Is it disrespectful for a lady to make light of our jobs?

Guest012211-3's Avatar
Hey, I recently had a guy tell me that he sold toilet paper for a living. I don't know if it's true or not ( don't care) but it sure was funny!

A job is a job is a job...these days no one really has the right to comment either way.

You can be a garbage man for all I fact, it's kinda sexy the way you hang off the end of the truck...
TexTushHog's Avatar
Several comments. First, I'm rather fond of my job. Most days, at least.

Further, the gal certainly used poor judgment. You can't debate that. Whether it would be enough to cause me not to see her again or not probably depends no how good she was in the sack. But she is, indeed, biting the hand that feeds her and running a very real risk of offending or demeaning her customer, who in fact may well be quite proud of his job. Why risk a pissing off a customer thing by saying something negative when it benefits her not one whit?
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Hey, I recently had a guy tell me that he sold toilet paper for a living. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
That's a load of crap!

Sorry, couldn't resist... :P
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I always view someone giving their opinion about me or about something about me as this..

Their opinion can only bother me if I gave a shit what they thought, I don't, so it doesn't...
Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
That's a philosophy I have always had... If you let someone who is a stranger or even a casual aquaintance have that much power over you that would get upset over something they said then you need to step back and examine yourself. I care about what a core group of people who I have known all my life think about me. The rest don't matter...
I believe that if you don't enjoy what you do for a living then you should change it because your performance is critical to everyone involved and if negative energy is in the air it makes it that much harder for all persons to be happy or satisfied with the outcome.
I believe that if you don't enjoy what you do for a living then you should change it because your performance is critical to everyone involved and if negative energy is in the air it makes it that much harder for all persons to be happy or satisfied with the outcome. Originally Posted by JennyGirl
That's the kind of advice that I hate seeing passed out, especially to young adults fresh out of college. If you're one of the lucky few who has a job that you enjoy, more power to ya. The overwhelming majority of working adults are in jobs they either hate or simply tolerate because they have families to support, bills to pay and obligations to meet, NOT because they think work is fun and enjoyable.

It's all well and good to encourage people to follow their dreams, but at some point the hard facts of life kick in and they should start worrying more about staying fed and housed rather then having a job that's fun to them. Besides, if no one ever did the "unsexy" jobs, there would be no roads, bridges, buildings, Internet, etc., etc., etc.
Hercules's Avatar
I have known her a while so that's why it stung. If it was a first date comment I wouldn't have cared as much.

I've always respected a lady's choices in this life-style. So a smart-assed cut at what I do just seemed hypocritical.
Any job is a respectable one so long as it pays the rent, doesn't cause harm to others and provides you with the basics of life. Anyone that critiizes someone else's means to make a living is the a pitiful fool.
pmdelites's Avatar
That's the kind of advice that I hate seeing passed out, especially to young adults fresh out of college. If you're one of the lucky few who has a job that you enjoy, more power to ya. The overwhelming majority of working adults are in jobs they either hate or simply tolerate because they have families to support, bills to pay and obligations to meet, NOT because they think work is fun and enjoyable.

It's all well and good to encourage people to follow their dreams, but at some point the hard facts of life kick in and they should start worrying more about staying fed and housed rather then having a job that's fun to them. Besides, if no one ever did the "unsexy" jobs, there would be no roads, bridges, buildings, Internet, etc., etc., etc. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
come on, he said "I believe that if you don't enjoy what you do for a living then you should change it because your performance is critical to everyone involved and if negative energy is in the air it makes it that much harder for all persons to be happy or satisfied with the outcome."

enjoying something, hating something, and having fun at something are very different but related. one can, in the right frame of mind, enjoy something even if they hate it and not have fun doing it. and one can not enjoy something even if they love it and are having fun. any of these combinations are possible.

no matter what you do in your life, you can either enjoy it or not enjoy it, love it or hate it, have fun doing it or not. from my view of the world, if you dont enjoy it, love/like it, or have fun doing it, then hopefully you can do something about it or get to a place where you can enjoy/love/have-fun-at it or find another thing that you can enjoy/love/have-fun-at.

true, there are lots of people in situations where they dont have the abilities or education or skills or opportunities to change things, but that is a different question. i imagine that if you went and asked people that dont enjoy their situation if they would like to change it, most would say "YES". if you asked if they knew how to change it, you'd probably get a different answer.

so, educate people on the possibilities and how to get there.
Chevalier's Avatar
no matter what you do in your life, you can either enjoy it or not enjoy it, love it or hate it, have fun doing it or not. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Which is why the solution is not always to change the job; sometimes the solution is to change your attitude.
1thatgotaway's Avatar
Life it to short to waste getting upset about stupid shit someone said. Let it go.

You don't have to back if you don't want to.

What the Hell is a "sexy job", anyway?!

BobRoberts's Avatar
I can think of worse things she could have made fun of... just saying.

oh, and "Always look on the bright side of life *whistle*"
Very un-classy to say anything unflattering about someone elses job.

Woder how she would like it if you made fun of her....."job".
A lady made kind of a smart assed quip about my job being not very sexy. At first I just laughed it off. But the more I think about it the more pissed I get since my not-so-sexy job pays the bills. One of which is her.

Thoughts? Originally Posted by Hercules
I would guess it was an attempt at humor, and unless you have your own issue with your job, then it should not be an issue at all.

Relax, have a beer, and if you didn't connect with her because of that, you don't have to see her again.