No Justice In The Hobby/Provider Stand Point

Same as Motor, I had a great time with Katy. I'm one of the guys that has seen the breasts and I loved them - I very sincerely believe she has no reason to be so self conscious but she is and my thought is we're all probably self conscious about something so I understand why she keeps the bra on.

Agree however the hole digging needs to stop on her end - VERY few times do you see a provider fight a No review here publicly and win. Then others that didn't have a great time but didn't do a review pipe in and before you know it she's multiplied the bad publicity. Almost everyone gets a No now and then - my 3 favorites on here have received No reviews and I can't even imagine that of them. Not everyone clicks the same but I do believe the reviews about her and sincerely hope this is a growing pain/learning experience for her and she comes back stronger than ever. I believe Katy herself without outside issues or influences is a very, very sweet person.
Same as Motor, I had a great time with Katy. I'm one of the guys that has seen the breasts and I loved them - I very sincerely believe she has no reason to be so self conscious but she is and my thought is we're all probably self conscious about something so I understand why she keeps the bra on.

Agree however the hole digging needs to stop on her end - VERY few times do you see a provider fight a No review here publicly and win. Then others that didn't have a great time but didn't do a review pipe in and before you know it she's multiplied the bad publicity. Almost everyone gets a No now and then - my 3 favorites on here have received No reviews and I can't even imagine that of them. Not everyone clicks the same but I do believe the reviews about her and sincerely hope this is a growing pain/learning experience for her and she comes back stronger than ever. I believe Katy herself without outside issues or influences is a very, very sweet person.
Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Listen to this guy ^^^. His advice is much, much, MUCH better than you're ever gonna get from a "driver" or "homegirl" or some guy you call "an old friend from school." And whoever advised you to start this thread or to post all those comments in your recent not-so-hot reviews, never, EVER, listen to them again. That goes double if you came up with the idea on your own. The person advising you to take your current approach is an idiot.

Tone aside, my intentions are good in offering the foregoing. I've seen this play out many times before on this and similar boards, and the route you're taking inevitably leads to a one way ticket back to backpage (or worse).
  • theG
  • 01-04-2014, 06:06 PM
oh the humanity! She outed my cat and he actually loved Katy.
I had some great times with Katy and some not so great times.
Live and learn and try to be as happy as you can.
oh the humanity! She outed my cat and he actually loved Katy. Originally Posted by theG
That ^^^ is undoubtedly the most tragic part of this sad tale.

Neotek's Avatar
oh the humanity! She outed my cat and he actually loved Katy. Originally Posted by theG
I want to see a pic of your uhh...pussy. Kittehs rule!

More music to corrupt your souls! It's kinda apropos.

VNV Nation

The lighting is set, are we ready to play out the scene?
Discarding direction, instinctively playing the leads
Cast in dangerous roles, cameos of us in our lives
Try to outshine the spotlights, lines we've improvised

Precious lies, words that we say to ease our minds
Hide our face behind a mask contrived
To lose ourselves a thousand times inside
This is where we draw the line
There's nothing else to give but what you see
Only sacrifice in blood and tears

Silver flickering lights, impressions unfold on the screen
Silhouetted in half-truths, bathe in the glow of a silver dream
Living life off the stage, tragedy to victory
Shadows of past lives in the final scenes

Precious lies, words that we say to ease our minds
Hide our face behind a mask contrived
To lose ourselves a thousand times inside
This is where we draw the line
There's nothing else to give but what you see
Only sacrifice in blood and tears
Still posting that industrial Crap Neotek.. Skinny Puppy 01/31!!
Neotek's Avatar
I see what ya did there ya bastard! All I know is you're driving and buying me a t-shirt ya mofo.

Skinny Puppy
We have issues with providers too. Thank goodness there are over 500 in Dallas alone that will take their place in a heartbeat. So Katy ,just move on and kill the drama
Don't let them get to you Katy, sometimes I don't take My top off when I have sex.
So if a client can falsify reviews and assassinate a provider's livelihood then why even go by a review system if truth is not going to be enforced.
S do anyone have any suggestions on how I or this should be handled Originally Posted by Katy Taylor

Katy, I will assume that you are referencing my review since it is the latest no review. As far as the accuracy of this review I am fortunate to have your driver as a witness. I wrote two positive reviews because of the experiences at that time. I wrote this last no review because this is what happened and how it happened, not as some conspiracy to get you out of the hobby. Unfortunately I had to completely end our association based on how you handled things afterwards, and the direction that further encounters would seem to be going. I even offered the extra step of meeting with you to discuss it so that this could be handled in a more positive manner.

The best way you can handle this is 1) Be professional in your service 2) Consider this YOUR business 3) Admit to your mistakes and take responsibility 4) Treat your clients like human beings

As far as all of the other stuff you wrote, you need to review our communications. It paints a much different picture than what you are inferring to the community, unless you are talking about someone else.

All of that withstanding this was a painful review to write, and I am sorry this did not work out. I only hope that you learn from this and grow as much as I did.
Bobster36's Avatar
For the love of god......I pray that this thead be closed....
pyramider's Avatar
For what reason? It would be better to die a natural death . Closure makes people look at it more and they start wondering ...
Wow is Skinny Puppy still around? I think I saw them in 87 or 88. Front man literally passed out or something after 20 minutes, show over. Figured he was on the He drip expressway to short life/career....
How the hell did the word "driver" become a dirty word here?!? Even pvitt invited her for a drink at the bar...but for some of you guys, "driver" > "pimp" > "forced sex"...

When are some of you dumb fucks gonna realize some of these girls NEED A DRIVER/MANAGER/PIMP just to stay in this business??

Every time I see a guy posting about his distain for a DRIVER/MANAGER/PIMP makes me chuckle...because I know DAMN WELL he's seen a Provider...with a Driver. And if you haven't yet, you will if you stay in this Hobby a few years.
When are some of you dumb fucks gonna realize some of these girls NEED A DRIVER/MANAGER/PIMP just to stay in this business?? Originally Posted by Prolongus
So, are you endorsing white slavery?