much. Such a shame because there is some useful Info buried under the layers of bullshit. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to get me some Rosetta Stoned. I mean Stone.
The refusal to ban Jasmine is a joke. We all know Sofia and AD are doing all the posting behind that handle. A major rule infraction, day in and day out.

Its sad because I used to refer clients, on a weekly basis to the board who had never heard about it before... but now with the security risk know as Sofia allowed to play freely here, I keep my mouth shut.

Eccie may not care about the security, privacy & livelily hood of their members but I care about the security, privacy and lively hood of my clients. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Oh my God! The Love. Do not imply you know anything about Sofia and her "security" as even I do not.......I can ensure you no one has anything but rumors and innuendo about her...Your on here all day.....What will the board do without Brook's massive influx of members.....Maybe they will have to rely on the hard data they have on people getting all emotional and taking things personally to get web hits up.....Science vs. Brook's referrals...? LE are probably on the board, worry about that, not Sofia's security..........

(Forst Gump Voice) "And that's all I have to say about that"
Mods, ban them all again. They obviously haven't learned their lesson, no matter how many times you explain it to them.
If this hadn't turned into such a joke, maybe that would hurt. Just saying
This was interesting until the usual suspects dropped in and made it about them... Again.

I'd be happy to be a mod, especially since I'm heading back to the REAL sandbox in a few weeks and won't be logging on for a year or so... That'd be some shit-hot mod work right there!

So Boardman do you get special Christmas toys? I do...
This was interesting until the usual suspects dropped in and made it about them... Again. I'd be happy to be a mod, especially since I'm heading back to the REAL sandbox in a few weeks and won't be logging on for a year or so... That'd be some shit-hot mod work right there! Originally Posted by enderwiggin

I wish you my best and be safe...When will you be back? My ass just might not be so bruised from your ass kicking by then....
I wish you my best and be safe...When will you be back? My ass just might not be so bruised from your ass kicking by then.... Originally Posted by jasmin
I need your well-wishes like I need testicular cancer. GFY.
Hey just trying to wish you come back the famous words of DH " Don't taze me ho"!
Silly Hooker message Board.....I thinck........ Really? I would have gone with stupid. But both could apply I suppose. Still kind of mean though, one of those things that goes without saying. Thank god for managers keeping them straight otherwise we'd all be in trouble.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Just being honest.

Brook and I may not be the best of buddies, but I do trust her.

Jasmin, sofia, et al, I don't trust any further than I can throw them.

There it is.
Well everyone trust you, oh I know, do a review and build some ladies can trust you. Just being honest. Without reviews your not worth it to me for points or much else.
boardman's Avatar

So Boardman do you get special Christmas toys? I do... Originally Posted by jasmin
All my ATF's let me play with their toys. It's good enough for me.
dearhunter's Avatar
I trust DJ