Sex Ouches

Nope. Young healthy 22 year old here. I can bend/twist like a pretzel without any bruises. LOL Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Gee should we call ya gumby, lol.
I've bruised my ass from falling off a stool during a sex act. Not sure if that counts. Probably my worst one to date. Originally Posted by Shayla
Nope doesn't count. But I feel for ya.
I once pulled out, jerked off the cover, and shot semen in my own eye.....does that count ?

Burned like hell, and she laughed................damn her ! Originally Posted by Abe Normal
I would've love to have been a fly on the wall on that one. Did she tell ya " Now Ya Know How It feels", lol.
Serious rug burn on knees, elbows. But worth every bit of the pain.

I like Skylar's advice: Fuck through the pain. If athletes can "walk it off" I'd suggest we can fuck it off. Originally Posted by SlowHand50
You'tre not an athlete and you're not getting a multimillion dollar contract. So you're permitted to scream and holler.
gimme_that's Avatar
I once had this hoody hood chick with long nails she just got done jump on top and reach for my member to put it inside of her. Well we had sex......but I didn't notice until after we had sex that she mistakeny cut a vein on my penis with her nails. We were using lube and I guess her fingers slipped. I just thought she was really wet.........

It didn't take long to heal maybe a week or two. But I was scared shitless going to the hospital. But they just gave me some neosporin and they said because it was a very vaseous area, it would heal quickly.
It didn't take long to heal maybe a week or two. But I was scared shitless going to the hospital. But they just gave me some neosporin and they said because it was a very vaseous area, it would heal quickly. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Yeah, but what was the result of the tests (for both of you) with the danger of blood borne diseases and all?
gimme_that's Avatar
Yeah, but what was the result of the tests (for both of you) with the danger of blood borne diseases and all? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Dude this happened years ago. I've been tested probably a double digit number of times over 20 since then since its required for my job. Start a new thread about HIV and dieseases......someone will chime in I'm sure. I'm healthy, take care of myself, and don't lead the lecture.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Hmmmm no bruised anus huh?
burkalini's Avatar
If you're getting hurt during sex, you're not good at. Bottom line. Originally Posted by acp5762

Anyone thats never had a scrape or a accident during sex is boring in my mind. Ok now Lay down and open legs please. I will commence thrusting now. Are you ok and safe? Did you enjoy that? I'm going to sleep now. Gimme a break.
Still Looking's Avatar
If you're getting hurt during sex, you're not good at. Bottom line. Originally Posted by acp5762
That has nothing to do with sex. Thats the bottle of Merlot you shared before ya got to the bedroom. Play sober dude, lol. Originally Posted by acp5762
Gee should we call ya gumby, lol. Originally Posted by acp5762
Nope doesn't count. But I feel for ya. Originally Posted by acp5762
I would've love to have been a fly on the wall on that one. Did she tell ya " Now Ya Know How It feels", lol. Originally Posted by acp5762
You'tre not an athlete and you're not getting a multimillion dollar contract. So you're permitted to scream and holler. Originally Posted by acp5762
Some needs to show you how to use the MultiQuote button! LOL
Have you ever suffered broke dick. I had a gal in the CG position once going up and down at high speed. She was doing a great job. She misjudged and rose too high. Now my dick is so hard I could bend steel with it. She kinda leans foward just as she comes off my cock and it comes down and it hits her square in the pubic bone. She fucking screams in pain and I thought my cock was broke forever. I must say it was a memorable time for both of us. Originally Posted by burkalini
Dam she misguaged ya. That would really hurt.
I once had this hoody hood chick with long nails she just got done jump on top and reach for my member to put it inside of her. Well we had sex......but I didn't notice until after we had sex that she mistakeny cut a vein on my penis with her nails. We were using lube and I guess her fingers slipped. I just thought she was really wet.........

It didn't take long to heal maybe a week or two. But I was scared shitless going to the hospital. But they just gave me some neosporin and they said because it was a very vaseous area, it would heal quickly. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Ah man, I bet that hurt like hell once ya took a shower.
Madame X's Avatar
I'm pretty flexible, and have a dangerously high pain tolerance even without the extra sex endorphins, so if I hurt myself during the act I usually don't notice until I'm looking over myself after. I generally take precautions against carpet burns these days because they are itchy when they heal, and though I'm a fan of biting most men know better than to leave teeth marks. I broke my toe once with a college boyfriend... no idea how.

However, I have done quite the number on furniture, it usually breaks before I do. You'd think they'd know enough to build beds for fucking, right?

~Mme X~
blk07lac's Avatar
I used to secretly see a coworker from time to time and man when it got to feeling good to her she would bite and pinch the fuck out of me until I was purple... It hurt but for some reason I could fuck her for hours without finishing... Is that a fetish?
Still Looking's Avatar
I used to secretly see a coworker from time to time and man when it got to feeling good to her she would bite and pinch the fuck out of me until I was purple... It hurt but for some reason I could fuck her for hours without finishing... Is that a fetish? Originally Posted by blk07lac
Were pliars involved?